

English Chinese (Simplified) Actions


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String added in the repository

6 days ago
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Source string changed

6 days ago
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Things to check

Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



The following format strings are missing: ###
The following format strings are extra: *



English Chinese (Simplified)
Tor Tor Guardian Project
Tor Browser Tor 浏览器 OnionShare Glossary
bridge 网桥 Tor Project glossary


Like ordinary Tor relays, bridges are run by volunteers; unlike ordinary relays, however, they are not listed publicly, so an adversary cannot identify them easily.

bridges 网桥 Tor Project glossary


browser Tor Project glossary
Tor Tor Tor Project glossary

Tor is a program you can run on your computer that helps keep you safe on the Internet. It protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. This set of volunteer relays is called the Tor network.

Tor Browser Tor 浏览器 Tor Project glossary

String information

forbidden, ignore-translated, md-text, placeholders:r"\]\([^h/].*?\)":r"^\* ":≡:r"^#*\ ":r"^-\ ":|:![:r"]\(\/static\/.*?\.png\)"
String age
6 days ago
Last updated
6 days ago
Source string age
6 days ago
Translation file
contents+zh-CN.po, string 50