Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Firmware Wizard Apache-2.0 92% 154 767 4,925 143 11 19 2
LuCI/applications/acl Apache-2.0 93% 77 286 1,750 77 0 30 0
LuCI/applications/acme Apache-2.0 69% 742 7,196 47,203 738 27 82 0
LuCI/applications/adblock Apache-2.0 64% 2,600 17,311 115,012 2,573 29 93 12
LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Apache-2.0 53% 3,098 15,408 97,200 3,087 47 18 2
LuCI/applications/advanced-reboot Apache-2.0 86% 198 2,396 14,873 197 11 19 0
LuCI/applications/alist Apache-2.0 53% 586 2,638 15,891 585 8 6 0
LuCI/applications/aria2 Apache-2.0 62% 2,464 22,039 136,478 2,462 27 10 1
LuCI/applications/attendedsysupgrade Apache-2.0 68% 878 3,527 24,220 875 9 2 1
LuCI/applications/banip Apache-2.0 38% 6,987 35,577 235,551 6,981 38 16 3
LuCI/applications/bcp38 Apache-2.0 80% 90 1,077 7,145 88 2 1 0
LuCI/applications/bmx7 Apache-2.0 63% 683 1,279 7,215 683 6 4 0
LuCI/applications/clamav Apache-2.0 46% 1,935 4,763 31,079 1,935 14 16 6
LuCI/applications/cloudflared Apache-2.0 38% 1,084 3,622 23,039 1,084 7 17 1
LuCI/applications/commands Apache-2.0 87% 122 513 3,467 121 29 6 0
LuCI/applications/coovachilli Apache-2.0 32% 4,482 18,808 111,979 4,460 206 15 2
LuCI/applications/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Apache-2.0 54% 264 1,751 11,158 264 10 3 0
LuCI/applications/cshark Apache-2.0 74% 241 650 4,332 239 10 4 0
LuCI/applications/dcwapd Apache-2.0 74% 248 1,481 9,838 247 4 5 0
LuCI/applications/ddns Apache-2.0 64% 2,709 15,676 97,215 2,705 42 6 4
LuCI/applications/dockerman Apache-2.0 61% 3,234 12,781 79,438 3,229 36 5 0
LuCI/applications/dump1090 Apache-2.0 54% 986 4,976 30,004 985 2 28 1
LuCI/applications/dynapoint Apache-2.0 75% 291 1,572 9,818 291 30 4 0
LuCI/applications/email Apache-2.0 46% 1,256 8,078 52,298 1,234 12 12 0
LuCI/applications/eoip Apache-2.0 44% 357 2,312 13,696 356 0 4 2
LuCI/applications/example Apache-2.0 35% 906 2,949 17,274 905 2 5 0
LuCI/applications/filebrowser Apache-2.0 71% 17 64 364 17 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/filemanager Apache-2.0 72% 478 2,128 12,467 478 7 15 0
LuCI/applications/firewall Apache-2.0 62% 4,641 30,767 264,696 4,626 78 24 4
LuCI/applications/frpc Apache-2.0 54% 1,499 14,558 90,945 1,495 15 5 1
LuCI/applications/frps Apache-2.0 52% 1,155 14,336 88,186 1,153 17 2 1
LuCI/applications/fwknopd Apache-2.0 55% 739 11,613 72,183 739 3 14 1
LuCI/applications/hd-idle Apache-2.0 72% 170 494 2,727 170 9 2 1
LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Apache-2.0 44% 3,100 10,665 65,855 3,099 143 15 1
LuCI/applications/irqbalance Apache-2.0 45% 436 1,915 12,489 436 10 0 0
LuCI/applications/keepalived Apache-2.0 14% 8,258 40,260 241,339 8,258 88 5 0
LuCI/applications/ksmbd Apache-2.0 75% 230 1,432 9,561 225 2 0 0
LuCI/applications/lldpd Apache-2.0 41% 2,337 12,187 74,772 2,336 29 23 1
LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Apache-2.0 73% 198 546 3,128 198 24 1 1
LuCI/applications/lxc Apache-2.0 79% 172 856 5,513 169 5 2 0
LuCI/applications/minidlna Apache-2.0 72% 476 3,788 22,966 472 10 1 0
LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Apache-2.0 64% 637 2,810 18,130 637 3 11 0
LuCI/applications/mosquitto Apache-2.0 33% 2,176 12,830 82,087 2,175 30 11 1
LuCI/applications/mwan3 Apache-2.0 56% 2,902 16,845 105,315 2,894 76 40 5
LuCI/applications/natmap Apache-2.0 60% 302 695 4,029 302 4 1 0
LuCI/applications/nextdns Apache-2.0 74% 157 609 4,393 157 3 3 0
LuCI/applications/nft-qos Apache-2.0 59% 879 3,205 20,852 874 4 4 0
LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Apache-2.0 54% 2,142 12,704 85,257 2,140 30 5 0
LuCI/applications/nut Apache-2.0 55% 2,421 9,686 59,410 2,419 34 8 2
LuCI/applications/ocserv Apache-2.0 61% 885 7,032 43,848 885 11 7 0
LuCI/applications/olsr Apache-2.0 59% 2,734 25,379 154,946 2,726 52 6 0
LuCI/applications/olsr-services Apache-2.0 86% 30 106 641 30 0 0 1
LuCI/applications/olsr-viz Apache-2.0 70% 23 76 624 23 0 3 0
LuCI/applications/omcproxy Apache-2.0 71% 190 551 3,829 190 22 15 0
LuCI/applications/openvpn Apache-2.0 65% 2,667 14,952 96,056 2,666 11 54 4
LuCI/applications/openwisp Apache-2.0 34% 1,163 9,560 62,100 1,161 25 6 0
LuCI/applications/p910nd Apache-2.0 48% 763 4,222 25,724 763 5 8 0
LuCI/applications/package-manager Apache-2.0 76% 845 4,749 33,432 791 50 2 1
LuCI/applications/pagekitec Apache-2.0 72% 147 1,265 7,734 147 11 6 1
LuCI/applications/pbr Apache-2.0 45% 3,226 22,458 140,431 3,221 24 5 1
LuCI/applications/privoxy Apache-2.0 58% 1,882 15,475 96,823 1,882 5 1 2
LuCI/applications/qos Apache-2.0 88% 114 296 2,020 110 17 3 0
LuCI/applications/radicale Apache-2.0 53% 1,989 11,069 71,528 1,987 7 2 0
LuCI/applications/radicale2 Apache-2.0 53% 1,940 8,993 59,991 1,934 11 16 0
LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Apache-2.0 44% 1,039 6,350 40,707 1,039 5 11 1
LuCI/applications/samba4 Apache-2.0 70% 444 2,936 19,737 440 4 4 2
LuCI/applications/ser2net Apache-2.0 63% 602 1,996 11,509 602 13 3 1
LuCI/applications/smartdns Apache-2.0 40% 4,387 21,006 132,142 4,386 10 11 0
LuCI/applications/snmpd Apache-2.0 38% 352 2,941 19,529 352 2 7 0
LuCI/applications/splash Apache-2.0 61% 1,249 12,157 75,475 1,246 12 1 0
LuCI/applications/sqm Apache-2.0 57% 974 7,554 47,906 974 8 17 2
LuCI/applications/squid Apache-2.0 56% 267 1,235 7,037 264 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/sshtunnel Apache-2.0 37% 1,524 7,433 42,506 1,523 10 1 0
LuCI/applications/statistics Apache-2.0 54% 8,281 42,581 285,376 8,272 157 18 4
LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Apache-2.0 58% 1,159 8,306 52,190 1,159 27 3 1
LuCI/applications/tor Apache-2.0 46% 427 2,209 16,205 423 38 3 0
LuCI/applications/transmission Apache-2.0 66% 1,311 4,622 31,836 1,291 12 11 1
LuCI/applications/travelmate Apache-2.0 54% 3,208 16,324 112,438 3,202 91 20 11
LuCI/applications/ttyd Apache-2.0 63% 802 3,787 22,390 800 11 1 0
LuCI/applications/udpxy Apache-2.0 46% 586 2,267 14,965 586 6 10 2
LuCI/applications/uhttpd Apache-2.0 64% 867 5,178 33,515 866 7 3 1
LuCI/applications/unbound Apache-2.0 53% 3,194 13,122 85,058 3,191 21 12 8
LuCI/applications/upnp Apache-2.0 58% 832 3,802 24,334 831 61 3 0
LuCI/applications/usteer Apache-2.0 36% 2,353 13,445 81,976 2,349 7 16 1
LuCI/applications/v2raya Apache-2.0 44% 696 1,910 12,656 696 13 1 0
LuCI/applications/vnstat2 Apache-2.0 69% 391 2,197 13,929 390 5 17 1
LuCI/applications/watchcat Apache-2.0 56% 602 9,482 55,518 602 16 19 0
LuCI/applications/wifischedule Apache-2.0 66% 411 1,185 7,891 405 6 7 0
LuCI/applications/wol Apache-2.0 85% 93 509 2,792 92 5 11 0
LuCI/applications/xfrpc Apache-2.0 39% 1,033 4,933 29,215 1,031 15 3 1
LuCI/applications/xinetd Apache-2.0 34% 1,844 8,007 50,108 1,842 11 7 0
LuCI/modules/luci-base Apache-2.0 59% 45,348 274,645 1,767,573 45,059 893 498 72
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-battstatus Apache-2.0 85% 19 54 334 19 0 2 0
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dashboard Apache-2.0 82% 341 554 3,622 332 48 5 2
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dsl Apache-2.0 49% 1,326 5,128 35,039 1,320 20 5 3
Glossary OpenWrt Apache-2.0 72% 1,710 2,476 14,725 1,691 2 67 3


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Project maintainers User avatar aparcarUser avatar JoUser avatar tmo26User avatar hnyman
26 minutes ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 406,606 2,132,848 13,785,409
Source 11,259 55,108 355,394
Translated 56% 228,142 52% 1,121,908 52% 7,286,687
Needs editing 1% 660 1% 3,916 1% 25,870
Read-only 2% 10,935 2% 54,406 2% 350,993
Failing checks 1% 3,030 1% 15,856 1% 111,135
Strings with suggestions 1% 1,553 1% 7,543 1% 48,440
Untranslated strings 43% 177,804 47% 1,007,024 46% 6,472,852

Quick numbers

2,132 k
Hosted words
406 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English (Developer) 100% 0 0 0 0 970 0 36
Arabic 42% 5,591 31,931 203,334 5,589 34 4 0
Asturian 22% 2,380 13,469 87,091 2,380 6 0 0
Bengali 13% 437 2,085 13,690 434 0 1 0
Bengali (Bangladesh) 9% 8,966 48,325 312,873 8,961 25 0 0
Bosnian 12% 465 2,153 14,528 465 1 1 0
Bulgarian 18% 7,896 45,149 291,868 7,874 30 40 1
Cantonese (Traditional Han script) 2% 95 188 1,186 95 0 8 0
Catalan 23% 7,419 43,414 279,776 7,381 101 45 0
Catalan (Andorra) 1% 63 92 554 63 0 0 0
Chinese (Simplified Han script) 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
Chinese (Traditional Han script) 87% 1,331 7,949 49,583 1,331 34 2 0
Czech 43% 5,738 34,477 221,406 5,703 39 319 6
Danish 57% 4,361 25,218 158,493 4,361 59 6 1
Dutch 53% 4,687 26,621 166,851 4,669 119 1 6
Filipino 14% 2,633 14,169 91,103 2,632 2 1 0
Finnish 39% 6,260 38,478 244,292 6,257 66 7 4
French 67% 3,292 17,455 109,871 3,257 37 7 2
Galician 14% 494 2,660 17,291 493 1 0 0
Georgian 31% 545 3,237 24,437 545 0 0 0
German 93% 618 3,827 23,752 609 139 152 10
Greek 15% 8,199 46,411 299,602 8,171 55 48 0
Hebrew 8% 8,867 48,470 312,950 8,852 13 25 0
Hindi 4% 9,256 48,877 316,523 9,255 27 21 0
Hungarian 60% 3,980 22,404 141,542 3,945 232 16 0
Indonesian 16% 3,664 20,352 133,939 3,657 9 11 0
Irish 100% 0 0 0 0 24 0 0
Italian 62% 3,780 21,617 136,769 3,777 11 20 4
Japanese 47% 5,246 31,911 202,429 5,221 109 103 12
Korean 18% 8,021 45,099 290,652 7,979 33 36 0
Latvian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lithuanian 92% 816 5,262 32,758 814 13 0 25
Malay 7% 8,908 49,154 317,332 8,891 40 0 0
Malayalam 1% 2,574 13,981 90,469 2,574 0 1 0
Marathi 8% 8,929 49,132 317,851 8,927 28 1 1
Norwegian Bokmål 23% 7,542 44,810 289,178 7,429 110 73 0
Persian 32% 4,113 23,553 150,651 4,109 15 3 0
Polish 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Portuguese 80% 1,954 10,105 62,697 1,934 46 0 2
Portuguese (Brazil) 81% 1,913 10,030 62,462 1,913 31 7 1
Punjabi 3% 64 97 580 64 0 0 0
Romanian 73% 2,646 13,730 85,586 2,645 45 38 0
Russian 97% 289 1,433 8,796 289 39 12 4
Samogitian 37% 155 549 3,376 155 0 0 0
Serbian 33% 696 4,052 29,472 693 23 8 0
Sinhala 3% 633 3,827 28,386 633 0 0 0
Slovak 25% 7,330 43,225 277,931 7,194 43 37 2
Slovenian 9% 443 2,087 13,714 443 0 6 0
Spanish 96% 329 1,622 9,988 320 17 57 39
Swahili 1% 389 1,708 11,092 389 3 0 0
Swedish 48% 5,247 38,408 247,944 5,235 66 300 3
Tamil 99% 92 457 2,941 92 220 0 0
Telugu 8% 99 327 1,989 96 0 7 0
Turkish 89% 1,101 5,680 34,717 1,101 9 0 0
Ukrainian 100% 0 0 0 0 23 119 2
Urdu 3% 2,855 15,833 106,109 2,853 3 4 0
Vietnamese 73% 2,677 13,982 87,255 2,669 51 6 2
Welsh 32% 63 96 574 63 0 0 0
Yucateco 63% 2,323 11,762 78,489 2,323 29 0 0
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Translation changed

4 hours ago
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4 hours ago
User avatar x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Translation changed

4 hours ago
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Translation changed

4 hours ago
User avatar x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Translation changed

4 hours ago
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Translation changed

4 hours ago
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Translation changed

4 hours ago
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