Contributing to this translation requires agreeing to its contributor agreement.


English ERROR: <<def_SCM, not found in translation ERROR: <<def_commit, not found in translation ERROR: <<def_branch, not found in translation type: Plain text
English Russian Actions


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

4 months ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

6 months ago
User avatar ademaro

Suggestion accepted

8 months ago
User avatar ademaro

Contributor joined

Contributor joined 8 months ago
User avatar m.narminov

Suggestion added

11 months ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

2 years ago
Browse all string changes

Things to check

Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



The following format strings are missing: <<def_SCM,, The following format strings are missing: <<def_branch,, The following format strings are missing: <<def_commit,


Has been translated

This string has been translated in the past



English Russian
branch ветка Git Manpages
cherry-pick копировать коммит, отобрать Git Manpages
commit коммит Git Manpages
commits коммиты Git Manpages
Git Git Manpages
pick выбрать Git Manpages
SCM Git Manpages

String information

Source string description
ERROR: <<def_SCM, not found in translation ERROR: <<def_commit, not found in translation ERROR: <<def_branch, not found in translation type: Plain text
placeholders:"<<def_SCM,":"git cherry-pick":"<<def_commit,":"<<def_branch,", priority:310
Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Last updated
4 months ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
po/, string 9932