A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience. Translations should be based on en, refer to zh-Hans translation if you are uncertain and can read Chinese. Please read the translation guide before starting translating. Public bot: @RSStT_Bot GitHub repo: Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
RSS to Telegram Bot AGPL-3.0-or-later 81% 1,032 7,544 50,349 984 66 50 2
Glossary RSStT Glossary AGPL-3.0-or-later 89% 276 355 2,402 276 28 0 0


Project website github.com/Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot
Instructions for translators

A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience. Translations should be based on en, refer to zh-Hans translation if you are uncertain and can read Chinese. Please read the translation guide before starting translating. Public bot: @RSStT_Bot GitHub repo: Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

Project maintainers User avatar Rongronggg9

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 8,064 39,704 259,252
Source 288 1,418 9,259
Translated 83% 6,756 80% 31,805 79% 206,501
Needs editing 1% 48 1% 391 1% 2,670
Read-only 20% 1,624 4% 1,708 5% 13,048
Failing checks 1% 94 1% 556 1% 3,719
Strings with suggestions 1% 50 1% 581 1% 3,400
Untranslated strings 15% 1,260 18% 7,508 19% 50,081

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User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

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User avatar strebski

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User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

Translation added

User avatar strebski

Translation added

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User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

This is a glossary repository and translations here are just for reference. The main repository is RSS to Telegram Bot. It would be better to, but you don't have to, translate this repository.

2 years ago
User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

Currently, this is a pt_BR (Português Brasil) translation maintained by @luchezi. If any contributor wants to create a standard Português (pt) translation (a.k.a. European Portuguese or approximately pt_PL), please contact me @Rongronggg9 or email me i@rong.moe and I will migrate this translation to pt_BR.

2 years ago
User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience. Translations should be based on en, refer to zh-Hans translation if you are uncertain and can read Chinese. Please read the translation guide before starting translating. Public bot: @RSStT_Bot GitHub repo: Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

2 years ago
User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience. Translations should be based on en, refer to zh-Hans translation if you are uncertain and can read Chinese. Please read the translation guide before starting translating. Public bot: @RSStT_Bot GitHub repo: Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

2 years ago
User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience. Translations should be based on en, refer to zh-Hans translation if you are uncertain and can read Chinese. Read the translation guide before starting translating. Public bot: @RSStT_Bot GitHub repo: Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

2 years ago
User avatar Rongronggg9

Announcement posted

@maite.guix Hi Maite,

Thanks for your excellent translation! I've added some notes on some strings and there are 5 strings that need your double-check: some words between <code> and </code> should be translated. Thanks again for your translation!

Have a lovely day! Rongrong

2 years ago
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