Changes API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/changes/12318695/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "unit": "",
    "component": "",
    "translation": "",
    "user": null,
    "author": null,
    "timestamp": "2021-08-22T22:01:33.221545+02:00",
    "action": 30,
    "target": "<big>Exiftool database Query screen</big><hr><br>ExifTool comes with a huge set of tags for the several families (g0, g1, g2, g3, g4) and groups (like Exif, XMP, IPTC, etc.). All these tags can also be listed from ExifTool itself, but it's harder to grasp which tag(s) belong to which group(s). Also in plural: some tags come back multiple times in makernotes for camera's, or specific camera data. And some are almost identical to each-other.<br><br>Why a database?: It's fast! And it can also be used to store \"custom settings\" like lenses (lens configs) and personal views (ToDo).<br><br>(Note: The ExifTool version to build the included database version is not necessarily the same as your installed ExifTool version.)<br><br>This screen comes in 3 \"action rows\":<br><ol><li>1st line: Two comboboxes (dropdowns) you can select to query the tags (do not forget to select the radio button in front of it. (This was first automatic, but then the query becomes really \"nervous\" as it will trigger on every change.)<br>The second is actually a subset of the first (current 320) options but experience from my previous pyExifToolgUI program learns that most users are interested in their own camera.</li><li>2nd line: This is a \"wildcard\" query. Search for example on \"width\" and it will find all tagnames with \"width\" in the name (and there are a lot).</li><li>3rd line: Here you can put your own query like \"select taggroup,tagname from Groups,Tags,tagsingroups where and and Groups.taggroup='EXIF';\".<br>A database diagram is available for those (expert) users wanting to use this option.",
    "id": 12318695,
    "action_name": "Source string changed",
    "url": ""