Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Firmware Wizard Apache-2.0 95% 2 4 32 2 0 2 0
LuCI/applications/acl Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
LuCI/applications/acme Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/adblock Apache-2.0 98% 3 20 144 3 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Apache-2.0 8% 158 782 4,955 157 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/advanced-reboot Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/alist Apache-2.0 6% 31 144 876 31 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/aria2 Apache-2.0 13% 146 1,285 7,962 146 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/attendedsysupgrade Apache-2.0 22% 56 237 1,629 56 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/banip Apache-2.0 9% 256 1,312 8,627 256 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/bcp38 Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/bmx7 Apache-2.0 26% 36 72 403 36 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/clamav Apache-2.0 35% 60 137 911 60 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/cloudflared Apache-2.0 11% 40 138 876 40 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/commands Apache-2.0 100% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/coovachilli Apache-2.0 16% 138 560 3,335 138 15 0 0
LuCI/applications/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Apache-2.0 0% 20 128 815 20 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/cshark Apache-2.0 28% 18 52 348 18 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/dcwapd Apache-2.0 38% 16 93 612 16 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/ddns Apache-2.0 97% 4 38 216 4 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/dockerman Apache-2.0 68% 67 343 2,181 67 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/dump1090 Apache-2.0 8% 54 277 1,676 54 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/dynapoint Apache-2.0 48% 16 96 612 16 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/email Apache-2.0 39% 49 361 2,314 49 1 1 0
LuCI/applications/eoip Apache-2.0 5% 16 103 612 16 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/example Apache-2.0 2% 39 126 739 39 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/filebrowser Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/firewall Apache-2.0 76% 68 408 3,768 68 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/frpc Apache-2.0 10% 80 747 4,659 80 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/frps Apache-2.0 6% 62 738 4,536 62 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/fwknopd Apache-2.0 4% 42 633 3,942 42 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/hd-idle Apache-2.0 6% 15 43 235 15 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Apache-2.0 4% 143 494 3,049 143 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/irqbalance Apache-2.0 4% 20 86 560 20 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/keepalived Apache-2.0 1% 252 1,225 7,339 252 2 0 0
LuCI/applications/ksmbd Apache-2.0 24% 19 115 775 19 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Apache-2.0 35% 13 41 230 13 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/lxc Apache-2.0 36% 14 74 482 14 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/minidlna Apache-2.0 13% 40 305 1,856 40 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Apache-2.0 16% 41 186 1,203 41 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/mosquitto Apache-2.0 1% 87 508 3,258 86 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/mwan3 Apache-2.0 29% 120 739 4,652 120 2 0 0
LuCI/applications/natmap Apache-2.0 5% 19 44 253 19 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/nextdns Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/nft-qos Apache-2.0 15% 50 186 1,207 50 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Apache-2.0 12% 108 658 4,407 108 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/nut Apache-2.0 7% 128 511 3,156 128 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/ocserv Apache-2.0 22% 48 394 2,475 48 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/olsr Apache-2.0 14% 156 1,414 8,623 156 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/olsr-services Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/olsr-viz Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/omcproxy Apache-2.0 5% 16 45 315 16 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/openvpn Apache-2.0 11% 170 935 6,004 170 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/openwisp Apache-2.0 6% 45 369 2,394 45 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/p910nd Apache-2.0 12% 35 198 1,206 35 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/package-manager Apache-2.0 90% 8 69 463 8 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/pagekitec Apache-2.0 21% 11 56 328 11 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/pbr Apache-2.0 9% 146 975 6,100 146 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/privoxy Apache-2.0 8% 114 959 5,991 114 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/qos Apache-2.0 24% 19 48 327 19 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/radicale Apache-2.0 13% 100 578 3,735 100 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/radicale2 Apache-2.0 13% 98 467 3,106 98 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Apache-2.0 8% 45 250 1,606 45 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/samba4 Apache-2.0 16% 31 200 1,352 31 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/ser2net Apache-2.0 20% 35 122 704 35 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/smartdns Apache-2.0 3% 192 911 5,730 192 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/snmpd Apache-2.0 6% 14 120 797 14 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/splash Apache-2.0 12% 72 709 4,401 72 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/sqm Apache-2.0 4% 59 449 2,848 59 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/squid Apache-2.0 43% 9 44 245 9 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/sshtunnel Apache-2.0 12% 58 298 1,709 58 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/statistics Apache-2.0 7% 371 1,933 13,147 371 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Apache-2.0 8% 69 475 3,016 69 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/tor Apache-2.0 14% 18 97 718 18 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/transmission Apache-2.0 10% 91 321 2,185 91 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/travelmate Apache-2.0 20% 152 804 5,569 152 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/ttyd Apache-2.0 23% 46 218 1,287 46 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/udpxy Apache-2.0 10% 25 95 627 25 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/uhttpd Apache-2.0 6% 58 350 2,271 58 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/unbound Apache-2.0 5% 175 716 4,637 175 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/upnp Apache-2.0 16% 44 204 1,291 44 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/v2raya Apache-2.0 21% 26 76 504 26 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/vnstat2 Apache-2.0 18% 27 150 957 27 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/watchcat Apache-2.0 5% 35 522 3,060 35 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/wifischedule Apache-2.0 83% 5 11 73 5 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/wol Apache-2.0 12% 14 75 411 14 1 0 0
LuCI/applications/xfrpc Apache-2.0 10% 41 200 1,181 41 0 0 0
LuCI/applications/xinetd Apache-2.0 11% 67 308 1,936 67 0 0 0
LuCI/modules/luci-base Apache-2.0 91% 213 1,446 8,722 213 2 0 0
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-battstatus Apache-2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dashboard Apache-2.0 94% 3 4 34 3 0 0 0
LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dsl Apache-2.0 1% 70 249 1,707 70 0 0 0
Glossary OpenWrt Apache-2.0 81% 14 18 100 14 0 0 0


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Project maintainers User avatar aparcarUser avatar JoUser avatar tmo26User avatar hnyman
Language Arabic
Language code ar
Text direction Right to left
Case sensitivity Case-insensitive
Number of speakers 378,482,167
6 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 9,800 51,739 334,296
Translated 42% 4,209 38% 19,808 39% 130,962
Needs editing 1% 2 1% 2 1% 5
Read-only 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Failing checks 1% 34 1% 144 1% 849
Strings with suggestions 1% 4 1% 8 1% 58
Untranslated strings 57% 5,589 61% 31,929 60% 203,329

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Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

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Hosted strings
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