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GET /api/changes/47696811/?format=api
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    "unit": "",
    "component": "",
    "translation": "",
    "user": null,
    "author": null,
    "timestamp": "2023-02-07T20:10:38.404094+01:00",
    "action": 30,
    "target": "<p>In the following methodology, reporting is to take place in 2017 for the period 2010-2014, in 2020 for the period 2015-2019, in 2025 for the period 2020-2024 and in 2030 for the period 2025-2029. Reporting parameters include the following: </p>\n<p>The Country Score depends on the amount of information that is sent to the Conventions&#x2019; Secretariat, and is calculated as follows (and communicated by the Secretariats):</p>\n<p><strong><u>Basel Convention:</u></strong></p>\n<ol>\n  <li>Designation of the Focal Point and one or more Competent Authorities (1 point);</li>\n  <li>Submission of the annual national reports during the reporting period (1 point per report).</li>\n</ol>\n<p><strong><u>Rotterdam Convention:</u></strong></p>\n<ol>\n  <li>Designation of the Designated National Authority(ies) and Official contact point (1 point);</li>\n  <li>Submission of the import responses during the reporting period (0.2 point per import response).</li>\n</ol>\n<p><strong><u>Stockholm Convention:</u></strong></p>\n<ol>\n  <li>Designation of the Stockholm Convention official contact point and national focal point (1 point);</li>\n  <li>Submission of the national implementation plan (1 point);</li>\n  <li>Submission of the revised national implementation plan(s) addressing the amendments adopted by the Conference of the Parties within the reporting period (1 point per revised and updated plan)<sup><sup><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-ref-4\">[3]</a></sup></sup>;</li>\n</ol>\n<p><strong><u>Montreal Protocol:</u></strong></p>\n<ol>\n  <li>Compliance with annual reporting requirements for production and consumption of controlled substances under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol (15 points per report);</li>\n  <li>Submission of information on Licensing systems under (Article 4B of) the Montreal Protocol (5 points).</li>\n</ol>\n<p><strong><u>Minamata Convention:</u></strong></p>\n<ol>\n  <li>Designation of a national focal point (Article 17) (5 points);</li>\n  <li>Submission of national report (Article 21) (15 points).</li>\n</ol>\n<p>By completing the table below, countries can calculate their Country Scores for each convention and the total transmission rate.</p>\n<table>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <td rowspan=\"2\">\n        <p>#</p>\n      </td>\n      <td rowspan=\"2\">\n        <p>Convention</p>\n      </td>\n      <td rowspan=\"2\">\n        <p>Maxi-mum Points (MP)</p>\n      </td>\n      <td colspan=\"5\">\n        <p>Points per year (p(t))*</p>\n      </td>\n      <td rowspan=\"2\">\n        <p>Country Score per Convention (CS)</p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>1<sup>st</sup> year</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>2<sup>nd</sup> year</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>3<sup>rd</sup> year</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>4<sup>th</sup> year</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>5<sup>th</sup> year</p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>A</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>Basel Convention</p>\n      </td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td>\n        <p><math xmlns=\"\">\n            <msub>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>C</mi>\n                <mi>S</mi>\n              </mrow>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>A</mi>\n              </mrow>\n            </msub>\n            <mo>=</mo>\n            <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n            <mfrac>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>1</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>2</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>3</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>4</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mo>(</mo>\n                <mi>t</mi>\n                <mn>5</mn>\n                <mo>)</mo>\n              </mrow>\n              <mrow>\n                <msub>\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>M</mi>\n                    <mi>P</mi>\n                  </mrow>\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>A</mi>\n                  </mrow>\n                </msub>\n              </mrow>\n            </mfrac>\n          </math></p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>B</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>Rotterdam Convention</p>\n      </td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td>\n        <p>&#x2026;</p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>C</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>Stockholm Convention</p>\n      </td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td>\n        <p>&#x2026;</p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>D</p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>Montreal Protocol</p>\n      </td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td>\n        <p>&#x2026;</p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        <p>E </p>\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        <p>Minamata Convention</p>\n      </td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td></td>\n      <td>\n        <p><math xmlns=\"\">\n            <msub>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>C</mi>\n                <mi>S</mi>\n              </mrow>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>E</mi>\n              </mrow>\n            </msub>\n            <mo>=</mo>\n            <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n            <mfrac>\n              <mrow>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>1</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>2</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>3</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mfenced separators=\"|\">\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>t</mi>\n                    <mn>4</mn>\n                  </mrow>\n                </mfenced>\n                <mo>+</mo>\n                <mi>p</mi>\n                <mo>(</mo>\n                <mi>t</mi>\n                <mn>5</mn>\n                <mo>)</mo>\n              </mrow>\n              <mrow>\n                <msub>\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>M</mi>\n                    <mi>P</mi>\n                  </mrow>\n                  <mrow>\n                    <mi>E</mi>\n                  </mrow>\n                </msub>\n              </mrow>\n            </mfrac>\n          </math></p>\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>\n<p>* Points provided once (e.g. for a designation of a national focal point) are cumulative with the first year.</p>\n<p><math xmlns=\"\">\n    <mi>T</mi>\n    <mi>r</mi>\n    <mi>a</mi>\n    <mi>n</mi>\n    <mi>s</mi>\n    <mi>m</mi>\n    <mi>i</mi>\n    <mi>s</mi>\n    <mi>s</mi>\n    <mi>i</mi>\n    <mi>o</mi>\n    <mi>n</mi>\n    <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n    <mi>R</mi>\n    <mi>a</mi>\n    <mi>t</mi>\n    <mi>e</mi>\n    <mo>=</mo>\n    <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n    <mfrac>\n      <mrow>\n        <msub>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n            <mi>S</mi>\n          </mrow>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>A</mi>\n          </mrow>\n        </msub>\n        <mo>+</mo>\n        <msub>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n            <mi>S</mi>\n          </mrow>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>B</mi>\n          </mrow>\n        </msub>\n        <mo>+</mo>\n        <msub>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n            <mi>S</mi>\n          </mrow>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n          </mrow>\n        </msub>\n        <mo>+</mo>\n        <msub>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n            <mi>S</mi>\n          </mrow>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>D</mi>\n          </mrow>\n        </msub>\n        <mo>+</mo>\n        <msub>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>C</mi>\n            <mi>S</mi>\n          </mrow>\n          <mrow>\n            <mi>E</mi>\n          </mrow>\n        </msub>\n      </mrow>\n      <mrow>\n        <mi>N</mi>\n        <mi>o</mi>\n        <mo>.</mo>\n        <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n        <mi>o</mi>\n        <mi>f</mi>\n        <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n        <mi>C</mi>\n        <mi>o</mi>\n        <mi>n</mi>\n        <mi>v</mi>\n        <mi>e</mi>\n        <mi>n</mi>\n        <mi>t</mi>\n        <mi>i</mi>\n        <mi>o</mi>\n        <mi>n</mi>\n        <mi>s</mi>\n      </mrow>\n    </mfrac>\n    <mi>&amp;nbsp;</mi>\n    <mo>&#xD7;</mo>\n    <mn>100</mn>\n    <mi>%</mi>\n    <mo>.</mo>\n  </math></p>\n<p>The final indicator will be a number expressed as percent, where 100% is the maximum degree of compliance with the reporting obligations of the MEAs to which a Country is a Party, and 0% the least degree of compliance with those obligations.</p><div class=\"footnotes\"><div><sup class=\"footnote-number\" id=\"footnote-4\">3</sup><p><u> Applicable to Parties bound by the amendments to the Stockholm Convention. Parties that are not bound by the amendments will by default receive one point for each such amendment.</u> <a href=\"#footnote-ref-4\">&#x2191;</a></p></div></div>",
    "id": 47696811,
    "action_name": "Source string changed",
    "url": ""