Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Flare AGPL-3.0-only 67% 2,408 18,335 117,098 2,280 56 31 2
Pipeline GPL-3.0-or-later 75% 870 4,451 27,261 639 40 5 0
Railway GPL-3.0-or-later 85% 767 2,476 15,587 743 44 20 6
Glossary Glossary AGPL-3.0-only 98% 1 1 10 0 0 0 0


Project website
Instructions for translators

Curly brackets

Curly brackets in translation strings (e.g. {} or similar) should never be translated as they are used to template information into the string.


If you want to be credited in the About-page for translating, add your name and optionally email in the format Name <email> into the "translator-credits" key.

Project maintainers User avatar SchmiddiiiUser avatar julianfairfax
6 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 16,164 78,098 493,389
Source 533 2,406 15,269
Translated 74% 12,118 67% 52,835 67% 333,433
Needs editing 2% 384 2% 1,676 2% 10,798
Read-only 3% 533 3% 2,406 3% 15,269
Failing checks 1% 140 1% 1,125 1% 7,338
Strings with suggestions 1% 56 1% 205 1% 1,374
Untranslated strings 22% 3,662 30% 23,587 30% 149,158

Quick numbers

Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar None

Repository notification received

GitLab:, master 6 hours ago
User avatar None

Changes pushed

Changes pushed 6 hours ago
User avatar None

Changes committed

Changes committed 6 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Translation changed

17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Translation changed

17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Suggestion removed

17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Suggestion removed

17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Translation completed

Translation completed 17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Translation added

17 hours ago
User avatar mljoke7790a0041048415c

Translation changed

17 hours ago
Browse all project changes
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

I recently got informed that due to a missconfiguration of Weblate, the translator-credits key was shared between all components of this project. This means that people may have accidentally overwrote each others credits. This should now be fixed. I am sorry if this has caused any issues or if this removed credits for your work. If you would like to be credited, please review the credits key and ensure you are properly credited in the component and language you translated.

a year ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

Hello translators,

a recent MR changed many strings for translation. We plan to do a release with those strings soon, I therefore ask you to update the translations. I will give you all at least one week, maybe more, for translation. Thank you for translating.



a year ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

All the metainfo in the desktop files (including Flare name, description, summary) are now also translatable. Note that with this change, the entirety of the changelog is also translatable. As these are very many keys and not really useful, only translate them if you have too much time. All these keys aer in the file data/de.schmidhuberj.Flare.metainfo.xml, so feel free to filter this out.

If you have any method to remove the changelog but keep description and similar translatable, please reach out to me via Matrix or open a MR to fix this. There seems to be some method to do this as I have seen both Fractal and Geary doing it, but could not yet figure out how.



a year ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

Hello translators,

I plan to release a new version of Flare in the next week. There are not that many translation keys to translate for this release, please consider translating them if you have time.

Thanks for translating,


2 years ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

Hello translators,

There will be another pretty major (in terms of features, not in the amount of new keys to translate) release soon. I will again give you a week and notify you afterwards.

Thanks for translating this project, Schmiddi

2 years ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

Hello translators,

I plan to do another bigger release soon, I would therefore be greatful if you could update your translations to include the newest additions. I will again give you one week time and notify you afterwards per E-Mail if there are still keys left.

Thanks for translating this project, Schmiddi

2 years ago
User avatar Schmiddiii

Announcement posted

Next release

I am probably going to do another release soon. As there are still some keys left to translate, I will wait another week before the release. If there are still untranslated keys left, they will not be included in the next release and stay english in the user interface.

Thanks for translating this project,


2 years ago
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