The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English EUPL-1.2 100% 0 0 0 0 417 0 23
Albanian EUPL-1.2 17% 611 25,763 148,870 449 157 0 0
Arabic EUPL-1.2 14% 630 26,464 153,400 507 122 0 0
Belarusian EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Bengali EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 732 8 0 0
Bulgarian EUPL-1.2 1% 728 29,651 170,844 688 40 0 0
Burmese EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Catalan EUPL-1.2 97% 19 1,463 8,389 0 34 0 2
Chinese (Simplified Han script) EUPL-1.2 79% 155 7,867 44,493 127 7 0 3
Chinese (Traditional Han script) EUPL-1.2 1% 732 29,712 171,131 731 1 0 0
Croatian EUPL-1.2 2% 725 29,157 168,285 722 2 0 0
Czech EUPL-1.2 85% 107 6,292 39,255 81 33 0 0
Danish EUPL-1.2 8% 676 28,396 163,901 619 54 0 0
Dutch EUPL-1.2 79% 149 5,113 28,818 85 125 0 0
Esperanto EUPL-1.2 14% 635 26,963 155,846 486 145 0 0
Estonian EUPL-1.2 1% 736 29,783 171,498 730 6 0 0
Finnish EUPL-1.2 6% 692 27,453 158,592 683 9 0 2
French EUPL-1.2 65% 259 12,626 72,427 195 65 0 1
French (Canada) EUPL-1.2 62% 277 13,253 76,020 206 80 0 0
Frisian EUPL-1.2 1% 738 29,772 171,465 721 18 0 0
German EUPL-1.2 89% 80 6,126 34,916 50 31 0 0
Greek EUPL-1.2 4% 709 29,211 168,378 646 69 0 0
Hebrew EUPL-1.2 5% 702 28,412 164,049 669 40 0 0
Hindi EUPL-1.2 2% 721 29,046 167,471 672 49 0 0
Hungarian EUPL-1.2 6% 692 28,871 166,598 567 134 0 0
Iban EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Indonesian EUPL-1.2 16% 618 25,935 150,315 488 141 0 0
Interlingua EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Irish EUPL-1.2 1% 738 29,826 171,753 738 0 0 0
Italian EUPL-1.2 15% 623 26,171 151,914 582 24 0 0
Japanese EUPL-1.2 1% 734 29,754 171,367 734 1 0 0
Kabyle EUPL-1.2 17% 609 29,570 170,071 608 0 0 0
Kannada EUPL-1.2 1% 734 29,649 170,841 734 0 0 0
Korean EUPL-1.2 9% 672 27,664 160,011 593 24 0 0
Kurdish (Northern) EUPL-1.2 1% 738 29,825 171,734 732 6 0 0
Lojban EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Malay EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Malayalam EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Maori EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Marathi EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Nepali EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål EUPL-1.2 11% 658 27,676 159,661 520 133 0 0
Papiamento EUPL-1.2 1% 737 29,761 171,414 735 0 0 0
Persian EUPL-1.2 1% 737 29,824 171,729 735 2 0 0
Persian (Old) EUPL-1.2 1% 737 29,824 171,729 735 2 0 0
Polish EUPL-1.2 97% 18 1,406 8,185 0 8 0 4
Portuguese (Brazil) EUPL-1.2 61% 282 14,683 85,462 238 69 0 0
Portuguese (Portugal) EUPL-1.2 5% 702 28,146 162,539 684 15 0 0
Punjabi (Pakistan) EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Romanian EUPL-1.2 1% 732 29,626 170,695 701 28 0 0
Russian EUPL-1.2 19% 596 25,222 146,334 470 125 0 0
Serbian EUPL-1.2 97% 16 1,345 7,714 0 12 0 0
Slovenian EUPL-1.2 19% 593 25,644 146,552 564 16 0 0
Spanish EUPL-1.2 97% 20 1,715 9,783 0 1 0 0
Swahili EUPL-1.2 1% 738 29,825 171,734 727 10 0 0
Swedish EUPL-1.2 49% 375 17,036 101,365 265 67 0 0
Tagalog EUPL-1.2 1% 739 29,827 171,758 739 0 0 0
Tamil EUPL-1.2 76% 174 10,174 59,140 0 358 0 1
Telugu EUPL-1.2 1% 733 29,611 170,589 726 3 0 2
Thai EUPL-1.2 2% 722 29,270 168,796 716 6 0 0
Tswana EUPL-1.2 2% 719 29,411 169,454 689 31 0 0
Turkish EUPL-1.2 55% 332 15,727 94,288 242 48 0 0
Ukrainian EUPL-1.2 97% 16 1,345 7,714 0 0 0 1
Urdu EUPL-1.2 1% 737 29,824 171,729 737 0 0 0
Uzbek EUPL-1.2 0% 740 29,828 171,763 740 0 0 0
Vietnamese EUPL-1.2 3% 715 28,713 165,812 711 4 0 0
Welsh EUPL-1.2 1% 738 29,825 171,734 738 0 0 0
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Project website
Instructions for translators

Translating Hedy ================

Hedy is now (partly) available in many languages (see stats) we'd love to support more languages and complete the ones we have!

Getting started ================

If you are new to Hedy and/or to Weblate, the best thing do to is to follow our Translation Tutorial on the Hedy Wiki. Do you want to stay up to date with changes from the Hedy team? Register for the newsletter for translators and we will let you know when new texts are there.

Connecting with the Hedy Community! ================

Any questions can be sent to or join us on Discord in the #translators channel to chat!

Components ================

The Hedy repository consists of a number of different components. They are listed in our preferred order of translations, and the text between brackets indicates the size of the component.

  • Adventures(large) contains all explanatory texts on the website in the tabs.
  • Cheatsheets (medium) contains the texts and examples of the cheat sheets at the 🤔 emoji in the top corner (top left for left to right languages like English, top right in a right to left language like Arabic)
  • Keywords (small) If you want people to be able to code in your language, you will have to translate the keywords, for example, to allow kids in Spanish to use imprimir ola instead of print hello
  • client-messages (small) There are a few error messages that we show on the front-end which are translated here.
  • Texts (medium) contains the texts of all UI elements such as error messages and menu items.
  • Achievements (small) Users of Hedy can reach certain achievements such as running an erroneous program 3 times in a row. These achievements are stored in this component
  • Parsons (medium) contains the puzzles of the website
  • Quizzes (large) contains the quizzes of the website (f.e.
  • Webpages (medium) Lowest priority, this component holds the texts of the website surrounding Hedy. This component does not affect the programming part of the website.
Project maintainers User avatar Mark-GiesenUser avatar FelienneUser avatar jpelayUser avatar rix0rrrUser avatar bot-hedy-tokenUser avatar boryanagoncharenko
Translation license European Union Public License 1.2
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions are turned off.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language is editable.
Source code repository
Repository branch main
Last remote commit Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#6171) 16b2c9a49
Weblate (bot) authored yesterday
Last commit in Weblate Translated using Weblate (Dutch) ca8d44bd3
User avatar AnneliesVlaar authored 16 hours ago
Weblate repository
File mask content/adventures/*.yaml
Monolingual base language file content/adventures/en.yaml
16 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 49,580 1,998,476 11,508,121
Source 740 29,828 171,763
Translated 22% 11,155 20% 405,464 20% 2,316,640
Needs editing 4% 2,298 6% 122,856 5% 686,223
Read-only 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Failing checks 5% 2,780 7% 154,960 7% 867,505
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Untranslated strings 72% 36,127 73% 1,470,156 73% 8,505,258

Quick numbers

1,998 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

_ {is} {ask} Schere, Stein oder Papier?
{print} Ich wähle
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

{define} zeal_1
    {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3
        {play} G
    {play} D
    {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 2
        {play} E
    {play} D

tiere = ['Schwein', 'Hund', 'Kuh']
laute = ['quieck', 'wau', 'muh']
{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3
    tier = tiere[i]
    laut = laute[i]
    {print} 'Old MacDonald had a farm'
    {call} zeile_1
    {print} 'E I E I O!'
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

Auswahl = Schere, Stein, Papier
Personen = _
{for} Spieler {in} Personen
     {print} Spieler ' wählt ' Auswahl {at} {random}
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

Auswahl = Schere, Stein, Papier
deine_Wahl = {ask} 'Was wählst du?'
{print} 'Du wählst ' deine_Wahl
Computer_Wahl = Auswahl {at} {random}
{print} 'Der Computer wählt ' Computer_Wahl
{if} Computer_Wahl {is} deine_Wahl
    {print} 'Unentschieden'
{if} Computer_Wahl {is} 'Stein'
    {if} deine_Wahl {is} 'Papier'
        {print} 'Du gewinnst!'
    {if} deine_Wahl {is} 'Schere'
        {print} 'Du verlierst!'
# mach den Beispiel-Code fertig
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

In der Restaurant-Übung musst du auch Anführungszeichen benutzen, wenn du die `{print}` oder `{ask}` Befehle verwendest.

### Übung 1
Füge die Anführungszeichen zum Code hinzu, um ihn zum Laufen zu bringen! Sei vorsichtig: Variablen sollten nicht in Anführungszeichen stehen.

### Übung 2
Gehe zum vorigen Level zurück und kopiere deinen Restaurant-Code. Bringe diesen Code in diesem Level zum Laufen, indem du Anführungszeichen an den richtigen Stellen hinzufügst.
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Applied enforced check

wahlmöglichkeiten {is} Schere, Stein, Papier
{print} Spieler 1 wählt... wahlmöglichkeiten {at} {random}
{print} Spieler 2 _
16 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

Parsing of the “content/adventures/zh_Hant.yaml” file was enforced. 16 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource updated

Parsing of the “content/adventures/zh_Hans.yaml” file was enforced. 16 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

16 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

16 hours ago
Browse all component changes