Component Approved Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Matomo Base GPL-3.0-or-later 6% 69% 13,059 96,753 559,074 12,884 504 32 5
Plugin CoreAdminHome GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 51% 6,228 80,451 479,267 6,093 111 13 5
Plugin CoreHome GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 52% 4,095 44,927 258,899 4,062 80 4 1
Plugin Dashboard GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 69% 689 6,727 40,550 683 29 2 0
Plugin Installation GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 47% 5,909 66,111 420,165 4,726 298 8 1
Plugin Actions GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 62% 2,444 29,335 174,468 2,431 47 0 0
Plugin Annotations GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 66% 406 4,163 23,424 387 40 1 0
Plugin API GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 50% 468 6,759 39,869 400 14 2 1
Plugin CorePluginsAdmin GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 53% 2,812 31,903 193,152 2,764 32 0 0
Plugin CoreUpdater GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 58% 2,761 37,662 228,837 2,744 109 4 0
Plugin DevicePlugins GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 62% 152 1,947 12,028 151 1 0 0
Plugin DevicesDetection GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 52% 2,156 12,962 82,657 2,150 31 1 0
Plugin Events GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 49% 1,219 11,928 68,189 1,214 8 0 0
Plugin Feedback GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 40% 3,836 38,604 222,116 3,773 77 0 0
Plugin Goals GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 54% 4,460 41,702 243,651 4,420 37 1 3
Plugin ImageGraph GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 47% 71 887 4,797 55 8 0 0
Plugin Insights GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 49% 1,046 8,424 48,434 1,035 8 0 0
Plugin LanguagesManager GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 75% 33 79 685 33 0 0 0
Plugin Live GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 44% 2,429 26,736 151,725 2,171 39 10 1
Plugin Login GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 32% 4,506 54,479 329,291 4,201 69 0 0
Plugin Marketplace GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 40% 6,127 61,400 376,576 6,102 49 3 0
Plugin Overlay GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 55% 536 7,095 40,282 528 10 0 0
Plugin PrivacyManager GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 39% 9,527 136,613 820,273 9,410 46 1 3
Plugin Provider GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 64% 119 1,555 9,242 119 4 0 0
Plugin Referrers GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 50% 3,213 43,341 264,951 3,164 46 2 1
Plugin Resolution GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 73% 158 1,299 8,944 158 4 0 0
Plugin ScheduledReports GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 57% 1,703 15,991 92,727 1,681 30 4 0
Plugin SegmentEditor GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 44% 2,287 31,748 185,069 2,240 20 2 0
Plugin SEO GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 66% 135 981 6,311 128 1 0 1
Plugin SitesManager GPL-3.0-or-later 6% 40% 8,544 112,639 685,761 8,366 131 0 2
Plugin Transitions GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 42% 1,464 9,897 58,728 1,211 4 1 0
Plugin TwoFactorAuth GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 34% 2,340 23,504 146,998 2,140 28 0 1
Plugin UserCountry GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 43% 1,777 18,930 126,489 1,396 39 5 0
Plugin UserCountryMap GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 51% 783 5,615 34,288 703 2 6 0
Plugin UserId GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 50% 201 2,559 14,874 194 0 0 0
Plugin UserLanguage GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 53% 157 1,387 9,427 127 5 7 0
Plugin UsersManager GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 41% 9,319 120,080 714,162 9,228 92 3 1
Plugin VisitFrequency GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 55% 1,040 6,770 41,044 1,035 10 8 0
Plugin VisitorInterest GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 51% 651 6,404 36,378 422 19 1 0
Plugin VisitsSummary GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 59% 698 2,985 19,570 694 9 9 1
Plugin VisitTime GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 37% 2,049 18,170 89,594 1,814 9 0 1
Plugin WebsiteMeasurable GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 63% 73 554 3,269 66 0 0 0
Plugin Widgetize GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 37% 544 12,723 77,188 508 7 0 0
CommunityPlugin BotTracker GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 46% 1,363 4,380 25,797 1,331 10 0 2
CommunityPlugin CustomiseTranslations GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 43% 227 1,589 11,909 227 0 0 0
CommunityPlugin CustomOptOut GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 35% 429 2,940 15,761 370 8 0 0
CommunityPlugin DevelopmentToogle GPL-3.0-or-later 6% 44% 111 333 2,590 111 0 3 0
CommunityPlugin ExcludeByDDNS GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 39% 609 5,743 31,440 538 5 2 0
CommunityPlugin FlagCounter GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 49% 440 3,125 17,607 440 1 1 0
CommunityPlugin GroupPermissions GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 30% 1,207 7,217 38,133 1,202 43 24 0
CommunityPlugin IP2Location GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 35% 1,074 4,812 36,098 1,069 1 1 0
CommunityPlugin IP2Proxy GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 34% 1,313 6,668 42,209 1,305 2 0 3
CommunityPlugin IPReports GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 42% 153 309 2,113 153 0 0 0
CommunityPlugin IPtoCompany GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 35% 901 4,195 23,666 898 2 1 0
CommunityPlugin LanguageToogle GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 45% 110 442 3,016 110 0 0 0
CommunityPlugin PasswordVerifier GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 40% 120 1,640 11,680 115 4 0 0
CommunityPlugin PerformanceAudit GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 29% 4,091 36,845 236,308 4,039 10 2 1
CommunityPlugin ProfileAvatar GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 40% 240 2,088 11,764 239 0 0 0
CommunityPlugin ProtectTrackID MIT 4% 30% 702 5,112 33,355 699 0 0 0
CommunityPlugin ReferrersManager GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 46% 1,245 9,231 57,580 1,242 7 0 0
CommunityPlugin RerIntranetSubnetwork GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 38% 412 1,987 14,786 407 0 9 0
CommunityPlugin RerUserDates GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 42% 268 4,435 28,612 260 12 0 0
CommunityPlugin Signup GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 40% 319 4,177 24,958 313 1 0 0
Plugin Bandwidth GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 58% 280 746 5,673 280 0 0 0
Plugin Contents GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 48% 696 6,111 36,961 694 4 0 1
Plugin CustomAlerts GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 49% 2,510 17,538 100,357 2,506 37 0 1
Plugin CustomDimensions GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 42% 1,665 21,592 131,111 1,643 8 1 1
Plugin CustomJsTracker GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 45% 145 2,405 15,652 139 0 2 0
Plugin CustomTranslations GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 37% 633 2,835 19,016 633 0 0 0
Plugin CustomVariables GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 47% 807 11,789 68,809 797 10 0 0
Plugin DBStats GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 68% 364 1,934 11,987 356 7 0 0
Plugin DeviceDetectorCache GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 52% 32 480 3,200 32 0 0 0
Plugin Diagnostics GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 32% 1,766 39,391 252,588 1,747 9 2 0
Plugin Ecommerce GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 39% 1,128 13,422 81,537 1,125 3 0 0
Plugin GeoIp2 GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 43% 2,177 31,853 199,318 2,136 31 0 0
Plugin GoogleAnalyticsImporter GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 27% 8,474 145,317 875,183 8,425 31 2 2
Plugin IntranetMeasurable GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 47% 105 630 3,955 105 1 1 0
Plugin InvalidateReports GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 44% 628 7,187 45,834 600 15 2 0
Plugin JsTrackerCustom GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 42% 155 1,814 9,731 154 0 0 0
Plugin JsTrackerInstallCheck GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 27% 290 5,875 36,453 285 4 3 0
Plugin LoginLdap GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 43% 3,502 40,381 247,705 3,442 44 0 0
Plugin LogViewer GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 53% 438 3,600 21,237 433 6 0 1
Plugin MarketingCampaignsReporting GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 46% 752 3,288 24,428 751 2 0 0
Plugin MobileAppMeasurable GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 50% 100 629 3,528 94 3 0 0
Plugin MobileMessaging GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 46% 1,841 19,611 110,523 1,813 48 0 0
Plugin MultiSites GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 25% 1,389 18,352 113,274 1,372 15 1 0
Plugin PagePerformance GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 36% 1,664 18,526 110,334 1,659 1 7 0
Plugin ProfessionalServices GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 23% 2,103 24,599 170,646 2,098 1 1 0
Plugin QueuedTracking GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 17% 1,881 34,601 198,519 1,871 3 1 0
Plugin TagManager GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 26% 58,013 629,496 3,793,301 57,615 269 9 6
Plugin TasksTimetable GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 58% 84 598 3,449 84 0 0 0
Plugin Tour GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 32% 2,390 18,141 107,833 2,176 37 2 0
Plugin TrackingSpamPrevention GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 31% 732 15,769 94,427 701 0 1 0
Plugin TreemapVisualization GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 40% 80 840 4,760 78 0 4 0
Plugin VisitorGenerator GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 45% 760 8,515 50,354 578 51 4 0
Glossary Glossary GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 40% 11,111 13,287 88,977 11,025 4 17 0
CommunityPlugin DiagnosticsExtended GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 32% 2,094 39,248 233,403 2,084 7 3 0
CommunityPlugin RestrictLanguageSelection GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 44% 75 558 3,761 74 0 2 0
Plugin SecurityInfo GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 63% 122 1,251 8,907 91 0 0 0


Project website
Instructions for translators

If you want to discuss things around localizing Matomo, you can use the Matomo Forum

If you want to help with reviewing translations or for any other translation related issue or question you can get in touch with us at

If you are editing the glossary, please note:

  • Please refer to the existing usage in the Matomo translations before making any changes here as ideally this glossary should reflect the canonical translation for terms like "Goal", "Measurable" or "Pageview". So don't just edit the glossary without checking its usages first.
  • The existing entries were imported from Transifex and might not be correct.
Project maintainers User avatar SteveGUser avatar lw1User avatar mattab
6 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 420,425 4,115,810 24,721,325
Source 6,275 61,430 368,975
Approved 2% 11,631 2% 112,537 2% 677,257
Waiting for review 39% 164,122 33% 1,387,788 33% 8,276,999
Translated 43% 181,881 37% 1,561,554 37% 9,321,789
Needs editing 1% 5,969 1% 74,336 1% 451,763
Read-only 1% 6,128 1% 61,229 1% 367,533
Failing checks 1% 2,864 1% 30,362 1% 182,756
Strings with suggestions 1% 238 1% 1,732 1% 10,335
Untranslated strings 55% 232,575 60% 2,479,920 60% 14,947,773

Quick numbers

4,115 k
Hosted words
420 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Approved Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 95% 100% 0 0 0 0 679 0 23
Albanian 1% 98% 92 481 3,214 89 5 0 14
Amharic 1% 4% 6,020 60,546 363,571 5,993 19 2 0
Arabic 1% 21% 4,922 54,351 327,106 4,781 54 2 0
Armenian 1% 1% 6,246 61,367 368,608 6,243 1 0 0
Azerbaijani 1% 1% 6,180 61,284 368,144 6,179 2 0 0
Basque 1% 92% 483 5,873 36,845 475 11 0 0
Belarusian 1% 12% 5,522 56,816 341,972 5,451 21 2 0
Bengali 1% 2% 6,136 61,210 367,660 6,129 5 0 0
Bosnian 1% 7% 5,802 59,122 355,539 5,724 16 1 0
Bulgarian 19% 83% 1,049 13,219 81,818 1,015 8 0 0
Catalan 1% 99% 24 374 2,431 22 0 0 0
Chinese (Simplified Han script) 1% 65% 2,149 23,988 145,915 1,982 39 2 0
Chinese (Traditional Han script) 1% 65% 2,141 25,512 154,387 2,070 24 0 0
Croatian 1% 12% 5,510 58,974 354,221 5,493 0 0 0
Czech 1% 56% 2,749 30,723 186,208 2,651 14 3 0
Danish 1% 39% 3,777 43,686 264,441 3,522 79 24 0
Dhivehi 1% 1% 6,262 61,394 368,781 6,262 1 0 0
Dutch 1% 97% 171 1,260 7,919 167 77 17 0
Esperanto 1% 6% 5,841 59,708 359,135 5,837 25 0 0
Estonian 1% 21% 4,898 56,481 339,697 4,797 26 2 0
Finnish 1% 52% 2,973 39,991 241,571 2,758 36 4 0
French 1% 98% 83 1,341 8,337 16 37 36 1
Galician 1% 6% 5,843 59,654 358,496 5,818 15 0 0
Georgian 1% 9% 5,704 58,602 352,114 5,659 0 0 0
German 3% 96% 202 2,755 17,352 196 6 3 0
Greek 59% 99% 8 0 0 8 0 0 0
Gujarati 1% 76% 1,461 17,622 106,530 1,455 7 0 0
Hebrew 1% 14% 5,360 56,583 340,690 5,320 30 14 0
Hindi 1% 28% 4,466 49,846 300,097 4,320 57 1 0
Hungarian 1% 16% 5,246 56,084 337,491 5,161 62 11 0
Icelandic 1% 6% 5,898 60,187 361,562 5,881 12 0 0
Indonesian 1% 78% 1,321 16,611 102,019 1,088 14 1 0
Irish 1% 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Italian 1% 88% 728 8,782 54,372 701 51 15 1
Japanese 1% 89% 678 8,382 52,429 633 6 1 1
Korean 1% 28% 4,456 49,157 296,293 4,277 83 6 0
Kurdish 1% 3% 6,076 60,351 362,593 6,042 5 1 0
Latvian 1% 35% 4,070 45,099 271,669 4,019 14 0 0
Lithuanian 1% 16% 5,247 57,033 342,617 5,137 41 3 0
Luxembourgish 1% 1% 6,196 60,914 365,946 6,192 1 0 0
Malay 1% 3% 6,026 59,774 359,075 6,014 1 1 0
Norwegian Bokmål 1% 68% 2,002 29,017 175,991 917 106 2 2
Norwegian Nynorsk 1% 15% 5,285 57,308 344,552 5,223 21 0 0
Persian 1% 32% 4,223 50,203 303,047 4,080 91 15 0
Polish 1% 56% 2,755 33,891 206,040 2,498 64 0 1
Portuguese 1% 89% 665 8,446 52,784 644 12 4 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 1% 84% 989 12,627 77,236 978 10 0 0
Romanian 1% 28% 4,478 50,012 301,891 4,318 105 2 0
Russian 1% 62% 2,333 27,511 167,550 2,191 34 17 0
Serbian 1% 37% 3,933 44,923 271,511 3,699 129 0 0
Sinhala 1% 1% 6,264 61,418 368,904 6,264 0 0 0
Slovak 1% 19% 5,024 54,502 328,196 4,942 38 2 1
Slovenian 1% 15% 5,282 56,351 339,406 5,232 38 11 0
Spanish 1% 69% 1,934 22,073 134,484 1,763 62 20 1
Spanish (Argentina) 1% 56% 2,740 32,495 198,192 2,308 94 6 0
Swedish 1% 93% 405 5,021 31,713 401 11 0 1
Tagalog 1% 23% 4,811 51,508 310,807 4,654 232 0 0
Tamazight (Central Atlas) 1% 1% 6,244 61,390 368,767 6,239 0 0 0
Tamil 1% 94% 341 7,351 46,433 72 84 0 0
Telugu 1% 4% 6,004 60,929 365,909 5,995 2 0 0
Thai 1% 13% 5,442 57,252 344,328 5,369 29 5 0
Turkish 99% 99% 28 553 3,418 28 0 0 0
Ukrainian 1% 59% 2,559 32,028 192,915 2,555 1 0 0
Urdu 1% 4% 6,023 60,628 364,220 6,014 7 1 0
Vietnamese 1% 24% 4,711 51,402 310,022 4,562 102 0 0
Welsh 1% 3% 6,053 60,280 362,355 6,052 8 0 0
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User avatar SteveG

Announcement posted

Matomo 5 will be released by end of September. Help us translate all remaining parts for this new major release!

a year ago
User avatar SteveG

Announcement posted

A first release candidate of Matomo 5 has been released. Help us to translate all remaining parts till the final release in mid of September!

a year ago
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