Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
36 Questions for SailfishOS 21% 109 1,015 5,534 109 0 0 0
3D Slicer 86% 840 4,528 32,547 657 425 0 0
3DStris 7% 50 123 673 50 0 0 0
Accrescent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Adaptive Lighting 56% 66 919 6,372 66 0 0 0
Aidoku 93% 26 132 795 26 3 6 0
allauth 40% 183 1,291 8,164 108 23 0 0
Andor's Trail 2% 19,418 222,824 1,167,158 19,416 14 11 0
AndrOBD 17% 144 526 3,234 144 1 7 0
Android IMSI-Catcher Detector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aniyomi 62% 461 1,927 11,937 460 5 1 0
AntennaPod 93% 48 398 2,482 45 33 0 0
APatch 96% 7 26 172 4 18 60 0
Apple Flinger 87% 3 164 996 3 10 0 0
App Manager 46% 708 3,545 22,340 706 46 15 0
AppStream 0 0 0 0 116 1 0
ARandR 97% 1 1 6 1 0 0 0
Arctica Framework 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
Aseprite 13% 1,455 4,504 28,185 1,450 2 4 0
AsteroidOS 95% 12 54 267 9 4 5 0
aTox 88% 19 281 1,839 19 3 0 0
Aurora Store 90% 46 1,423 8,964 42 2 0 0
Auto Dark Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Auxio 81% 69 472 2,892 63 2 0 0
Aves 98% 14 44 490 14 1 0 0
Avogadro 99% 10 19 119 10 65 293 0
Awery 93% 31 230 1,399 0 43 6 0
Ayatana Indicators 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
Baby Dots 25% 44 750 5,556 44 0 1 0
Barcode Scanner 98% 10 279 2,088 10 1 0 0
Baresip 26% 457 9,021 58,528 437 3 0 0
BCR-GUI 93% 9 52 339 9 1 0 0
Belenios 36% 458 2,532 15,420 458 18 0 0 0% 222 1,047 6,089 222 0 0 0
BitBanana 26% 537 5,813 34,961 533 6 0 0
Blanket 62% 31 123 730 15 6 0 0
BleachBit 99% 1 8 40 0 2 14 0
blueman 0 0 0 0 72 0 0
Blur my Shell 17% 130 775 4,773 130 1 8 0
Book's Story 1% 371 2,013 11,558 371 0 0 0
bookworm 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
boorusama 96% 14 66 534 13 6 0 0
Bottles 94% 37 46 315 37 2 0 0
Breezy Weather 97% 31 78 447 31 16 4 2
Burn-My-Windows 94% 7 13 82 7 0 0 0
Calculator You 17% 238 582 3,787 235 3 0 0
CalyxOS 90% 52 493 3,250 50 13 0 0
Captain's Log for SailfishOS 10% 230 1,243 7,174 230 0 0 0
Cartero 55% 55 263 1,564 41 2 0 0
Cartridges 0 0 0 0 1 60 0
Catima 70% 142 3,662 25,845 142 1 0 1
Celeste 0% 77 515 2,988 77 0 0 0
Celluloid 0 0 0 0 1 3 0
Chocolate 81% 14 19 117 14 1 0 0
CityZen 1% 125 484 2,840 125 0 124 0
Clipious 64% 120 840 5,193 118 0 0 0
Cloudstream 94% 45 243 1,468 40 1 11 0
Collabora Online 20% 1,016 7,945 59,225 870 116 0 0
Collision 63% 14 71 529 14 0 0 0
Commit 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
Commons App 87% 16 77 493 14 6 0 0
Converse.js 40% 339 1,852 11,274 221 20 0 0
Coverflow Alt-Tab 13% 90 350 2,323 88 0 1 0
CPU-X 0 0 0 0 9 0 0
CUPS 21% 3,151 8,675 109,425 3,151 0 0 0
CutefishOS 0 0 0 0 4 7 0
CyberOS 86% 28 64 377 5 25 28 0
Dashboard for SailfishOS 6% 290 1,125 6,752 290 0 0 0
DataBackup 31% 277 819 4,942 277 0 14 0
Data Monitor 78% 111 397 2,348 111 3 0 0 0% 1,060 7,416 46,567 1,060 0 35 0
DBeaver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Debexpo 0 0 0 0 4 0 0
Debian Edu Documentation 0 0 0 0 119 0 0
Debian Handbook 1% 8,118 178,736 1,523,037 7,967 81 12 0
Debian Installation Guide 0 0 0 0 10 0 1
Debian Installer 0 0 0 0 5 2 2
Debian Member Portfolio Service 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Debian Reference 0% 1 2 18 1 0 0 0
Debitum 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Delta Chat 33% 2 110 724 2 1 0 0
Dialect 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dicio 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
Dino 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Discord Tickets 91% 25 71 425 2 13 30 0
DivestOS 24% 298 917 5,181 298 9 0 0
django-filter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Download Navi 0% 270 1,095 6,902 267 3 0 0
Droid-ify 85% 33 137 881 31 2 0 0
DSC Auto Rename 42% 95 1,107 6,514 0 45 0 0
EasyEffects 0 0 0 0 11 0 0
EasySSH 34% 99 292 1,961 93 3 1 0
ejabberd 0% 574 2,927 17,788 574 0 0 0
Ella - The Game 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enveloppe 0% 372 2,701 16,350 372 0 0 0
Etar-Calendar 98% 4 32 173 4 1 0 0
EtchDroid 12% 119 685 4,110 119 0 104 0
evcc 53% 280 990 6,801 247 6 8 0
EVMap 78% 94 555 3,477 94 8 0 0
Exaile 41% 654 3,164 20,358 507 30 0 0
Expenditure for SailfishOS 13% 136 591 3,387 136 0 0 0
F-Droid 95% 527 20,155 136,342 435 120 1 3
Fedilab 55% 556 4,938 29,399 535 262 2 0
Feeder 97% 13 43 241 12 0 0 2
FeedReader 31% 216 1,073 6,693 202 12 0 0
Feeel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FFUpdater 6% 366 6,450 42,830 366 1 0 0
File Browser for SailfishOS 5% 579 2,160 12,940 579 0 0 0
Firefish 31% 1,339 6,372 38,049 1,262 21 0 0
FitoTrack 6% 493 3,161 19,143 493 0 0 0
Flameshot 0% 424 1,672 9,890 365 13 0 0
Flathub 12% 552 3,031 18,909 549 3 0 0
Flood 0 0 0 0 50 0 0
FluffyChat 69% 213 1,399 8,157 206 4 0 0
Font Manager 59% 314 2,018 14,546 269 7 0 0
Fossify 88% 257 8,049 53,986 241 36 0 0
FOSS Projects 41% 151 663 4,226 143 2 2 0
Fotema 95% 4 105 675 3 2 1 0
FreeTube 82% 157 879 5,753 134 2 20 0
Freeyourgadget 30% 2,429 9,203 55,965 2,420 16 74 0
Fritter 9% 260 2,964 17,852 260 2 0 0
FSearch 60% 113 921 5,778 113 5 0 0
Fucks Given 6% 99 342 2,119 99 0 0 0
Gammu 4% 1,936 8,821 55,936 1,923 25 3 0
Gancio 87% 47 388 2,929 39 6 0 0
G-Droid 90% 14 62 352 14 24 0 0
Gemma 78% 113 489 3,410 93 33 1 0
Gephi 94% 109 414 2,534 100 5 0 0
getAlby - lightning-browser-extension 14% 705 3,726 22,600 687 16 0 0
GetBack GPS 86% 13 153 1,008 12 3 0 0
get GNU/Linux! 16% 429 8,427 57,560 416 5 0 0
Ghost 10% 89 283 1,621 89 0 0 0
gImageReader 0% 482 1,825 12,924 482 6 2 0
Git Manpages 17% 9,974 222,698 1,421,583 9,435 206 1 1
GitTouch 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
GiveMeLyrics 0% 32 94 619 32 0 0 0
GnuCash 47% 3,123 23,987 145,599 1,499 605 0 0
GNU Mailman 0% 982 6,652 42,141 982 0 0 0
gnumdk 12% 398 1,313 8,377 396 0 0 0
Godot Engine 3% 53,286 1,012,676 6,834,302 47,129 1,249 1 0
Go For It 0% 192 895 5,032 192 0 20 0
Good Weather 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
GooseMod 51% 68 428 2,693 68 0 4 0
GPSLogger 59% 167 2,365 14,493 163 4 2 0
Gradience 60% 123 820 5,403 50 10 0 0
Gramophone 0 0 0 0 4 0 0
Gramps 3% 7,050 40,770 268,760 2,767 1,201 1 0
Grist 72% 430 1,784 11,074 430 1 0 0
gtk4-desktop-icons-ng 31% 343 1,644 10,229 34 21 117 0
GtkHash 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Guardian Project 76% 789 4,851 30,302 778 27 40 0
Gugal 4% 138 1,329 7,652 138 0 0 0
Harmony Music 46% 123 536 3,508 112 0 0 0
Hedy 5% 5,263 72,577 413,824 4,652 236 0 0
Heroic Games Launcher 73% 224 1,358 8,980 214 97 3 0
Home Manager 98% 1 2 12 1 0 0 0
Homepage 28% 389 543 3,222 0 284 3 0
Hunspell 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Hyperion 0 0 0 0 94 0 0
Hyperpipe 99% 1 4 27 1 1 0 0
HyperPlay Client 99% 4 0 0 4 112 13 0
Image Resizer 54% 692 3,353 20,513 686 0 0 0
Immich 99% 2 6 38 2 0 0 0
Indent 92% 4 30 189 2 0 1 0
Indicator for KDE Connect 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Infinity for Lemmy 94% 65 355 2,147 65 18 0 0
Invidious 91% 39 114 766 34 1 17 0
InvokeAI 0% 1,658 7,216 46,436 1,658 0 17 0
IReader 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
Irregular Expressions 16% 66 135 808 66 0 0 0
iso-codes 43% 8,830 13,343 90,583 5,867 1 23 0
isomorphic 90% 102 640 4,153 5 44 0 0
isoquery 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
ITSM-ng 69% 1,352 6,885 42,518 1,201 304 0 0
jamovi 2% 1,888 13,719 96,870 1,888 1 3 0
JASP 20% 1,060 4,887 32,922 1,045 18 1 0
JellyBook 5% 99 371 2,220 99 0 0 0
Jirafeau 72% 35 273 1,691 7 6 3 0
Jump Cutter 8% 128 998 6,047 123 0 0 0
Junction 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Just (Video) Player 98% 1 4 20 0 1 0 0
KeePassDX 98% 9 88 630 7 5 9 0
KernelSU 75% 34 222 1,364 5 2 0 0
KiCad EDA 25% 14,252 84,679 547,750 4,507 3,109 0 0
KiCad kbplacer plugin 0% 16 59 416 16 0 0 0
kImageAnnotator 85% 17 24 129 12 0 0 0
Kimai - Time tracking 59% 557 4,976 30,182 82 436 0 0
Kinovea 74% 193 535 3,254 189 3 0 0
KISS 89% 40 2,114 13,109 40 1 2 2
KitchenOwl 53% 128 487 2,899 128 1 0 0
Klipper 1% 4,557 118,808 804,209 4,557 0 0 0
KOReader 99% 11 48 268 5 4 10 0
Kosmorro 62% 31 100 657 31 0 0 0
Kotatsu 11% 698 2,822 17,007 696 5 0 0
ksnip 62% 151 1,324 8,201 143 0 0 0
KWinFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kyoo 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Last Launcher 75% 20 787 4,789 8 1 0 0
Latest 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
launcher-modular 0% 192 0 0 192 0 0 0
Laundry List for SailfishOS 18% 80 487 2,705 80 0 0 0
Lecturify 0% 636 7,235 52,235 636 0 0 0
Legcord 59% 72 479 2,973 0 84 0 0
Letterpress 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lexica 0% 149 726 4,320 149 0 38 0
LiberaForms 6% 1,671 9,686 56,726 1,671 16 0 0
Liberapay 58% 644 8,479 56,057 11 55 9 0
Library Space Technology Network 99% 1 2 10 1 2 0 0
LibreCAD 47% 1,453 3,722 23,567 877 71 18 0
Libre Camera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LibRedirect 88% 6 13 103 5 17 1 0
Librephotos 13% 523 1,899 12,077 518 1 0 0
LibreSudoku 88% 43 227 1,188 42 0 0 0
LibreTorrent 98% 7 131 804 7 7 1 0
LibreTranslate 99% 1 3 14 1 2 0 0
LibreTube 96% 21 107 715 19 0 0 0
LightTube 6% 259 874 5,764 258 0 0 0
Linagora 1% 4,061 19,761 119,861 4,061 4 0 0
Lingmo OS 4% 349 667 3,955 317 9 0 0
LinuxCNC 2% 36,207 493,548 3,261,963 35,310 71 9 0
LocalCDN 91% 11 73 453 10 0 0 0
LocalSend 0 0 0 0 13 0 0
Lomiri 56% 2,126 8,455 52,382 1,790 237 0 0
LosslessCut 2% 751 4,903 30,032 751 3 1 0
LRCMake 0% 88 306 1,934 88 0 0 0
LunaSea 5% 897 2,616 15,958 897 0 7 0
Maemo Leste 98% 89 441 3,593 84 3,622 0 0
MailCleaner Anti Spam 98% 4 26 173 2 2 0 0
Manuskript 0% 769 1,863 11,693 769 0 0 0
Matomo 29% 4,378 48,462 292,237 4,218 105 2 0
Metadata Cleaner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Metadata Remover 0% 8 243 1,590 8 0 0 0
microCOVID 9% 269 2,877 17,884 267 1 0 0
microG 96% 24 189 1,290 20 24 0 0
Mihon 99% 6 41 236 2 3 0 0
Minetest 31% 1,787 13,429 83,776 1,731 17 0 0
Minidoro for SailfishOS 20% 94 731 4,291 94 0 0 0
Mission Center 43% 139 584 3,624 101 12 11 0
Mitch 64% 86 770 4,572 80 5 0 0
MMRL 32% 206 946 6,058 206 2 0 0
MODX Extras 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Molly Instant Messenger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monal 33% 799 4,713 29,405 0 580 0 2
monerujo 86% 53 511 3,341 53 18 0 0
Moondust Project 6% 2,604 13,076 79,102 2,604 65 0 0
Moonlight Game Streaming 57% 114 947 5,974 105 8 9 0
Morphosis 0% 39 134 909 39 0 0 0
Morse 56% 7 554 3,217 6 8 0 0
mosparo 43% 9 41 236 6 2 0 0
motioneye-project 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Mumble 10% 2,065 16,096 100,979 2,005 14 6 0
Mumla 9% 323 2,834 18,661 323 0 1 0
Mushroom 88% 12 24 144 12 4 0 0
Music Player GO 20% 215 2,866 18,512 186 11 25 0
Mustang 85% 76 329 1,851 75 17 0 0
My Expenses 49% 687 7,257 44,102 220 27 0 0
MyPaint 21% 1,124 6,625 41,206 563 144 0 0
Navit 58% 308 27 159 308 4 0 0
NekoX 1% 420 1,630 10,129 204 4 24 0
NekoX_030 33% 342 1,724 10,682 342 4 0 0
Neo Backup 85% 72 2,197 14,006 70 16 0 0
Neo Feed 76% 29 69 424 29 0 0 0
Neo Launcher 34% 387 1,258 7,670 385 0 57 0
Neo Store 89% 44 1,334 8,597 43 1 0 0
NewPipe 91% 77 5,445 34,086 77 5 2 1
Next Player 83% 36 142 862 31 5 0 0
Nickvision Cavalier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nickvision Denaro 30% 322 2,891 18,335 320 2 0 1
Nicotine+ 13% 1,146 4,465 28,173 12 26 0 0
Night Theme Switcher 3% 32 105 642 31 0 0 0
nm-tray 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
No Nonsense Notes 61% 111 1,101 6,794 75 2 0 0
Nootka 0% 818 5,050 29,771 818 3 0 0
Note Calendar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Noti Progress Bar 78% 18 119 720 15 1 0 0
ntfy 62% 279 1,405 9,315 277 5 29 0
Nutty 0% 152 609 3,836 152 0 0 0
OnionShare 31% 376 6,525 42,918 372 8 20 0
Opal for SailfishOS 18% 322 1,887 11,220 322 0 0 0
openATV 9% 7,319 36,738 221,237 6,619 123 17 0
OpenBoard 94% 12 54 536 11 24 12 0
OpenCalc 69% 47 886 5,241 46 1 0 0
Open Event 0% 4,049 32,999 193,642 4,049 0 0 0
OpenHashTab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Openreads 98% 5 16 84 1 2 14 0
OpenRefine 15% 1,476 10,405 68,351 1,474 5 0 0
openScale 66% 94 551 4,012 91 6 1 0
opensnitch 76% 270 1,899 13,888 249 109 0 0 19% 412 2,208 13,089 386 10 0 0
OpenStreetBrowser 12% 1,748 1,562 10,504 1,748 11 0 0
OpenTracks 71% 149 585 3,724 138 0 0 0
Open Web Calendar 31% 266 2,637 19,263 260 0 0 0
OpenWrt 77% 2,256 11,822 74,002 2,255 44 35 0
OrganicMaps 92% 262 853 5,711 19 488 0 0
os-installer 67% 24 66 448 0 10 38 0
OsmAnd 97% 338 942 5,757 326 136 0 1
OSS Document Scanner 4% 343 1,604 9,255 343 0 11 0
Overseerr 37% 779 3,361 22,852 779 1 0 0
Pacstall 0% 221 1,350 7,736 221 0 0 0
PairDrop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pappl 0% 1,058 2,467 15,357 1,058 0 0 0
Parking Chaos for SailfishOS 29% 61 385 2,218 61 0 0 0
PCAPdroid 3% 473 2,517 15,335 473 0 0 0
PDF Tricks 97% 2 3 52 0 4 0 0
PeerTube 0% 40 1,680 12,321 40 0 0 0
Penpot 81% 291 1,332 7,379 291 6 0 0
PF2Downloader 86% 8 217 1,419 1 0 0 0
pftpd 62% 57 345 2,102 46 0 0 0
phpMyAdmin 82% 2,918 48,265 324,748 2,205 199 16 2
PianoBooster 14% 352 2,363 13,601 351 0 0 0
Pinta 82% 100 539 3,178 100 24 0 0
Piped 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
Piped Material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Planner 38% 232 807 4,647 74 30 8 0
PlayCover 50% 136 830 4,998 16 103 0 0
pl-fe 58% 678 2,399 14,368 631 593 0 0
plone 53% 2,089 7,843 62,160 2,042 400 0 0
po4a 0 0 0 0 101 0 0
Pods 92% 164 882 5,642 39 47 0 0
PolyMC 69% 441 2,234 14,452 331 15 13 0
Pretendo Network 67% 128 683 6,063 117 13 5 0
Prism Launcher 78% 508 2,802 17,254 344 2 1 0
Privacy Friendly Apps 0% 3 249 1,601 3 0 0 0
privacyIDEA 4% 1,584 13,526 86,553 1,552 2 0 0
Proca 39% 200 1,107 6,835 115 44 0 0
pstube 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
pypa 2% 5,216 88,648 623,083 5,050 119 32 0
qooxdoo 59% 75 88 1,004 75 10 0 0
qTox 95% 30 315 2,000 11 4 0 0
qTox_enhanced 93% 46 322 1,879 46 3 0 0
QtPass 95% 10 91 545 10 2 0 0
quodlibet 18% 1,380 6,877 44,284 882 126 0 0
radarini 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ReadYou 76% 87 3,511 22,336 74 5 0 0
Rebel Toolbox 1% 11,143 236,247 1,603,754 11,051 18 0 0
Red Moon 80% 24 114 763 16 7 2 0
RedNotebook 52% 132 647 4,014 125 5 1 0
RedReader 0 0 0 0 23 4 0
Remmina 26% 745 4,353 28,947 109 584 273 0
Requirements Bazaar 45% 149 579 3,513 142 48 0 0
Rescuezilla 8% 244 1,848 12,532 243 0 0 0
Rethink DNS + Firewall 99% 1 1 4 0 2 92 0
Rhino Linux 31% 24 143 930 24 0 0 0
Rigs of Rods 4% 1,172 4,427 26,675 544 95 0 0
rnote 5% 524 1,537 9,645 524 0 0 0
Safe Notes 1% 156 704 4,414 156 0 0 0
Sandbox 7% 13 28 273 13 3 0 0
sandybogs 18% 9 39 280 9 0 0 0
Sanmill - The Mill Game 44% 356 4,847 29,450 192 74 0 0
Schmiddi on Mobile 53% 232 1,236 7,762 183 8 0 0
Scribus 1% 7,612 28,224 171,261 7,606 2 0 0
Scripty 85% 28 347 2,180 28 1 0 0
SDAPS 19% 174 1,824 10,859 171 11 0 0
SDG Translations 0% 781 10,108 71,867 0 145 0 1
Seal 70% 130 616 3,885 122 1 12 0
SE Basic IV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SE Extended 83% 173 806 5,018 169 7 0 0
Sessionic 1% 100 291 1,795 100 0 85 0
Share Preview 26% 46 265 1,563 36 2 0 0
Signature PDF 88% 16 83 510 16 1 0 0
SimpleEmail 91% 21 219 1,695 7 16 0 0
Simple Weather 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
SimpleX Chat 32% 1,496 7,153 44,797 1,492 57 0 0
Skolab Groupware 0% 434 2,590 16,764 434 0 0 0
SkyTube 46% 163 829 5,278 163 0 0 0
SnapEnhance 78% 208 1,178 7,273 199 0 0 0
SnowflakeOS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Soapbox 61% 653 2,403 14,083 644 655 487 0
Soliguide 49% 1,008 5,074 33,376 0 55 11 0
SongSync 56% 66 297 1,719 66 2 0 0
Sonic Pi 67% 805 14,253 84,260 571 64 6 0
Soundux 69% 77 495 3,058 77 4 0 0
Spook 2% 135 1,463 9,748 135 0 0 0
Spoolman 57% 123 915 5,740 114 3 13 0
Squawker 5% 289 1,227 7,697 289 0 0 0
Starke Verben 98% 2 9 53 2 2 0 0
Stellarium-mobile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stretchly 68% 94 1,425 8,049 94 8 0 0
Stunt Rally 3 14% 1,171 5,160 30,163 1,152 22 0 0
SubnauticaNitrox 83% 58 573 3,749 34 30 87 0
SuperFreezZ 57% 56 1,808 11,960 55 1 91 0
Super Tux Party 9% 241 1,230 7,037 238 1 0 0
Swiss Meteo for SailfishOS 10% 168 694 4,338 168 0 0 0
Syncthing 89% 154 1,401 8,759 151 296 2 2
Tachiyomi 98% 16 88 532 14 3 0 0
tallycash 0% 95 362 2,148 95 0 95 0 94% 35 148 836 31 11 0 0
TBLauncher 88% 58 925 6,445 47 21 151 0
tenacity 16% 3,179 13,008 79,918 1,218 721 0 0
TF2CDownloader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
th-ch/youtube-music 99% 4 10 59 4 0 0 0
The Striking Arts 1% 158 896 5,182 158 0 0 0
Thunderbird for Android / K-9 Mail 99% 8 90 539 5 10 3 0
Tilix 92% 55 366 2,339 42 2 4 0
TinyIB 5% 240 1,000 5,715 240 0 0 0
tinyMediaManager 37% 1,004 6,117 38,328 984 7 1 0
To-do List 12% 171 695 3,915 171 0 0 0
To Don't 36% 62 413 2,437 61 11 0 0
Tor Project 74% 2,371 35,089 232,538 2,113 147 36 0
Tox 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trail Sense 20% 1,079 4,267 25,266 1,040 832 0 0
Trustroots 1% 641 5,450 34,273 641 0 0 0
Turris 1% 1,184 8,960 55,522 1,184 0 0 0
Twill CMS 0% 326 948 5,879 326 0 0 0
Twinkle Tray 69% 66 566 3,463 62 4 2 0
Ubilling 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
UBports 15% 4,181 54,684 355,899 4,123 23 0 0
ubuntu-desktop-translations 25% 981 4,460 28,577 981 53 0 0
UDPLogger 31% 126 438 2,741 125 3 0 0
Unknown Horizons 33% 911 5,055 29,493 910 3 15 0
Unvanquished 16% 955 5,819 35,620 955 6 0 0
URLCheck 47% 152 1,484 8,884 148 10 0 0
User-Agent Switcher 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Vanilla OS 91% 78 353 2,317 49 17 55 0
Video Downloader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
vikdevelop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Voice 76% 28 166 949 26 2 32 0
wallabag 14% 949 5,156 31,300 948 0 0 0
Wallflow 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
Warpinator for Android 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weblate 78% 3,252 40,197 294,416 1,332 258 4 0
WebODM 34% 543 4,343 27,747 543 8 1 0
wger Workout Manager 22% 747 3,868 22,719 713 7 23 0
Whiskers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Whisperfish 38% 252 1,214 7,448 241 0 0 0
WinCompose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wizarr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wizarr V3 0% 336 2,087 12,262 336 0 66 0
World-Weather 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
wtforms 94% 2 14 75 0 2 0 0
Xarchiver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XBackBone 98% 3 6 30 2 0 0 0
XCSoar 13% 1,720 9,966 59,672 1,603 80 12 0
Yattee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
You Apps 72% 143 427 2,507 137 3 0 0
Your local weather 96% 20 539 3,255 11 9 0 0
ytdlnis 92% 35 234 1,488 34 1 0 0
zim 68% 491 2,530 14,823 337 60 0 0
Zulip 67% 1,422 10,989 80,015 1,422 78 0 0


Language code ro
Aliased language codes mol, ro_ro, ron, rum
Text direction Left to right
Number of speakers 20,024,109
Plural: Default plural 2150 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type One/few/other
Plurals One 1
Few 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Other 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, …
Plural formula n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2
Plural: gettext plural formula 13 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Plural formula (n != 1)
Plural: gettext plural formula 6 translations
Number of plurals 1
Plural type None
Plural formula 0
Plural: CLDR plural with zero 2 translations
Number of plurals 4
Plural type Zero/one/few/other
Plurals Zero 0
One 1
Few 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, …
Other 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, …
Plural formula n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 2 : 3
Plural: Qt Linguist plural 34 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type One/few/other
Plurals One 1
Few 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Other 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, …
Plural formula (n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2)
4 minutes ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 625,784 5,604,801 37,072,486
Approved 1% 8,405 1% 96,424 1% 725,755
Waiting for review 40% 250,683 26% 1,482,234 26% 9,716,207
Translated 42% 265,620 28% 1,607,330 28% 10,729,434
Needs editing 7% 47,679 4% 241,698 4% 1,620,600
Read-only 1% 6,532 1% 28,672 1% 287,472
Failing checks 3% 24,501 2% 153,960 2% 1,048,232
Strings with suggestions 1% 3,655 1% 18,178 1% 115,163
Untranslated strings 49% 312,485 67% 3,755,773 66% 24,722,452

Quick numbers

5,602 k
Hosted words
625 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

20 minutes ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

20 minutes ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

20 minutes ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

20 minutes ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

Parsing of the “po/ro.po” file was enforced. 24 minutes ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

The “i18n/ro.po” file was changed. an hour ago
User avatar None

String added in the repository

an hour ago
User avatar None

String added in the repository

an hour ago
User avatar None

String added in the repository

an hour ago
User avatar None

String added in the repository

an hour ago
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