Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Accrescent 0 0 0 0 0 15 1
Airsonic 99% 2 36 224 1 252 1 0
Aniyomi 26% 929 3,585 22,105 929 1 0 0
Arctica Framework 10% 104 864 5,400 100 2 0 0
Aseprite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Auxio 95% 16 243 1,526 16 1 0 0
Aves 88% 82 224 1,640 72 5 0 0
Ayatana Indicators 8% 395 2,200 13,778 383 10 0 0
Barcode Scanner 27% 585 2,334 14,794 585 0 0 0
Bing Wallpaper GNOME Extension 31% 58 235 1,626 43 0 0 0
BleachBit 40% 224 1,231 7,784 202 6 0 0
Blur my Shell 3% 152 930 5,618 152 0 10 0
bookworm 0% 149 798 4,708 149 0 0 0
Captain's Log for SailfishOS 6% 245 1,344 7,712 244 0 0 0
Celeste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ClassQuiz 10% 345 1,299 7,936 342 0 98 0
Cloudstream 38% 478 1,876 11,218 473 2 0 0
Collabora Online 21% 1,128 8,231 60,799 969 121 0 0
Dashboard for SailfishOS 5% 297 1,213 7,211 296 0 0 0
Debian Installation Guide 1% 2,012 65,074 448,449 2,011 2 0 0
Debian Installer 97% 39 620 3,786 24 3 0 1
Droid-ify 83% 38 177 1,140 38 3 0 0
EasyEffects 33% 509 3,524 21,489 476 6 0 0
EasySSH 2% 147 419 2,717 147 0 0 0
EasyWatermark 89% 10 607 3,676 5 3 0 0
Episodes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Etar-Calendar 77% 80 959 5,721 74 5 0 0
Expenditure for SailfishOS 10% 145 688 3,909 145 0 0 0
Extension Manager 16% 103 455 3,001 64 11 0 0
F-Droid 36% 2,394 15,775 103,979 2,300 48 0 0
FeedReader 0% 317 1,375 8,489 317 0 0 0
File Browser for SailfishOS 2% 601 2,343 13,497 600 0 0 0
Fossify 15% 1,883 9,822 58,076 1,881 10 0 0
Freeplane 18% 2,040 7,982 50,007 1,986 39 0 0
FreeTube 57% 421 2,085 13,429 390 11 0 0
GiveMeLyrics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GNU Mailman 0% 991 6,771 42,786 991 0 0 0
Godot Engine 2% 5,776 31,868 198,351 5,684 43 2 0
Go For It 0% 192 895 5,032 192 0 0 0
Go Map!! 8% 738 2,586 15,611 694 39 0 0
Gramps 51% 6,078 32,563 201,099 5,331 384 3 0
Guardian Project 63% 283 1,126 6,458 283 11 0 0
Husky 1% 537 1,878 11,482 537 0 0 0
Immich 30% 960 5,350 32,642 959 1 0 0
IReader 100% 0 0 0 0 340 0 0
iso-codes 9% 9,597 14,783 100,711 5,718 5 8 0
ITSM-ng 15% 3,777 16,252 99,550 3,653 27 0 0
jamovi 97% 23 42 278 23 5 0 0
jamovidocs 44% 739 19,242 127,118 739 0 0 0
JellyBook 0% 105 399 2,392 105 0 0 0
KeePassDX 43% 387 2,368 15,026 362 7 0 0
KeyPass 74% 31 166 993 31 4 0 0
KISS 19% 319 3,311 20,659 319 0 0 0
Kotatsu 47% 433 2,020 12,219 414 3 0 0
Liberapay 68% 8 73 469 7 1 0 0
Libre Camera 16% 80 686 4,379 80 0 0 0
LibreSudoku 18% 309 1,604 8,605 299 1 0 0
LibreTorrent 53% 247 1,493 9,424 245 5 0 0
LibreTranslate 29% 122 411 2,718 122 0 1 0
Lomiri 1% 4,848 15,859 96,733 4,848 0 0 0
LosslessCut 41% 473 3,651 22,306 473 28 0 0
lsjdocs 24% 3,271 178,928 1,063,214 3,271 0 0 0
mangayomi 1% 273 693 4,249 273 0 0 0
Matomo 15% 5,302 57,653 346,661 5,239 21 0 0
Mbin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Migraine Log 100% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Mihon 30% 599 2,301 14,106 593 5 0 0
Minetest 37% 1,650 13,304 82,896 1,515 43 0 0
Minigalaxy 60% 138 530 3,322 110 6 0 0
Molly Instant Messenger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MyPaint 62% 546 4,736 29,321 377 42 0 0
Navit 47% 391 94 545 391 1 0 0
Neo Feed 31% 85 214 1,301 84 0 0 0
Neo Store 2% 443 3,076 20,030 443 0 0 0
NewPipe 17% 745 8,836 55,076 740 2 0 0
Noark Standards 95% 121 1,143 10,203 36 524 1 0
No Nonsense Notes 5% 16 676 4,158 16 0 0 0
Nutty 0% 152 609 3,836 152 0 0 0
Opal for SailfishOS 9% 358 2,157 12,671 357 0 0 0
Opd 30% 5,202 26,773 159,692 3,806 417 737 0
openATV 28% 5,809 29,674 178,429 4,962 298 1 0
Openreads 68% 89 442 2,545 89 2 1 0
OsmAnd 11% 12,430 51,916 324,704 12,333 119 0 0
Pachli 87% 127 2,210 14,127 126 8 3 0
PairDrop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pappl 0% 1,058 2,467 15,357 1,058 0 0 0
PDF Tricks 0% 83 355 2,193 83 0 0 0
phpMyAdmin 1% 13,454 89,622 559,584 13,410 18 1 0
PianoBooster 6% 385 2,400 13,833 384 0 0 0
Pinta 17% 469 1,529 9,197 469 6 0 0
Planner 0% 378 1,443 8,301 378 0 0 0
pl-fe 56% 721 2,621 15,711 671 651 0 0
plone 1% 3,567 12,708 103,314 3,566 0 0 0
PolyMC 57% 614 3,352 21,166 466 14 0 0
pot-app 1% 340 818 5,128 340 1 0 0
Prism Launcher 27% 1,765 9,781 60,698 1,474 18 1 0
Privacy Friendly Apps 0% 3 249 1,601 3 0 0 0
Provider for Google Calendar 29% 59 913 5,393 59 0 0 0
ReadYou 10% 308 1,395 8,278 308 0 0 0
Receipts Go 95% 20 118 692 15 14 0 0


Language code nn
Aliased language codes nn_no, nno
English name of the language Norwegian Nynorsk
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-sensitive
Number of speakers 1,377,432
Plural: Default plural 676 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Plural formula n != 1
Plural: gettext plural formula 5 translations
Number of plurals 1
Plural type None
Plural formula 0
Plural: Qt Linguist plural 11 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Plural formula (n != 1)
9 minutes ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 212,178 1,413,378 9,063,088
Approved 1% 1,184 1% 3,411 1% 20,382
Waiting for review 25% 52,985 18% 257,014 18% 1,689,257
Translated 26% 56,316 18% 265,591 19% 1,767,408
Needs editing 5% 11,857 2% 37,329 2% 248,660
Read-only 1% 2,147 1% 5,166 1% 57,769
Failing checks 3% 7,514 2% 41,513 3% 276,269
Strings with suggestions 1% 1,204 1% 4,169 1% 25,195
Untranslated strings 67% 144,005 78% 1,110,458 77% 7,047,020

Quick numbers

1,413 k
Hosted words
212 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar None

Resource updated

The “static/locales/en-US.yaml” file was changed. 3 hours ago
User avatar None

String added in the repository

3 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

The “contents+nn.po” file was changed. 10 hours ago
User avatar emmapeel

Bulk status changed

11 hours ago
User avatar emmapeel

Bulk status changed

11 hours ago
User avatar formiano1

Changes committed

Changes committed 12 hours ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

13 hours ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

13 hours ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

13 hours ago
User avatar mt:weblate-translation-memory

Suggestion added

13 hours ago
Browse all changes for this language