This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Andor's Trail 27% 740,404 8,485,285 44,416,527 740,222 4,495 2,507 230
Dartotsu 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
F-Droid 47% 264,575 4,328,150 32,687,766 257,552 11,387 1,592 569
Git Manpages 30% 209,536 4,723,475 30,124,740 197,781 9,657 165 57
Godot Engine 21% 2,579,379 47,101,526 316,690,191 2,280,763 105,139 1,458 483
Gramps 73% 95,162 601,928 3,937,996 63,935 18,140 95 187
Hedy 21% 150,044 2,707,221 15,731,675 146,401 5,503 21 81
JASP 53% 117,954 574,481 3,784,122 110,648 3,121 205 48
Keycloak 54% 14,215 127,002 796,347 14,065 375 0 0
KiCad EDA 60% 299,073 1,735,173 11,371,120 134,890 88,142 7 149
Klipper 30% 113,986 3,055,072 20,703,467 113,053 1,684 379 38
LinuxCNC 15% 848,146 11,640,571 76,939,210 809,294 21,434 255 67
Matomo 43% 238,198 2,536,527 15,281,470 232,162 3,349 233 54
Monifactory 35% 22,411 321,963 1,998,182 22,285 174 5 22
mustardOS 75% 4,244 17,407 108,435 0 4,473 0 1
Naev 31% 410,291 7,653,019 43,744,786 383,782 10,958 118 20
NS8 61% 17,770 110,776 719,499 2,641 14,584 18,291 17
OpenWrt 55% 168,600 960,031 6,189,097 167,912 2,718 1,539 177
OrganicMaps 63% 87,695 251,792 1,672,987 54,217 25,250 2 0
Weblate 31% 1,258,719 11,879,405 85,222,671 1,107,039 69,097 561 632

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