Strings Words Characters | |||
23 1,940 17,738 |
All strings | Browse Translate Zen |
23 1,940 17,738 |
Translated strings | Browse Translate Zen |
23 1,940 17,738 |
Strings waiting for review | Browse Translate Zen |
1 41 239 |
Strings with any failing checks | Browse Translate Zen |
1 41 239 |
Translated strings with any failing checks | Browse Translate Zen |
1 41 239 |
Failing check: Reused translation | Browse Translate Zen |
Project website | | |
Instructions for translators | This project is limited to Russian translation only, for now. More detailed instructions to come. |
Project maintainers |
![]() |
Translation license | MIT License | |
Translation process |
Source code repository |
Repository branch | master | |
Last remote commit |
Merge pull request #553 from weblate/weblate-sdg-metadata-1-1-1a
![]() |
Last commit in Weblate |
Merge pull request #553 from weblate/weblate-sdg-metadata-1-1-1a
![]() |
Weblate repository |
File mask |
Monolingual base language file |
Translation file |
Last change | Oct. 30, 2021, 1:20 p.m. | |
Last change made by | Hernan Muñoz | |
Language | Spanish | |
Language code | es | |
Text direction | Left to right | |
Case sensitivity | Case-sensitive | |
Number of speakers | 506,540,366 | |
Number of plurals | 2 | |
Plural type | One/other | |
Plurals | Singular | 1 |
Plural | 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, … | |
Plural formula |
n != 1
3 days ago
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 23 | 1,940 | 17,738 | |||
Approved | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Waiting for review | 100% | 23 | 100% | 1,940 | 100% | 17,738 |
Translated | 100% | 23 | 100% | 1,940 | 100% | 17,738 |
Needs editing | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Read-only | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Failing checks | 4% | 1 | 2% | 41 | 1% | 239 |
Strings with suggestions | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Untranslated strings | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Quick numbers
and previous 30 days
Trends of last 30 days
Hosted words
Hosted strings
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
![]() Translation added |
23 | File in original format as translated in the repository | YAML file | ||||||||||
23 | All strings, converted files enriched with comments; suitable for offline translation | Android String Resource | CSV | JSON | JSON nested structure file | gettext PO | iOS strings | TBX | TMX | XLIFF 1.1 with gettext extensions | XLIFF 1.1 | XLSX |
<h2>Computation method:</h2>
<p>The number of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education n in year t achieving or exceeding the pre-defined proficiency level in subject s expressed as a percentage of the number of children and/or young people at stage of education n, in year t, in any proficiency level in subject s.</p>
<p>MPL<sub>t,n,s,</sub> = MP<sub>t,n,s</sub> / P<sub>t,n</sub></p>
<p>where: </p>
<p>MP<sub>t,n,s</sub> = the number of children and young people at stage of education n, in year t, who have achieved or exceeded the minimum proficiency level in subject s. </p>
<p>P<sub>t,n </sub>= the number of children and young people at stage of education n, in year t, in any proficiency level in subject s.</p>
<p>n = the stage of education that was assessed</p>
<p>s = the subject that was assessed (reading or mathematics).</p>
<h2>Harmonize various data sources</h2>
<p>To address the challenges posed by the limited capacity of some countries to implement cross-national, regional, and national assessments, actions have been taken by the UIS and its partners. The strategies are used according to its level of precision and following a <a href="">reporting protocol</a> that includes the national assessments under specific circumstances. </p>
<h2>Out-of-school children </h2>
<p>In 2016, 263 million children, adolescents and youth were out of school, representing nearly one-fifth of the global population of this age group. 63 million, or 24% of the total, are children of primary school age (typically 6 to 11 years old); 61 million, or 23% of the total, are adolescents of lower secondary school age (typically 12 to 14 years old); and 139 million, or 53% of the total, are youth of upper secondary school age (about 15 to 17 years old). Not all these kids will be permanently outside school, some will re-join the educational system and, eventually, complete late, while some of them will enter late. The quantity varies per country and region and demands some adjustment in the estimate of Indicator 4.1.1. There is currently a discussion on how to implement these adjustments to reflect all the population. In 2017, the <a href=""><u>UIS proposed to make adjustments using the out-of-school children (OOSC)</u></a><sup><sup><a href="#footnote-2" id="footnote-ref-2">[2]</a></sup></sup> and the completion rates. </p><div class="footnotes"><div><sup class="footnote-number" id="footnote-2">2</sup><p> UIS (2017a). More than one-half of children and adolescents are not learning worldwide. Montreal and UIS (2017b). Counting the number of children not learning: Methodology for a global composite indicator for education. Montreal. <a href="#footnote-ref-2">↑</a></p></div></div>
<h2>Método de cálculo:</h2>
<p>El número de niños y/o jóvenes de la etapa educativa n en el año t que alcanzan o superan el nivel de competencia predefinido en la asignatura s, expresado como porcentaje del número de niños y/o jóvenes de la etapa educativa n, en el año t, en cualquier nivel de competencia en la asignaturas.</p>
<p>MPL<sub>t,n,s,</sub> = MP<sub>t,n,s</sub> / P<sub>t,n</sub></p>
<p>donde: </p>
<p>MP<sub>t,n,s</sub> = el número de niños y jóvenes de la etapa educativa n, en el año t, que han alcanzado o superado el nivel mínimo de competencia en la materia
<p>P<sub>t,n </sub>= el número de niños y jóvenes de la etapa educativa n, en el año t, en cualquier nivel de competencia en la materias.</p>
<p>n = la etapa educativa que se evaluó.</p>
<p>s = la materia evaluada (lectura o matemáticas).</p>
<h2>Armonizar diversas fuentes de datos</h2>
<p>Para hacer frente a los retos que plantea la limitada capacidad de algunos países para llevar a cabo evaluaciones transnacionales, regionales y nacionales, el IEU y sus socios han tomado medidas. Las estrategias se utilizan según su nivel de precisión y siguiendo un <a href="">protocolo de información</a> que incluye las evaluaciones nacionales en circunstancias específicas. </p>
<h2>Niños sin escolarizar </h2>
<p>En 2016, 263 millones de niños, adolescentes y jóvenes estaban sin escolarizar, lo que representa casi una quinta parte de la población mundial de este grupo de edad. 63 millones, o el 24% del total, son niños en edad de asistir a la escuela primaria (normalmente de 6 a 11 años); 61 millones, o el 23% del total, son adolescentes en edad de asistir a la escuela secundaria inferior (normalmente de 12 a 14 años); y 139 millones, o el 53% del total, son jóvenes en edad de asistir a la escuela secundaria superior (aproximadamente de 15 a 17 años). No todos estos chicos estarán permanentemente fuera de la escuela, algunos se reincorporarán al sistema educativo y, eventualmente, terminarán tarde, mientras que otros entrarán tarde. La cantidad varía según el país y la región y exige algún ajuste en la estimación del indicador 4.1.1. Actualmente se está discutiendo cómo implementar estos ajustes para reflejar a toda la población. En 2017, el <a href=""><u> IEUpropuso realizar ajustes utilizando los niños no escolarizados (OOSC)</u></a><sup><sup><a href="#footnote-2" id="footnote-ref-2">[2]</a></sup></sup> y las tasas de finalización. </p><div class="footnotes"><div><sup class="footnote-number" id="footnote-2">2</sup><p> IEU (2017a). Más de la mitad de los niños y adolescentes no aprenden en todo el mundo. Montreal y IEU (2017b). Contando el número de niños que no aprenden: Metodología para un indicador global compuesto para la educación. Montreal. <a href="#footnote-ref-2">↑</a></p></div></div>