

Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions


User avatar 7muwm

Translation changed

10 months ago
User avatar 7muwm

Translation added

10 months ago
User avatar 7muwm

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a year ago
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Previous translation was "\begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Tracker info.} Number of tracker components in the application (e.g., \textit{5 trackers}) The colour of the tag appears orange if the trackers are unblocked and dark cyan if they are blocked in App Manager. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the list of tracker components which can be blocked or unblocked if App Manager has sufficient privileges. \item \textbf{Application type.} User application or system application. If it is a system application, whether the application is an updated version of the system application or if the application is installed systemless-ly via Magisk. \item \textbf{Split APK info.} Number of splits in the APK excluding the base APK (e.g., \textit{5 splits}). Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the split APK information such as type and size. \item \textbf{Debuggable.} The application can be debugged over ADB\@. Debuggable applications can enjoy certain functions unavailable to a regular application. The data of the application might be accessible via ADB (e.g.\ using \texttt{run-as} command) without any additional permissions. \item \textbf{Test only.} The application is a test-only application. Test-only applications can enjoy certain functions unavailable to a regular application. The data of the application might be accessible via ADB (e.g.\ using \texttt{run-as} command) without any additional permissions. \item \textbf{Large heap.} The application has requested large heap size i.e.\ more space in memory (RAM) is requested for dynamic allocation. It is still up to the operating system to decide whether to allocate large space for the application. App Manager, for example, requests large heap size because it needs to load an entire APK into memory while scanning an APK before Android 8. \item \textbf{No code.} The application does not have any code associated with it i.e.\ DEX files aren't present. In some system applications, the actual code might be located in another place. \item \textbf{Running.} One or more services of the application is currently running in the background. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the list of running services. Clicking on any services opens it in the log viewer provided the log viewer feature is enabled. There's also an option to force-stop the application. \item \textbf{Stopped.} The application is force stopped. This may not prevent it from running automatically later. \item \textbf{Disabled.} Denotes that the application is disabled (hidden from the launcher). \item \textbf{Suspended.} Denotes that the application is suspended (grayed out in the launcher). \item \textbf{Hidden.} Denotes that the application is hidden (hidden from the launcher). \item \textbf{MagiskHide.} MagiskHide is enabled. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the list of processes within the application that can be added or removed from the MagiskHide list. \item \textbf{MagiskDenyList.} The application is present in MagiskDenyList. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the list of processes within the application that can be added or removed from MagiskDenyList. \item \textbf{WX.} The app violates ``W\textasciicircum{}X policy'' and is capable of writing and executing in the same directory or in the same portion of memory. This allows the execution of arbitrary executables either by the modification of executables embedded within the app or by downloading them from the Internet.\\ \seealsoinline{\href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W\%5EX}{W\textasciicircum{}X in Wikipedia}} \item \textbf{KeyStore.} The application has items in the Android KeyStore. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing all the KeyStore files that belong to the application. \item \textbf{Backup.} The application was backed up using App Manager at least once. Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing all the available backups along with metadata. \item \textbf{No battery optimisation.} Battery optimisation is disabled for the application. It is possible to re-enable battery optimisation by clicking on the tag. \item \hyperref[sec:net-policy]{\textbf{Net policy.}} Network policy (e.g., background data usage) is configured for the application. Clicking on the tag displays a dialog containing the supported policies for the platform along with the options to configure them. \item \hyperref[sec:terminologies]{\textbf{SSAID.}} Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the current SSAID assigned to the application. It is also possible to reset/regenerate the SSAID if needed. \item \textbf{SAF.} Denotes that the application has been granted to access one or more storage locations or files i.e.\ URIs via Storage Access Framework (SAF). Clicking on the tag opens a dialog containing the list of granted URIs. \item \textbf{Play App Signing.} Indicates that the application might be signed by Google. \end{itemize}".

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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

String age
a year ago
Last updated
12 months ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
docs/raw/zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 98