Component Approved Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Config_checks GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 61% 432 18,656 116,089 426 6 4 0
Overview GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 55% 891 7,104 68,287 889 1 2 0
readme GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 71% 10 130 1,000 10 0 0 0
Glossary Config_Reference GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 28% 11,890 760,174 4,928,234 11,882 9 23 7
Glossary G-Codes GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 26% 11,417 224,035 1,702,177 11,411 9 9 1
Bed_Level GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 36% 995 37,300 218,554 993 1 0 1
Bed_Mesh GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 18% 5,380 142,703 904,300 5,367 31 0 3
Config_Changes GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 22% 3,140 99,288 721,074 3,140 23 0 4
Contact GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 35% 1,082 22,088 148,754 1,077 14 0 2
Example_Configs GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 36% 662 19,274 125,426 662 3 18 0
FAQ GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 31% 2,653 83,286 527,608 2,639 5 6 0
Features GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 28% 2,403 31,167 209,921 2,400 23 2 1
Installation GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 24% 1,331 36,042 235,046 1,317 11 3 1
SDCard_Updates GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 30% 1,969 38,866 246,435 1,964 39 24 0
Slicers GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 29% 787 16,216 119,200 786 9 2 0
Axis_Twist_Compensation GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 20% 500 8,165 63,225 500 6 11 0
Beaglebone GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 16% 2,354 52,890 393,485 2,342 36 10 0
BLTouch GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 28% 1,182 53,233 325,561 1,182 3 0 0
Bootloader_Entry GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 19% 1,130 14,050 97,949 1,123 37 6 0
Bootloaders GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 24% 4,358 88,656 620,627 4,349 19 4 0
CANBUS_Troubleshooting GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 17% 1,184 40,981 255,888 1,180 20 2 0
Command_Templates GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 24% 2,025 41,342 291,552 2,021 45 1 0
CONTRIBUTING GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 25% 2,471 56,692 376,456 2,463 28 13 2
Debugging GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 24% 1,990 33,481 244,284 1,967 105 33 0
Delta_Calibrate GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 24% 1,634 41,395 275,536 1,623 9 26 1
Eddy_Probe GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 20% 923 30,454 207,540 923 5 0 0
Endstop_Phase GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 41% 412 21,138 129,693 410 5 14 1
Exclude_Object GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 27% 735 19,990 137,033 735 3 0 1
Hall_Filament_Width_Sensor GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 33% 464 7,400 57,150 464 2 9 0
index GPL-3.0-or-later 5% 49% 107 1,301 10,280 107 1 1 0
Kinematics GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 27% 1,791 47,390 321,857 1,787 27 0 1
Manual_Level GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 35% 1,012 34,437 203,341 1,011 5 2 0
Measuring_Resonances GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 20% 7,272 133,241 892,911 7,228 141 7 1
Multi_MCU_Homing GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 33% 210 8,683 55,571 210 0 0 0
Navigation GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 53% 130 290 2,717 130 3 0 0
OctoPrint GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 21% 683 11,583 74,460 676 1 1 0
Pressure_Advance GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 33% 718 24,827 162,442 717 11 1 0
Probe_Calibrate GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 29% 1,008 38,118 233,086 998 13 0 0
Releases GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 26% 3,738 38,232 288,660 3,736 2 8 0
Resonance_Compensation GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 23% 4,428 105,758 683,590 4,426 45 25 2
Rotation_Distance GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 30% 1,070 31,286 198,956 1,070 18 1 4
RPi_microcontroller GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 30% 1,469 31,092 239,376 1,453 28 1 2
Skew_Correction GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 27% 737 13,633 88,048 731 2 1 1
Sponsors GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 42% 361 2,499 31,136 356 1 0 0
Status_Reference GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 24% 5,666 76,706 590,243 5,662 17 4 0
TMC_Drivers GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 28% 3,173 95,013 600,153 3,173 23 32 0
TSL1401CL_Filament_Width_Sensor GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 46% 130 2,356 19,166 130 1 3 1
Using_PWM_Tools GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 37% 286 7,600 50,518 286 3 0 0
Glossary Klipper GPL-3.0-or-later 6% 67% 743 1,225 9,002 738 6 14 0
API_Server GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 25% 2,674 60,264 500,599 2,673 59 0 0
CANBUS GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 30% 851 21,598 132,921 846 8 1 0
CANBUS_protocol GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 29% 466 9,921 66,679 466 3 0 0
MCU_Commands GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 27% 1,113 59,201 386,999 1,111 4 1 0
Packaging GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 40% 208 3,594 24,846 208 3 2 0
Protocol GPL-3.0-or-later 3% 35% 1,803 50,281 340,026 1,789 3 32 0
Benchmarks GPL-3.0-or-later 4% 25% 4,983 46,610 377,266 4,979 20 17 1
Code_Overview GPL-3.0-or-later 2% 21% 2,731 124,375 853,110 2,731 4 1 0


Project website
Instructions for translators

The code blocks are included in the Gettext files in case if some comments need to be translated. You can add comments as well.

For code blocks without comment, please flag them as ignore-same, if you don't the permission, comment in a GitHub PR to let me know. For links that refer to a title inside an md file, please add a Link Modification Req tag.

The Gettext and markdown files in docs/locales are specific for languages.

Check contributing for current guidelines.

To merge a translation into the main Klipper repository, certain requirements have to be met. We are still determining the requirements and no merging is planned. - Yifei Ding

Project maintainers User avatar kinguUser avatar dingyifeiUser avatar KevinOConnorUser avatar Neko-vecter
4 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 160,339 4,164,745 28,178,945
Source 4,693 119,552 809,268
Approved 1% 832 1% 5,575 1% 46,904
Waiting for review 24% 38,441 21% 901,178 21% 6,069,443
Translated 27% 44,374 24% 1,037,435 24% 6,992,902
Needs editing 1% 292 1% 2,380 1% 19,917
Read-only 3% 5,101 3% 130,682 3% 876,555
Failing checks 1% 959 1% 16,165 1% 126,594
Strings with suggestions 1% 377 1% 10,602 1% 68,279
Untranslated strings 72% 115,673 75% 3,124,930 75% 21,166,126

Quick numbers

4,164 k
Hosted words
160 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Approved Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 97% 0 0 0 0 324 0 30
Abkhazian 1% 1% 4,557 118,992 805,239 4,557 0 0 0
Albanian 1% 1% 4,547 118,797 804,132 4,547 0 0 0
Angika 1% 1% 4,564 118,999 805,298 4,564 0 0 0
Arabic 1% 2% 4,464 117,926 798,739 4,464 1 0 0
Bulgarian 1% 51% 2,205 55,803 377,303 2,203 136 2 0
Catalan 1% 6% 4,274 113,725 769,491 4,274 3 1 0
Chinese (Simplified Han script) 18% 89% 507 14,686 105,314 454 69 2 5
Chinese (Traditional Han script) 1% 77% 1,044 35,369 239,692 1,044 86 0 0
Chuukese 1% 1% 4,566 119,002 805,307 4,566 0 0 0
Czech 1% 6% 4,286 114,899 777,280 4,283 4 0 0
Danish 1% 4% 4,352 116,389 786,499 4,352 0 0 0
Duala 1% 1% 4,564 118,999 805,298 4,563 0 0 0
Dutch 1% 5% 4,347 116,255 786,649 4,332 1 6 1
Esperanto 1% 1% 4,554 118,641 803,206 4,554 0 0 0
French 1% 87% 554 19,811 135,639 552 42 252 0
German 1% 46% 2,470 100,415 668,874 2,454 123 23 0
Hungarian 1% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Italian 1% 86% 609 21,532 146,547 609 3 4 0
Japanese 1% 18% 3,759 110,102 742,972 3,753 11 30 1
Korean 1% 43% 2,580 75,961 518,203 2,580 23 0 0
Lithuanian 1% 1% 4,535 117,761 797,626 4,535 0 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål 1% 2% 4,468 117,649 796,620 4,459 5 0 0
Polish 1% 13% 3,956 104,834 711,156 3,956 3 8 0
Portuguese 1% 7% 4,239 111,979 758,947 4,236 5 5 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 1% 19% 3,675 98,980 672,331 3,669 15 3 0
Romanian 1% 1% 4,557 118,808 804,209 4,557 0 0 0
Russian 1% 41% 2,690 74,392 512,556 2,570 63 27 1
Slovak 1% 16% 3,837 91,858 630,167 3,837 11 0 0
Slovenian 1% 1% 4,563 118,997 805,280 4,563 0 0 0
Spanish 1% 26% 3,356 98,889 668,160 3,303 13 6 0
Thai 1% 1% 4,563 118,963 805,074 4,563 0 0 0
Turkish 1% 7% 4,262 115,133 778,493 4,262 6 8 0
Ukrainian 1% 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
Vietnamese 1% 1% 4,461 112,764 763,742 4,458 2 0 0
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Marked for edit

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

4 hours ago
User avatar gfbdrgng

Translation added

5 hours ago
Browse all project changes
User avatar dingyifei

Announcement posted

I've pulled upstream doc changes to the translations branch. Some strings are replaced with new ones. You will need to review and (possibly) translate them again like going through the untranslated strings.

3 years ago
User avatar dingyifei

Announcement posted

If merge into Klipper and I pull the changes into Klipper-translations, some source strings will be replaced and the translation might disappear from them. These should be easily restorable from translation memory(from the automatic suggestion or whatever it will be)

If it doesn't work, I'll manually edit the Gettext files.

3 years ago
User avatar dingyifei

Announcement posted

Commit frequency was changed to 24 Hours

There are still some issues in the mdpo program we use to convert markdown to gettext and back, mainly in the po2md program. If anyone is interested in fixing these issues and improve mdpo, please check out these issues:

3 years ago
User avatar dingyifei

Announcement posted

I'm still testing the new configuration, please do not submit any translation at the moment.

  • Yifei Ding
3 years ago
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