Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
3D Slicer 1% 5,591 36,149 243,508 5,523 0 1 0
3DStris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Andor's Trail 3% 19,232 221,732 1,161,455 19,230 42 0 1
Aniyomi 96% 48 108 618 19 0 2 0
APatch 37% 132 509 3,102 114 21 64 0
Arctica Framework 38% 71 643 4,159 69 0 0 0
Aseprite 8% 1,547 5,097 32,838 1,545 1 6 0
AsteroidOS 84% 2 16 122 2 0 0 0
Auxio 39% 223 729 4,280 216 9 0 0
Awery 100% 0 0 0 0 66 0 0
Ayatana Indicators 0% 431 2,316 14,471 431 0 0 0 0% 222 1,047 6,089 222 0 0 0
Bifrost 70% 38 392 2,370 0 30 0 0
Bottles 26% 41 53 357 41 0 0 0
Catima 15% 283 1,173 7,395 283 1 0 2
CircuitPython 32% 705 3,830 21,834 692 16 120 0
Cloudstream 15% 646 2,217 13,196 646 2 0 0
Dartotsu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DataBackup 19% 328 1,034 6,261 328 0 0 0
Doki Doki Mod Manager 52% 171 877 5,022 171 8 0 2
Easy Notes 85% 22 63 375 21 1 0 0
F-Droid 60% 384 4,293 27,124 370 4 14 1
Flashy 23% 54 662 3,843 53 4 0 0
Flathub 6% 222 2,721 17,402 222 0 0 0
FluffyChat 22% 590 3,041 18,204 589 1 0 0
Fossify 1% 2,198 11,225 66,402 2,198 0 0 0
FOSS Projects 64% 91 604 3,877 85 2 0 0
Freesm Launcher 62% 853 4,952 30,286 789 53 0 0
FreeTube 8% 887 3,969 25,215 886 1 7 0
GNU Mailman 0% 991 6,771 42,786 991 0 0 0
Godot Engine 1% 59,164 1,107,634 7,507,618 56,149 744 12 0
GoofCord 98% 2 43 331 1 0 0 0
GPSLogger 69% 125 2,030 12,483 119 3 0 0
Gramophone 36% 192 1,050 7,269 189 1 0 0
Guardian Project 64% 268 1,057 6,001 268 8 9 0
Harmony Music 18% 197 776 5,062 197 0 1 0
Heroic Games Launcher 18% 684 3,671 23,163 681 25 4 0
HyperPlay Client 98% 9 4 24 9 121 1 0
Image Resizer 51% 773 3,742 22,927 761 0 0 0
Immich 3% 1,305 6,839 42,039 1,296 7 0 0
IReader 100% 0 0 0 0 35 0 0
iso-codes 12% 4,841 6,816 48,463 4,840 0 0 0
Jump Cutter 2% 141 1,043 6,305 141 0 0 0
KeePassDX 44% 383 2,111 13,545 381 3 0 0
KernelSU 25% 104 408 2,578 67 4 0 0
Komikku-App 78% 27 41 270 26 0 0 0
Kotatsu 99% 1 4 34 1 29 1 0
Latest 83% 30 128 834 19 12 0 0
Legcord 50% 89 536 3,303 0 103 0 0
LibRedirect 84% 8 8 55 8 0 0 0
LibreTranslate 13% 148 398 2,623 148 1 11 0
LibreTube 20% 459 1,704 10,868 455 2 57 0
Lomiri 1% 4,848 15,873 96,733 4,848 0 0 0
Mbin 24% 640 3,422 21,138 587 2 6 0
microG 66% 209 1,517 10,092 209 4 0 0
Mihon 99% 2 2 14 0 0 0 0
Minetest 35% 919 8,289 51,796 809 87 1 0
MMRL 0% 389 1,734 10,886 389 0 0 0
Navit 6% 696 81 457 696 0 0 0
NekoX 1% 147 523 3,333 147 0 0 0
Neo Backup 41% 294 3,425 21,531 294 0 0 0
Neo Feed 76% 29 69 424 29 0 0 0
Neo Store 72% 130 1,629 10,785 123 1 0 0
NewPipe 28% 648 8,472 52,805 641 3 54 0
OnionShare 33% 256 2,053 12,905 253 1 10 0
OpenRefine 31% 1,233 9,512 63,170 1,115 43 0 0
OpenWrt 14% 2,629 14,159 91,083 2,628 1 1 0
phpMyAdmin 15% 11,502 79,304 497,359 11,203 131 27 0
Pinta 21% 447 1,563 9,440 443 6 0 0
Planner 49% 192 698 4,055 100 29 0 0
Prism Launcher 61% 946 5,482 33,756 821 10 0 0
pypa 1% 5,448 92,737 651,991 5,357 57 4 0
QuranApp 54% 185 963 5,708 184 3 0 0
ReadYou 50% 170 644 3,858 170 1 0 0
Rebel Toolbox 1% 11,265 236,528 1,605,195 11,173 0 0 0
Seal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SimpleLogin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Skolab Groupware 0% 434 2,590 16,764 434 0 0 0
SongSync 69% 46 183 1,114 45 19 0 0
Stellarium-mobile 51% 293 756 4,774 285 50 0 0
Stretchly 86% 42 424 2,269 18 7 0 0
Suwayomi 0% 980 3,384 22,473 980 0 0 0
Syncthing 97% 13 13 78 13 0 0 0
TagStudio 16% 216 1,132 7,762 199 8 0 0
th-ch/youtube-music 86% 54 87 606 44 4 12 0
TinyIB 0% 253 1,088 6,229 253 0 0 0
To Don't 85% 17 497 3,239 17 70 0 0
Tor Project 3% 2,285 36,277 237,200 2,285 1 13 0
ubuntu-desktop-translations 66% 107 883 5,754 107 1 0 0
Vanilla OS 1% 74 259 1,687 52 15 59 0
Vigilante 74% 54 544 3,717 53 10 0 0
Weblate 18% 12,524 116,665 835,254 11,716 293 4 0
Yōkai 98% 11 12 65 6 13 0 0
You Apps 36% 214 427 2,747 213 2 0 0
ytdlnis 22% 365 1,305 8,201 357 1 0 0


Language code fil
Aliased language codes fil_fil
English name of the language Filipino
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-sensitive
Number of speakers 72,984,366
Plural: Default plural 339 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, …
Plural 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29, 34, …
Plural formula n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 3 && (n % 10 == 4 || n % 10 == 6 || n % 10 == 9)
Plural: gettext plural formula 2 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 0, 1
Plural 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, …
Plural formula (n > 1)
Plural: gettext plural formula 1 translation
Number of plurals 2
Plural type Unknown
Plurals Singular 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29, 34, …
Plural 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, …
Plural formula (n==1 || n==2 || n==3 || (n%10!=4 && n%10!=6 && n%10!=9))
Plural: gettext plural formula 0 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type Unknown
Plurals Singular
Plural 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …
Plural formula (n == 1 || n==2 || n==3) || (n % 10 != 4 || n % 10 != 6 || n % 10 != 9)
Plural: CLDR plural with zero 1 translation
Number of plurals 3
Plural type Zero/one/other
Plurals Zero 0
One 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29, 34, …
Other 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, …
Plural formula n==0 ? 0 : n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 3 && (n % 10 == 4 || n % 10 == 6 || n % 10 == 9) ? 1: 2
Plural: Qt Linguist plural 3 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type Zero/one/other
Plurals Zero 1
One 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29, 34, …
Other 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, …
Plural formula (n==1 ? 0 : (n%10==4 || n%10==6 || n%10== 9) ? 1 : 2)
an hour ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 194,752 2,229,039 14,649,363
Approved 1% 625 1% 3,569 1% 22,377
Waiting for review 13% 25,876 4% 109,299 4% 676,806
Translated 14% 28,593 5% 117,568 5% 752,530
Needs editing 2% 5,371 1% 18,090 1% 144,483
Read-only 1% 2,092 1% 4,700 1% 53,347
Failing checks 1% 2,240 1% 10,625 1% 75,077
Strings with suggestions 1% 625 1% 3,189 1% 19,661
Untranslated strings 82% 160,788 93% 2,093,381 93% 13,752,350

Quick numbers

2,228 k
Hosted words
194 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
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Resource updated

Parsing of the “localization/fil.json” file was enforced. an hour ago
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Resource updated

Parsing of the “localization/fil.json” file was enforced. 2 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

Parsing of the “localization/fil.json” file was enforced. 3 hours ago
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Resource updated

The “app/src/main/res/values-fil/strings.xml” file was changed. 3 hours ago
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String added in the repository

3 hours ago
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String added in the repository

3 hours ago
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String updated in the repository

3 hours ago
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String added in the repository

3 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

3 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

Parsing of the “localization/fil.json” file was enforced. 4 hours ago
Browse all changes for this language