"OsmAnd Maps" = "OsmAnd Maps"; "download_depth_countours" = "Nautical depth contours"; "day_short" = "D"; "week_short" = "Wk"; "weeks_short" = "Wks"; "month_short" = "Mo"; "months_short" = "Mos"; "year_short" = "Yr"; "years_short" = "Yrs"; "day" = "Day"; "days_2_4" = "Days"; "days_5" = "Days"; "week" = "Week"; "weeks_2_4" = "Weeks"; "weeks_5" = "Weeks"; "month" = "Month"; "months_2_4" = "Months"; "months_5" = "Months"; "year" = "Year"; "years_2_4" = "Years"; "years_5" = "Years"; "months_3" = "Three months"; "price_free" = "Free"; "get_discount_title" = "Get %d %@ at %@ off."; "get_free_trial_title" = "Start your %d %@ free trial."; "get_discount_short_descr" = "%@ for %d %@, then %@"; "get_discount_first_part" = "%@ for the first %@"; "get_discount_first_few_parts" = "%@ for first %@"; "get_discount_second_part" = "Then %@"; "mapillary_image" = "Mapillary image"; "shared_string_milliradians" = "Milliradians"; "angular_units" = "Angular measurement units"; "angular_units_descr" = "Change azimuth measurement units."; "allow_3d" = "Allow 2.5D view"; "allow_3d_descr" = "Enable this option to be able to view the map in the 2.5D perspective"; "access_intermediate_arrival_time" = "Intermediate arrival time"; "map_widget_intermediate_time" = "Intermediate time"; "shared_string_previous" = "Previous"; "shared_string_next" = "Next"; "route_stops_before" = "%@ stops before"; "transport_Routes" = "Routes"; "transport_nearby_routes_within" = "Nearby routes within"; "transport_nearby_routes" = "Within"; "shared_string_control_stop" = "Stop"; "cancel_navigation" = "Stop navigation"; "start_navigation" = "Start navigation"; "intermediate_items_sort_by_distance" = "Sort door-to-door"; "switch_start_finish" = "Reverse starting point&destination"; "clear_all_intermediates" = "Clear all intermediate points"; "shared_string_options" = "Options"; "new_destination_point_dialog" = "You have already set a destination:"; "replace_destination_point" = "Replace the destination"; "shared_string_current" = "Current"; "make_as_start_point" = "Make this the point of departure"; "keep_and_add_destination_point" = "Add as subsequent destination"; "subsequent_dest_description" = "Move destination up, and create it"; "add_as_first_destination_point" = "Add as first intermediate destination"; "first_intermediate_dest_description" = "Adds initial stop"; "add_as_last_destination_point" = "Add as last intermediate destination"; "last_intermediate_dest_description" = "Adds intermediate stop"; "start_point" = "Start"; "altitude" = "Altitude"; "shared_string_speed" = "Speed"; "show_poi_over_map" = "Show POI overlay"; "shared_string_search" = "Search"; "address_search_desc" = "Address search"; "search_radius" = "Search radius"; "shared_string_target_points" = "Destinations"; "search_radius_proximity" = "Within"; "poi" = "POI"; "search_more" = "Search more…"; "search_favorites" = "Search in Favorites"; "day_off_label" = "off"; "open_from" = "Open from"; "open_till" = "Open till"; "will_close_at" = "Closes at"; "will_open_at" = "Opens at"; "will_open_on" = "Opens at"; "will_open_tomorrow_at" = "Opens tomorrow at"; "error_avoid_specific_road" = "No bypass found"; "road_blocked" = "Road blocked"; "starting_point" = "Starting point"; "shared_string_select_avoid_road_on_map" = "Select a road to be avoided during the routing"; "shared_string_road" = "Road"; "avoid_roads_msg" = "Trigger an alternative route by selecting roads to avoid"; "shared_string_go" = "Go"; "info_button" = "Info"; "simulate_your_location" = "Simulate your position"; "simulate_navigation" = "Simulate navigation"; "simulate_routing_descr" = "Simulate your position using a calculated route"; "select_avoid_descr" = "Select roads you want to avoid during navigation. You can either select a road on the map or choose a type from the list below."; "no_active_route" = "No active route"; "day_night_info_description" = "Sunrise: %@ \nSunset: %@"; "day_night_info" = "Day/night info"; "daynight_mode_auto" = "Sunrise/sunset"; "route_simulation" = "Route simulation"; "auto_follow_location_enabled" = "Auto-center map view in use."; "unknown_location" = "Position not yet known."; "animate_routing_route_not_calculated" = "Please calculate the route first"; "simulation_real_mode_desc" = "On straight road sections, speed will be approximate to the maximum allowed speed.\nAt intersections, the simulation will slow down.\nExtra penalties will be applied on traffic signals, stop signs, etc."; "simulation_real_mode_title" = "Realistic simulation"; "simulation_constant_mode_desc" = "The simulation will be performed with constant selected speed."; "simulation_constant_mode_title" = "Fixed speed"; "simulation_preview_mode_desc" = "The speed of the simulation will be maximum on straight sections and slow down only at intersections."; "simulation_preview_mode_title" = "Fast preview mode"; "speed_mode" = "Speed mode"; "help_article_map_legend_nautical_map_name" = "Nautical map style"; "help_article_map_legend_osmand_name" = "OsmAnd map style"; "help_article_map_legend_ski_map_name" = "Ski map style"; "help_article_map_interact_with_map_name" = "Interact with map"; "help_article_map_map_context_menu_name" = "Map Context menu"; "help_article_map_point_layers_on_map_name" = "Points on the map"; "help_article_map_raster_maps_name" = "Raster Maps (Online / Offline)"; "help_article_map_track_context_menu_name" = "Tracks Context menu"; "help_article_map_tracks_on_map_name" = "Tracks and Routes"; "help_article_map_vector_maps_name" = "Vector maps (Map styles)"; "help_article_navigation_auto_car_name" = "Android Auto"; "help_article_navigation_car_play_name" = "CarPlay"; "help_article_navigation_guidance_name" = "Navigation Guidance"; "help_article_navigation_guidance_map_during_navigation_name" = "Map screen during navigation"; "help_article_navigation_guidance_voice_navigation_name" = "Voice prompts / Notifications"; "help_article_navigation_routing_name" = "Route parameters"; "help_article_navigation_routing_bicycle_based_routing_name" = "Bicycle routing (MTB)"; "help_article_navigation_routing_boat_navigation_name" = "Boat routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_brouter_name" = "BRouter"; "help_article_navigation_routing_car_based_routing_name" = "Car routing (Truck, Motorcycle)"; "help_article_navigation_routing_direct_to_point_routing_name" = "Direct-to-point routing (Boat)"; "help_article_navigation_routing_horse_routing_name" = "Horseback routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_moped_routing_name" = "Moped routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_online_routing_name" = "Online routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_osmand_routing_name" = "About OsmAnd routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_pedestrian_routing_name" = "Pedestrian routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_public_transport_navigation_name" = "Public Transport routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_ski_routing_name" = "Ski routing"; "help_article_navigation_routing_straight_line_routing_name" = "Straight line routing (Aircraft)"; "help_article_navigation_routing_train_routing_name" = "Train routing"; "help_article_navigation_setup_gpx_navigation_name" = "Navigate by track"; "help_article_navigation_setup_markers_navigation_name" = "Navigate by markers"; "help_article_navigation_setup_route_details_name" = "Route Details"; "help_article_navigation_setup_route_navigation_name" = "Route Preparation"; "help_article_personal_name" = "My data"; "help_article_personal_import_export_name" = "Import / Export"; "help_article_personal_profiles_name" = "Profiles (Settings)"; "help_article_personal_storage_name" = "Storage"; "help_article_plan_route_name" = "Plan route"; "help_article_plan_route_coordinate_input_name" = "Coordinates input"; "help_article_plan_route_web_name" = "Web Route planner"; "help_article_purchases_android_name" = "Android purchases"; "help_article_purchases_giveaway_name" = "Giveaway"; "help_article_purchases_ios_name" = "iOS purchases"; "help_article_search_search_all_name" = "Search All"; "help_article_search_search_coordinates_name" = "Search Coordinates"; "help_article_search_search_poi_name" = "Search POI"; "help_article_start_with_name" = "Begin with OsmAnd"; "help_article_start_with_first_steps_name" = "First steps"; "help_article_start_with_main_menu_name" = "Main menu"; "help_article_troubleshooting_crash_logs_name" = "Crash logs"; "help_article_troubleshooting_general_name" = "General"; "help_article_troubleshooting_maps_data_name" = "Maps&Data"; "help_article_troubleshooting_track_recording_issues_name" = "Track recording"; "help_article_widgets_name" = "Map Widgets"; "help_article_widgets_info_widgets_name" = "Informational widgets"; "help_article_widgets_map_buttons_name" = "Map buttons"; "help_article_widgets_markers_name" = "Marker widgets"; "help_article_widgets_nav_widgets_name" = "Navigational widgets"; "help_article_widgets_radius_ruler_name" = "Radius-ruler and Ruler"; "help_article_plugins_openplacereviews_name" = "OpenPlaceReviews"; "help_article_plugins_custom_name" = "Custom package"; "help_article_troubleshooting_android_auto_name" = "Android Auto"; "global_settings" = "Global Settings"; "shared_string_markers" = "Markers"; "shared_string_setup_route" = "Setup a route"; "audionotes_plugin_name" = "Audio/video notes"; "shared_string_accessibility" = "Accessibility"; "tracker_item" = "OsmAnd tracker"; "settings_preset" = "Default profile"; "default_profile_descr" = "Select a profile that will be used the application launch."; "dialogs_and_notifications_title" = "Dialogs and notifications"; "dialogs_and_notifications_descr" = "Control popups, dialogs and notifications."; "history_preferences_descr" = "You can disable history logging individually for each history type."; "history_actions_footer_text" = "You can export history into a file. You can delete all history entries recorded until now."; "settings_preset_descr" = "Map view and navigation settings are remembered per use profile. Set your default profile here."; "unit_of_length" = "Units of length"; "unit_of_length_descr" = "Change what distance is measured in."; "coords_format" = "Coordinate format"; "coords_format_descr_quick_search" = "You can change coordinates format for profile in General settings"; "coordinates" = "Coordinates"; "coords_format_descr" = "Format for geographical coordinates."; "do_not_show_discount_desc" = "Suppresses displaying app discounts & special local event messages."; "send_anonymous_data_desc" = "Send to OsmAnd map download statistics, we are not collecting location data, or any personal info."; "send_log" = "Send log"; "copy_build_version" = "Copy build version"; "most_viewed" = "Most viewed"; "user_guide" = "User guide"; "map_widgets" = "Map Widgets"; "my_data" = "My data"; "troubleshooting" = "Troubleshooting"; "setup" = "Setup"; "gitHub_discussion" = "GitHub Discussion"; "telegram_chats" = "Telegram chats"; "report_an_issues" = "Report an issue"; "open_issue_on_gitHub" = "Open issue on GitHub"; "about_osmAnd" = "About OsmAnd"; "osmAnd_team" = "OsmAnd Team"; "testFlight" = "TestFlight"; "ask_question_propose_features" = "Ask question, propose features"; "detailed_log_file" = "Detailed log file"; "download_install_beta_version" = "Download and install beta version of OsmAnd"; "rotate_map_to" = "Map orientation"; "rotate_map_to_bearing_descr" = "Select the map screen alignment."; "rotate_map_compass_opt" = "Compass direction"; "rotate_map_bearing_opt" = "Movement direction"; "rotate_map_north_opt" = "North is up"; "rotate_map_manual_opt" = "Manually rotated"; "compass_click_desc" = "Hint: Tap the compass button to switch the map orientation mode."; "driving_region_descr" = "Select driving region: US, Europe, UK, Asia, and others."; "driving_region" = "Driving region"; "shared_string_automatic" = "Automatic"; "routing_attr_length_name" = "Length"; "default_speed_setting_title" = "Default speed"; "shared_string_min_speed" = "Min. speed"; "max_speed" = "Maximum speed"; "road_speeds_descr" = "These parameters can affect the route calculation."; "road_min_speed_descr" = "Sets the minimum travel speed for all roads in the route. Raises priority for roads with recommended speeds less than the minimum."; "road_max_speed_descr" = "Sets the maximum travel speed for all roads in the route. Lowers the priority for roads with a possible speed higher than the maximum."; "animate_my_location" = "Animate own position"; "animate_my_location_descr" = "Smooth transition of location on the map during navigation"; // Track recording settings "save_global_track_interval" = "General logging interval"; "save_global_track_interval_descr" = "Specify the logging interval for the general track recording (turned on via the \'Trip recording\' widget on the map)."; "save_track_interval" = "Logging interval during navigation"; "logging_interval_navigation_descr" = "Choose logging interval for track recording during navigation"; "monitoring_min_distance" = "Minimum displacement"; "logging_min_distance_descr" = "Filter: minimum distance to log a new point"; "save_track_logging_accuracy" = "Logging accuracy"; "monitoring_min_accuracy" = "Minimum accuracy"; "logging_min_accuracy_descr" = "Filter: no logging unless the accuracy is reached"; "monitoring_min_speed" = "Minimum speed"; "logging_min_speed_descr" = "Filter: no logging below selected speed"; "auto_split_recording_title" = "Auto-split recordings after gap"; "auto_split_gap_descr" = "Start a new segment after 6 min gap, new track after 2 h gap, or new file after a longer gap"; "trip_rec_actions_descr" = "You can find all your recorded tracks in %@"; "reset_plugin_to_default" = "Reset plugin settings to default"; "save_heading" = "Include heading"; "save_heading_descr" = "Save heading to each track point while recording."; "distance_circles" = "Distance-circles"; // Widget descriptions "coordinates_widget_map_center_desc" = "Shows the geographic coordinates of the current map center"; "coordinates_widget_current_location_desc" = "Shows the geographic coordinates of the current geolocation"; "map_widget_rendering_fps_desc" = "Shows how fast the map and map elements are displayed and refreshed, expressed in frames per second (FPS)."; "map_widget_camera_tilt_desc" = "Shows the camera tilt angle in perspective mode. Default is 90° (no tilt)."; "map_widget_camera_distance_desc" = "Shows the camera elevation above the surface level."; "map_widget_zoom_level_desc" = "Shows the current map zoom level."; "map_widget_target_distance_desc" = "Shows the distance between camera and target location."; "av_notes_photo_widget_desc" = "Tapping the widget lets you take a photo."; "av_notes_video_widget_desc" = "Tapping the widget lets you record a video."; "av_notes_audio_widget_desc" = "Tapping the widget lets you take an audio note."; "trip_recording_downhill_widget_desc" = "Shows the sum of all descents of the currently recorded trip."; "trip_recording_uphill_widget_desc" = "Shows the sum of all the climbs of the currently recorded trip."; "trip_recording_duration_widget_desc" = "Shows the currently recorded trip time."; "trip_recording_distance_widget_desc" = "Shows the currently recorded trip distance."; "true_bearing_widget_desc" = "Angle between true north and the target point observed from your location."; "relative_bearing_widget_desc" = "Shows the angle between your forward movement direction and the target point."; "second_marker_widget_desc" = "You can configure the widget to show the distance or Estimated time of arrival left to the second map marker."; "first_marker_widget_desc" = "You can configure the widget to show the distance or Estimated time of arrival left to the first map marker."; "time_to_destination_widget_desc" = "The widget shows \"Arrival time\" or \"Time to go\" to the last destination point. Time is constantly updated during navigation and it is equal to the route time from the current location."; "time_to_intermediate_widget_desc" = "The widget shows \"Arrival time\" or \"Time to go\" to the first intermediate point. Time is constantly updated during navigation, once intermediate points is passed, the time will be updated to the next intermediate point."; "distance_to_intermediate_widget_desc" = "The widget shows the distance left to the first intermediate point. Once intermediate points is passed, the distance will be updated to the next intermediate point."; "distance_to_destination_widget_desc" = "The widget shows the distance left to the last destination point."; "second_next_turn_widget_desc" = "The widget shows information about your second next turn which is enabled if turn within approaching distance."; "next_turn_widget_desc" = "The widget shows information about your next turn with a picture of maneuver and distance to it."; "average_speed_widget_desc" = "Shows the current trip\'s average speed."; "average_speed_time_interval_desc" = "Specify the time interval for speed averaging."; "average_speed_skip_stops" = "Take stops into account"; "elevation_profile_widget_desc" = "Shows the elevation and slope profile of the current route."; "parking_widget_desc" = "Shows the distance from the screen center to your parking spot."; "mapillary_widget_desc" = "Provides quick access to the Mapillary app to add street-level imagery."; "av_notes_choose_action_widget_desc" = "Choose action."; "radius_rules_widget_desc" = "The radius-ruler tool displays distance circles around a selected point on the map."; "current_time_widget_desc" = "Shows the current time as taken from your device."; "battery_widget_desc" = "Shows the battery level of your device."; "gps_info_widget_desc" = "Shows the number of satellites currently visible and used."; "altitude_widget_desc" = "Shows the height above sea level of current geolocation."; "max_speed_widget_desc" = "Displays the speed limit for the currently driven road."; "current_speed_widget_desc" = "Shows your current speed as reported via GPS."; "magnetic_bearing_widget_desc" = "Angle between magnetic north and the target point observed from your location."; "time_to_go_desc" = "Time in minutes or hours needed to reach your destination."; "arrival_time_widget_desc" = "Time of arrival at the destination point."; "lanes_widgets_desc" = "Shows the current road lanes layout and highlights the ones to take while navigating."; "map_markers_bar_widget_desc" = "The top bar widget displays the distance and direction to the next Map marker from your current location. The widget can be configured to show 1 or 2 markers."; "street_name_widget_desc" = "The Street name widget shows the current street name with a straight location arrow, or the next street name with an arrow indicating an upcoming turn."; "coordinates_widget_desc" = "Shows the geographic coordinates of current geolocation."; "quick_action_coordinates_widget_descr" = "A toggle to show or hide the Coordinates widget on the map."; "mapillary_widget_descr" = "Allows quick contributions to Mapillary."; "air_pressure_widget_desc" = "Displays the air pressure for the current map center."; "clouds_widget_desc" = "Shows the cloud coverage for the current map center."; "wind_widget_desc" = "Displays the wind speed for the current map center."; "precipitation_widget_desc" = "Shows the precipitation for the current map center."; "temperature_widget_desc" = "Shows the temperature for the current map center."; "true_bearing_wdiget_desc" = "Angle between true north and the target point observed from your location."; "bearing_desc" = "Shows the absolute or relative bearing to a target in angular units (in 180 degree, 360 degree, or milliradians mode)."; "map_widget_altitude_desc" = "Display the altitude of the current geolocation or the elevation of the current map center"; "weather_widget_group_desc" = "A set of widgets showing various weather information."; "map_widget_group_sunrise_sunset_desc" = "These widgets show information about the next sunrise and sunset."; "map_widget_group_sunrise_sunset" = "Sunrise, sunset"; "bearing_secondary_desc" = "You can change the data format used in: %@– %@ – %@."; "angular_measeurement" = "Angular unit"; "angular_measeurement_descr" = "Change what azimuth is measured in."; "coordinates_format" = "Coordinate format"; "coordinates_widget_secondary_desc" = "You can change the coordinate format in %@– %@ – %@."; "widget_secondary_desc_part_of" = "Part of \“%@\” plugin."; "weather_widgets_secondary_desc" = "Measurement units can be changed in the Weather plugin settings."; "shared_string_dark" = "Dark"; "shared_string_light" = "Light"; "shared_string_system_default" = "System default"; "shared_string_page_number" = "Page %d"; "shared_string_row_number" = "Row %d"; "compass_on_circles" = "Compass on circles"; "add_widget" = "Add widget"; "add_page" = "Add page"; "add_row" = "Add row"; "shared_string_switch_mode" = "Switch mode"; "go_to_marker_location" = "Go to marker location"; "side_marker_eta" = "Estimated arrival time"; "map_markers_bar" = "Map markers bar"; "map_widget_distance_to_destination" = "Distance to destination"; "map_widget_distance_to_intermediate" = "Distance to intermediate"; "map_widget_time_to_destination" = "Time to destination"; "map_widget_time_to_intermediate" = "Time to intermediate"; "map_marker_1st" = "First map marker"; "map_marker_2nd" = "Second map marker"; "map_widget_true_bearing" = "True bearing"; "developer_widgets" = "Developer widgets"; "shared_string_bearing" = "Bearing"; "map_widget_current_speed" = "Current speed"; "map_widget_gps_info" = "GPS info"; "map_markers_desc" = "Widget shows distance or estimated time of arrival (ETA) for first two markers in the map markers list."; "route_maneuvers" = "Route maneuvers"; "navigation_points" = "Navigation points"; "route_maneuvers_desc" = "Navigational widgets are enabled during navigation to display information such as distance, arrival or left time, next turns, bearing, current street name, lanes information, max speed, approaching alerts, POIs, waypoints."; "navigation_points_desc" = "Navigational widgets are enabled during navigation to display information such as distance, arrival or remaining time, next turns, bearing, current/next street name, lane information, max speed, approaching alerts, POIs, waypoints."; "map_widget_magnetic_bearing" = "Magnetic bearing"; "map_widget_bearing" = "Relative bearing"; "map_widget_transparent" = "Transparent widgets"; "shared_string_near" = "Near"; "map_widget_next_turn" = "Next turn"; "map_widget_next_turn_small" = "Next turn (small)"; "map_widget_next_next_turn" = "Second next turn"; "always_center_position_on_map" = "Position placement always in center"; "position_on_map" = "Location position on screen"; "position_on_map_center" = "Center"; "position_on_map_bottom" = "Bottom"; "map_widget_appearance_rem" = "Remaining elements"; "map_widget_compass" = "Compass"; "map_widget_intermediate_distance" = "Intermediate destination"; "route_descr_destination" = "Destination"; "monitoring_control_start" = "REC"; "map_widget_altitude" = "Altitude of the current location"; "map_widget_battery" = "Battery level"; "map_widget_plain_time" = "Current time"; "map_widget_max_speed" = "Speed limit"; "map_widget_sunrise" = "Sunrise"; "map_widget_sunset" = "Sunset"; "map_widget_sunrise_desc" = "Shows the time of the next sunrise or the time left until sunrise."; "map_widget_sunset_desc" = "Shows the time of the next sunset or the time left until sunset."; "map_widget_sunrise_sunset_time_left" = "Time left"; "map_widget_next_sunrise" = "Next sunrise"; "map_widget_next_sunset" = "Next sunset"; "map_widget_trip_recording_downhill" = "Downhill"; "map_widget_trip_recording_uphill" = "Uphill"; "map_widget_trip_recording_duration" = "Duration"; "map_widget_trip_recording_distance" = "Distance"; "access_arrival_time" = "Arrival time"; "map_widget_time" = "Time to go"; "map_widget_ruler_control" = "Radius ruler"; "ruler_circles" = "Ruler circles"; "show_compass_ruler" = "Show compass ruler"; "hide_compass_ruler" = "Hide compass ruler"; "map_widget_distance_by_tap" = "Distance by tap"; "map_widget_rendering_fps" = "Map rendering FPS"; "map_widget_camera_tilt" = "Camera tilt"; "map_widget_camera_distance" = "Camera elevation"; "map_widget_zoom_level" = "Zoom level"; "map_widget_target_distance" = "Distance from camera to target"; "shared_string_collapse" = "Collapse"; "shared_string_topbar" = "Top bar"; "shared_string_widgets" = "Widgets"; "shared_string_buttons" = "Buttons"; "map_widget_right" = "Right panel"; "map_widget_left" = "Left panel"; "top_widgets_panel" = "Top panel"; "bottom_widgets_panel" = "Bottom panel"; "layer_map_appearance" = "Configure screen"; "widget_panels_descr" = "Select screen part to add or rearrange widgets."; "edit_profile_screen_options_subtitle" = "Select screen options for the profile"; "map_markers" = "Map markers"; "markers_history" = "Markers history"; "confirm_usage_speed_cameras" = "In many countries (Germany, France, Italy, and others) the use of speed camera warnings is illegal. OsmAnd does not assume any liability if you violate the law. Please tap \'Yes\' only if you are eligible to use this feature."; "map_markers_empty" = "You have no active map markers"; "tracks_empty" = "Your track list is empty"; "favorites_empty" = "You have not saved any favorite points"; "shared_string_last_used" = "Last used"; "switch_profile" = "Switch profile"; "carplay_available_in_sub_plans" = "Purchase OsmAnd Pro or Maps+ to use OsmAnd with CarPlay."; "carplay_active_message" = "Map is displayed via CarPlay"; "carplay_profile" = "CarPlay profile"; "carplay_profile_descr" = "Profile that will be used while connected to CarPlay."; "show_traffic_warnings" = "Traffic warnings"; "show_pedestrian_warnings" = "Pedestrian crosswalks"; "show_cameras" = "Speed cameras"; "show_lanes" = "Lanes"; "speak_street_names" = "Street names (TTS)"; "speak_speed_limit" = "Speed limit"; "speak_cameras" = "Speed cameras"; "speak_traffic_warnings" = "Traffic warnings"; "shared_string_gpx_waypoints" = "Track waypoints"; "speak_favorites" = "Nearby favorites"; "speak_poi" = "Nearby POI"; "speak_pedestrian" = "Pedestrian crosswalks"; "show_tunnels" = "Tunnels"; "tts_title" = "TTS"; "shared_string_recorded" = "Recorded"; // Dirrection appearance "shared_string_one" = "One"; "shared_string_two" = "Two"; "show_direction" = "Distance indication"; "arrows_on_map" = "Arrows on the map"; "direction_lines" = "Direction lines"; "active_markers" = "Active markers"; "specify_number_of_dir_indicators" = "Specify number of direction indicators, it affects all settings below."; "specify_number_of_dir_indicators_desc" = "Specify number of direction indicators."; "choose_how_display_distance" = "Choose how to display the distance to active markers"; "appearance_on_the_map" = "Appearance on the map"; "arrows_direction_to_markers" = "Arrows show direction to active marker if it’s located outside the screen. Direction lines draw a line to active markers."; // Route info "route_info" = "Route info"; "network" = "Network"; "poi_operator" = "Operator"; "shared_string_symbol" = "Symbol"; "shared_string_never" = "Never"; "confirm_every_run" = "Always ask"; "general_settings" = "General"; "general_settings_2" = "General settings"; "general_settings_descr" = "Set up display and common settings for the app."; "routing_settings_descr" = "Specify options for navigation."; "auto_zoom_none" = "No auto zooming"; "auto_zoom_close" = "To close-up"; "auto_zoom_far" = "To mid-range"; "auto_zoom_farthest" = "To long-range"; "keep_informing_never" = "Only manually (tap arrow)"; "arrival_distance_factor_early" = "Early"; "arrival_distance_factor_normally" = "Normal"; "arrival_distance_factor_late" = "Late"; "arrival_distance_factor_at_last" = "Very late"; "route_parameters" = "Route parameters"; "fast_route_mode" = "Fastest route"; "connect_rp" = "Connect route points"; "voice_announces" = "Voice prompts"; "screen_alerts" = "Screen alerts"; "vehicle_parameters" = "Vehicle parameters"; "map_during_navigation" = "Map during navigation"; "change_map_behavior" = "Change map behavior during navigation"; "nav_type_descr" = "Select how to calculate a route for this profile"; "nav_type_osmand" = "OsmAnd (offline routing)"; "routing_profile_straightline" = "Straight line"; "routing_profile_direct_to" = "Direct-to-point"; "nav_type_brouter" = "BRouter"; "routing_profile_ski" = "Ski"; "routing_profile_geocoding" = "Geocoding"; "fast_route_mode_descr" = "Enable to calculate fastest route or disable for fuel-saving route."; "avoid_in_routing_title" = "Avoid…"; "avoid_in_routing_descr_" = "Avoid certain routes and road types"; "prefer_in_routing_title" = "Prefer…"; "prefer_in_routing_descr" = "Prefer motorways."; "relief_smoothness_factor_descr" = "Preferred terrain: flat or hilly."; "choose_auto_follow_route" = "Auto-center map view"; "choose_auto_follow_route_descr" = "Time until the map view synchronizes with the current position."; "choose_auto_center_map_view_descr" = "Time until map view synchronizes with current position after moving"; "auto_zoom_map" = "Auto zoom map"; "auto_zoom_map_descr" = "Zoom level according to your speed (while map is synchronized with current position)."; "snap_to_road" = "Snap to road"; "snap_to_road_descr" = "Current position icon will snap to the current navigation route"; "show_warnings_title" = "Show alerts…"; "show_warnings_descr" = "Set up traffic warnings (speed limits, forced stops, speed bumps, tunnels), speed camera warnings, and lane info."; "speak_title" = "Announce…"; "keep_informing" = "Repeat navigation instructions"; "repeat_after" = "Repeat after"; "keep_informing_descr" = "Re-announce navigation instructions at regular intervals."; "arrival_distance" = "Arrival announcement"; "arrival_distance_descr" = "How soon do you want the arrival announcement?"; "default_speed_system" = "Unit of speed"; "default_speed_system_descr" = "Define unit of speed."; "speed_limit_exceed" = "Speed limit tolerance"; "speed_limit_exceed_message" = "Choose speed limit tolerance margin, above which you will receive a voice warning."; "wake_on_voice" = "Turn screen on"; "wake_on_voice_descr" = "Turn on device screen (if off) when approaching a turn."; "voice_pref_title" = "Voice"; "voice_provider" = "Voice guidance"; "voice_provider_descr" = "Select the voice guidance for navigation."; "choose_audio_stream" = "Voice guidance output"; "choose_audio_stream_descr" = "Select loudspeaker for voice guidance."; "use_osm_live_routing" = "OsmAnd Live navigation"; "osm_live_routing_descr" = "Use OsmAnd Live updates for navigation"; "select_nav_profile_dialog_message" = "\'Navigation type\' selects how routes are calculated, with available offline and online routing engines."; "osmand_default_routing" = "OsmAnd routing"; "special_routing_type" = "Special routing"; "import_routing_file_descr" = "You can import routing file from any cloud storage app by opening it in OsmAnd."; "recalculate_route" = "Recalculate route"; "recalculate_wrong_dir" = "Recalculate route in case of reverse direction"; "recalculate_route_distance_promo" = "The route will be recalculated if the distance from the route to the current location is more than selected value."; "select_distance_route_will_recalc" = "Select the distance after which the route will be recalculated."; "speed_limit_tolerance_descr" = "Select the speed limit tolerance margin above which you will receive a voice warning."; "only_manually" = "Only manually"; "instructions_repeat" = "Tap \"Next turn\" widget to repeat instructions"; "guidance_preferences_descr" = "Navigation preferences"; "routing_preferences_descr" = "Routing preferences"; "recording_preferences_descr" = "Track recording preferences"; "routing_settings" = "Navigation"; "shared_string_navigation" = "Navigation"; "get_directions" = "Directions"; "app_mode_bus" = "Bus"; "app_mode_train" = "Train"; "app_mode_truck" = "Truck"; "app_mode_hiking" = "Hiking"; "app_mode_motorcycle" = "Motorcycle"; "app_mode_boat" = "Boat"; "app_mode_aircraft" = "Aircraft"; "gpx_option_calculate_first_last_segment" = "Calculate OsmAnd route for first and last route segment"; "gpx_option_from_start_point" = "Pass along entire track"; "gpx_option_reverse_route" = "Reverse track direction"; "use_points_as_intermediates" = "Calculate route between points"; "calculate_osmand_route_without_internet" = "Offline calculation of OsmAnd route segment"; "routing_settings_2" = "Navigation settings"; "customize_route_line" = "Customize route line"; "route_line_use_map_style_color" = "Use map style (%@) default color."; "route_line_use_map_style_width" = "Use map style (%@) default width."; "turn_arrows" = "Turn Arrows"; "turn_arrows_descr" = "Select whether turn arrows are indicated on the route line."; "impassable_road" = "Avoid roads…"; "road_speeds" = "Road speeds"; "avoid_transport_type" = "Avoid transport types"; "temporary_conditional_routing" = "Consider temporary limitations"; "impassable_road_desc" = "Select roads you want to avoid during navigation."; "interrupt_music_descr" = "Voice prompts pause music playback."; "interrupt_music" = "Pause music"; "shared_string_do_not_use" = "Don\'t use"; "shared_string_sound" = "Sound"; "select_route_start_on_map" = "Select start point of the route"; "select_route_finish_on_map" = "Select end point of the route"; "select_route_intermediate" = "Select an intermediate point"; "select_home" = "Select home point"; "select_work_point" = "Select work point"; "sort_by_distance" = "Sort by distance"; "sort_by_name" = "Sort by name"; "by_name" = "By name"; "by_dist" = "By distance"; "sort_by" = "Sort by"; "map_markers_other"= "Other markers"; "directions_other"= "Other directions"; "shared_string_turn" = "Turn"; "stop_routing_confirm" = "Stop the navigation?"; "cancel_route" = "Dismiss route?"; "route_is_too_long_v2" = "For long distances: Please add intermediate destinations if no route is found within 10 minutes."; "navigation_over_track" = "Start navigation along track?"; "use_displayed_track_for_navigation" = "Use shown track for navigation?"; "no_track_files" = "You don’t have track files"; "import_create_track_files" = "You can import, create, or record track files using OsmAnd."; "no_tracks_on_map" = "No tracks on map"; "select_tracks_to_display" = "Select tracks to display them on the map."; "show_all_tracks" = "Show all tracks"; "recently_visible" = "Recently visible %@"; "shared_string_nearest" = "Nearest"; "track_sort_az" = "Name A - Z"; "track_sort_za" = "Name Z - A"; "newest_date_first" = "Newest date first"; "oldest_date_first" = "Oldest date first"; "longest_distance_first" = "Longest distance first"; "shortest_distance_first" = "Shortest distance first"; "longest_duration_first" = "Longest duration first"; "shorter_duration_first" = "Shorter duration first"; "previous_route" = "Previous route"; "shared_string_ellipsis" = "…"; "shared_string_select_on_map" = "Select on map"; "selected_roads" = "Selected roads"; "shared_string_my_location" = "My Position"; "route_descr_select_destination" = "Set destination"; "swap_points" = "Swap start and destination"; "route_to" = "To:"; "route_via" = "Via:"; "route_from" = "From:"; "transfers" = "Transfers"; "lat" = "Lat"; "lon" = "Lon"; "error_calculating_route" = "Could not calculate route."; "route_calc_progress" = "Calculating: %d%%"; "internet_connection_required_for_online_route" = "Online navigation does not work offline."; "empty_route_calculated" = "The calculated route is empty."; "destination_point" = "Destination %@"; "intermediate_point" = "Intermediate destination %@"; "arrived_at_intermediate_point" = "Intermediate destination reached"; "starting_point_too_far" = "Point of departure too far from nearest road."; "ending_point_too_far" = "Ending point too far from nearest road."; "intermediate_point_too_far" = "Intermediate destination %@ is too far from the nearest road."; "arrived_at_destination" = "You have arrived."; "route_preferred_terrain_any" = "The terrain profile is not taken into account when choosing a route."; "route_preferred_terrain_flat" = "Routes with a flat relief profile. The length may increase."; "route_preferred_terrain_less_hilly" = "Shorter, less hilly routes."; "route_preferred_terrain_hilly" = "Routes with a hilly relief profile."; "towards" = "toward"; "route_roundabout" = "Roundabout: Take %d exit and go"; "route_roundabout_short" = "Take %d exit and go"; "route_kl" = "Keep left and go"; "route_kr" = "Keep right and go"; "route_tr" = "Turn right and go"; "route_tshr" = "Turn sharply right and go"; "route_tslr" = "Turn slightly right and go"; "route_tl" = "Turn left and go"; "route_tshl" = "Turn sharply left and go"; "route_tsll" = "Turn slightly left and go"; "route_tu" = "Make U-turn and go"; "route_head" = "Head"; "looking_up_address" = "Looking up address"; "no_address_found" = "No address determined"; "traffic_warning_speed_limit" = "Speed limit"; "traffic_warning_border_control" = "Border control"; "traffic_warning_payment" = "Toll booth"; "traffic_warning_stop" = "Stop sign"; "traffic_warning_calming" = "Traffic calming"; "traffic_warning_speed_camera" = "Speed camera"; "traffic_warning" = "Traffic warning"; "traffic_warning_railways" = "Railroad crossing"; "traffic_warning_pedestrian" = "Pedestrian crosswalk"; "traffic_warning_hazard" = "Hazard"; "tunnel_warning" = "Tunnel ahead"; "accessibility_announce" = "Announce"; "driving_region_japan" = "Japan"; "driving_region_us" = "United States"; "driving_region_canada" = "Canada"; "driving_region_europe_asia" = "Europe, Asia, Latin America, and similar"; "driving_region_uk" = "UK, India, and similar"; "driving_region_australia" = "Australia"; "left_side_navigation" = "Left-hand traffic"; "right_side_navigation" = "Right-hand traffic"; "si_mi_feet" = "Miles/feet"; "si_mi_yard" = "Miles/yards"; "si_mi_meters" = "Miles/meters"; "si_km_m" = "Kilometers/meters"; "si_nm" = "Nautical miles"; "si_nm_mt" = "Nautical miles/meters"; "si_nm_ft" = "Nautical miles/feet"; "si_kmh" = "Kilometers per hour"; "si_mph" = "Miles per hour"; "si_m_s" = "Meters per second"; "si_min_km" = "Minutes per kilometer"; "si_min_m" = "Minutes per mile"; "si_nm_h" = "Nautical miles per hour (knots)"; "shared_string_tones" = "tones"; "nothing_found" = "Nothing found"; "nothing_found_descr" = "Change the search or increase its radius."; "select_street" = "Select street"; "shared_string_in_name" = "in %@"; "select_city" = "Select city"; "type_city_town" = "Type city/town/locality"; "select_postcode" = "Postcode search"; "type_postcode" = "Type postcode"; "coords_search" = "Coordinates search"; "nearest_cities" = "Nearest cities"; "type_address" = "Type address"; "search_poi_category_hint" = "Type to search all"; "poi_categories" = "POI Categories"; "shared_string_search_history" = "Search history"; "navigation_history" = "Navigation history"; "map_markers_history" = "Map markers history"; "history_clear_alert_title" = "Delete all history"; "history_clear_alert_message" = "Are you sure you want delete all history items?"; "search_history_disabled" = "Search history is disabled"; "enable_search_history" = "You can enable search history in Settings"; "last_seven_days" = "Last 7 days"; "track_coloring_solid" = "Solid"; "attribute" = "Attribute"; "in_grace_period" = "In grace period"; "on_hold" = "On hold"; "shared_string_paused" = "Paused"; "unsaved_changes" = "Unsaved changes"; "unsaved_changes_will_be_lost_discard" = "Any unsaved changes will be lost. Discard changes?"; // Shared Strings "shared_string_discard" = "Discard"; "shared_string_cancelled" = "Cancelled"; "shared_string_undefined" = "Undefined"; "shared_string_custom" = "Custom"; "shared_string_enable" = "Enable"; "shared_string_disable" = "Disable"; "shared_string_apply" = "Apply"; "shared_string_select" = "Select"; "shared_string_back" = "Back"; "shared_string_ok" = "OK"; "shared_string_cancel" = "Cancel"; "shared_string_exit" = "Exit"; "shared_string_close" = "Close"; "shared_string_no" = "No"; "shared_string_yes" = "Yes"; "shared_string_save" = "Save"; "shared_string_done" = "Done"; "shared_string_clear_all" = "Clear all"; "shared_string_update" = "Update"; "shared_string_install" = "Install"; "shared_string_uninstall" = "Uninstall"; "shared_string_delete" = "Delete"; "shared_string_upload" = "Upload"; "shared_string_remove" = "Remove"; "shared_string_move" = "Move"; "shared_string_dismiss" = "Dismiss"; "shared_string_add" = "Add"; "buy" = "Buy"; "shared_string_buy_for" = "for"; "shared_string_or" = "or"; "shared_string_and" = "and"; "shared_string_edit" = "Edit"; "shared_string_modify" = "Modify"; "first_time_continue" = "Later"; "shared_string_of" = "of"; "shared_string_all" = "All"; "shared_string_from" = "from"; "shared_string_time" = "Time"; "time_of_day" = "Time of day"; "shared_string_distance" = "Distance"; "shared_string_time_span" = "Time span"; "shared_string_start_time" = "Start time"; "shared_string_end_time" = "End time"; "shared_string_time_moving" = "Time moving"; "retry" = "Retry"; "shared_string_enabled" = "Enabled"; "shared_string_start_date" = "Start date"; "shared_string_end_date" = "End date"; "shared_string_not_set" = "Not set"; "shared_string_reset" = "Reset"; "shared_string_read_more" = "Read more"; "shared_string_on" = "On"; "shared_string_off" = "Off"; "shared_string_clear_cache" = "Clear cache"; "shared_string_cache" = "Cache"; "shared_string_maximum" = "Maximum"; "osmand_parking_warning" = "Warning"; "shared_string_copy" = "Copy"; "shared_string_continue" = "Continue"; "shared_string_deselect_all" = "Deselect all"; "shared_string_preparing" = "Preparing"; "shared_string_not_available" = "Not Available"; "shared_string_min" = "Min"; "shared_string_max" = "Max"; "shared_string_wifi_only" = "Only on Wi-Fi"; "shared_string_turn_off" = "Turn off"; "shared_strings_all_regions" = "All regions"; "regions" = "Regions"; "shared_string_width" = "Width"; "shared_string_interval" = "Interval"; "shared_string_none" = "None"; "shared_string_hide_all" = "Hide all"; "shared_string_show_all" = "Show all"; "shared_string_min_height" = "Min. height"; "shared_string_max_height" = "Max. height"; "shared_string_height" = "Height"; "shared_string_gpx_track" = "Track"; "shared_string_open_street_map" = "OpenStreetMap"; "any_poi" = "Any"; "shared_string_capacity" = "Capacity"; "shared_string_learn_more" = "Learn more"; "shared_string_includes" = "Includes"; "shared_string_purchased" = "Purchased"; "shared_string_control_start" = "Start"; "free_account" = "Free account"; "map_2d_mode_action" = "2D mode"; "map_3d_mode_action" = "3D mode"; "compass_always_visible" = "Always visible"; "compass_always_hidden" = "Always hidden"; "shared_string_hidden" = "Hidden"; "visible_in_3d_mode" = "Visible in 3D mode"; "map_3d_mode_description" = "Touch map with two fingers and moves them up and down to adjust map tilt."; "map_3d_mode_hint" = "Long tap the button allows to change button position."; "data_settings" = "Data"; "weather_online_cache" = "Online cache"; "shared_string_clear_online_cache" = "Clear online cache"; "shared_string_clear_offline_cache" = "Clear offline cache"; "shared_string_total_size" = "Total size"; "shared_string_delete_all" = "Delete all"; "shared_string_countries" = "Countries"; "shared_string_status" = "Status"; "shared_string_selected" = "Selected"; "shared_string_updated" = "Updated"; "shared_string_next_update" = "Next update"; "shared_string_available_until" = "Available until"; "shared_string_updates_size" = "Updates size"; "shared_string_updates_frequency" = "Updates frequency"; "shared_string_not_included" = "Not included"; "shared_string_logout" = "Log out"; "shared_string_progress" = "Progress"; "shared_string_leave" = "Leave"; "shared_string_delete_data" = "Delete data"; "shared_string_unavailable" = "Unavailable"; "shared_string_contributions" = "Contributions"; "shared_string_refresh" = "Refresh"; "shared_string_changed" = "Changed"; "shared_string_profile" = "Profile"; "shared_string_download_update" = "Download update"; "shared_string_angle" = "Angle"; "shared_string_angle_param" = "Angle: %@°"; "shared_string_uploaded" = "Uploaded"; "shared_string_does_not_exist" = "Does not exist"; "shared_string_legal" = "Legal"; "shared_string_keep_active" = "Keep active"; "shared_string_history" = "History"; "shared_string_external" = "External"; "shared_string_coloring" = "Coloring"; "shared_string_all_colors" = "All colors"; "shared_string_add_color" = "Add color"; "shared_string_edit_color" = "Edit color"; "shared_string_duplicate_color" = "Duplicate color"; "shared_string_delete_color" = "Delete color"; "shared_string_duplicate" = "Duplicate"; "shared_string_result" = "Result"; "shared_string_any" = "Any"; "shared_string_data_type" = "Data type"; "shared_string_author" = "Author"; "shared_string_link" = "Link"; "shared_string_license" = "License"; "shared_string_keywords" = "Keywords"; "shared_string_trash" = "Trash"; "shared_string_file_info" = "File info"; "shared_string_delete_immediately" = "Delete immediately"; "shared_string_delete_item" = "Delete item"; "shared_string_is_deleted" = "%@ is deleted."; "shared_string_deleting" = "Deleting"; "shared_string_deleting_complete" = "Deleting complete"; "restart" = "Restart"; "offline_maps" = "Offline Maps"; "shared_string_download_map" = "Download map"; "download_map_dialog" = "Download map dialog"; "update_tile" = "Update"; "download_pending" = "Download pending"; "download_suggestion" = "Download detailed %@ map to view this area"; "move_map_to_select_area" = "Move map to select needed area."; "number_of_tiles" = "Number of tiles"; "download_size" = "Download size"; "preview_of_selected_zoom_levels" = "Preview of selected zoom levels"; "select_online_source" = "Select source"; "online_sources" = "Online sources"; "zoom_levels_difference_description" = "The big difference between zoom levels can increase the size of the downloaded data."; "use_of_downloaded_map" = "You can now use this map offline as main map source or as overlay/underlay layer"; "map_update_warning" = "Do you want to reload tile data from the Internet?"; "without_permission_my_position_value" = "OsmAnd doesn't have location permission"; "with_permission_my_position_value" = "Move map to current location"; "shared_string_location_unknown" = "Location unknown"; // HUD "hud_heading" = "Heading"; "hud_no_movement" = "No movement"; // Favorites "shared_string_color" = "Color"; "fav_colors" = "Colors"; "shared_string_name" = "Name"; "fav_group" = "Group"; "shared_string_groups" = "Groups"; "favorite" = "Favorite"; "poi_overlay" = "POI Overlay"; "poi_dialog_poi_type" = "POI Type"; "my_favorites" = "My Favorites"; "shared_string_my_places" = "My Places"; "fav_no_group" = "No group"; "fav_add_new_group" = "Add new group"; "select_group_descr" = "Select group or add a new one"; "available_groups" = "Available groups"; "favorite_group_name" = "Group name"; "fav_remove_q" = "Remove favorite?"; "fav_import_title" = "Import favorite"; "fav_export_title" = "Export favorite"; "fav_select_remove" = "Please select favorites to remove"; "fav_export_select" = "Please select favorites to export"; "fav_import_desc" = "You can import your favorites as waypoints in GPX file (common GPS data format)\n\nTo share the favorites.gpx file you can open file from Dropbox, Email, or any other source - Use Open In function."; "fav_create_group" = "Create new group"; "fav_enter_group_name" = "Enter group name"; "fav_exists" = "Favorite with name \"%@\" already exists"; "fav_ignore" = "Ignore"; "shared_string_rename" = "Rename"; "update_existing" = "Replace"; "replace_favorite_confirmation" = "Replace the \"%@\" Favorite?"; "fav_points_not_exist" = "No Favorite points exist"; "fav_rename_q" = "Rename favorite"; "fav_enter_new_name" = "Please enter new name for the favorite"; "fav_select" = "Please select favorites"; "select_favorite" = "Select favorite"; "group_properties" = "Group preoperties"; "add_group" = "Add a group"; "add_favorite" = "Add favorite"; "name_and_descr" = "Name & description"; "select_group" = "Select group"; "shared_string_icon" = "Icon"; "shared_string_shape" = "Shape"; "fav_point_dublicate" = "Duplicate Favorite name specified"; "fav_point_dublicate_message" = "Favorite renamed to %@ to avoid duplication."; "fav_point_emoticons_message" = "Favorite renamed to \'%@\' to save the string containing emoticons to a file."; "access_default_color" = "Default color"; "default_color_descr" = "This color wil be used for all new favorites added to the group."; "favorite_friends_category" = "Friends"; "favorite_places_category" = "Places"; "shared_string_others" = "Others"; // Shapes "shared_string_circle" = "Circle"; "shared_string_octagon" = "Octagon"; "shared_string_square" = "Square"; // POI "poi_insrease_radius" = "Increase search radius to"; "poi_max_radius_reached" = "Maximum search radius reached"; "poi_search_near_center" = "Search is performed near the center of the map"; "shared_string_hide" = "Hide"; // My Places "favorites_item" = "Favorites"; "shared_string_gpx_tracks" = "Tracks"; "personal_category_name" = "Personal"; "shared_string_visible" = "Visible"; // GPX "plugin_distance_point" = "Point"; "shared_string_waypoint" = "Waypoint"; "shared_string_waypoints" = "Waypoints"; "gpx_points" = "Point(s)"; "shared_string_export" = "Export"; "gpx_selection_segment_title" = "Segment"; "route_points" = "Route points"; "copy_to_map_favorites" = "Copy to favorites"; "import_export" = "Import/export"; "import_tracks" = "Import tracks"; "gpx_import_already_exists" = "The specified track file is already exists in the list. Please choose action."; "gpx_import_already_exists_short" = "The specified track file is already exists in the list."; "gpx_add_new" = "Add new file"; "gpx_overwrite" = "Overwrite"; "gpx_cannot_import" = "Cannot import specified GPX file"; "gpx_parse_error" = "Issues found with a GPX file.\n\nYou may contact OsmAnd support to investigate."; "tracks_on_map" = "Displayed tracks"; "gpx_export_title" = "Export track"; "gpx_export_select_track" = "Please select track for Export"; "gpx_import_desc" = "To import your GPX files (common GPS data format) from Dropbox, Email, or any other source use \"Copy to OsmAnd Maps\" option"; "import_from_docs" = "Import from documents"; "import_from_files" = "Import from files"; "gpx_no_tracks" = "There are no tracks"; "gpx_export_failed" = "Could not save created route"; "gpx_remove" = "Remove track?"; "shared_string_statistics" = "Statistics"; "layer_route" = "Route"; "gpx_analyze" = "Analyze"; "gpx_route_time" = "Route time"; "gpx_uphldownhl" = "Uphills/Downhills"; "map_widget_average_speed" = "Average speed"; "gpx_avg_elev" = "Average elevation"; "gpx_elev_range" = "Elevation range"; "average_altitude" = "Average altitude"; "altitude_range" = "Altitude range"; "gpx_ascent" = "Ascent"; "gpx_descent" = "Descent"; "altitude_ascent" = "Uphill"; "altitude_descent" = "Downhill"; "gpx_updown" = "Up/Down"; "gpx_uphills_total" = "Uphills total"; "distance_moving" = "Distance corrected"; "track_recording" = "Track recording"; "shared_string_currently_recording_track" = "Currently recording track"; "track_stop_rec" = "Stop recording"; "gpx_start_new_segment" = "Start new segment"; "save_current_track" = "Save current track"; "displayed_route_save" = "Save to OsmAnd Tracks"; "save_current_track_descr" = "Save current track as GPX file now."; "track_continue_rec" = "Continue recording"; "track_continue_rec_q" = "Do you want to continue recording?"; "save_track_interval_globally" = "Logging interval"; "rec_interval_minimum" = "Minimum"; "track_start_rec" = "Start track recording"; "track_rec_addon_q" = "Please activate Track recording plugin to record and save your tracks"; "track_interval_remember" = "Remember my choice"; "track_clear" = "Clear current track"; "track_clear_q" = "Do you want to clear current track?"; "show_info" = "Show Info"; "record_trip" = "Record your track"; "shared_string_clear" = "Clear"; "quick_action_poi_list" = "POI list"; "gpxup_public" = "Public"; "gpxup_identifiable" = "Identifiable"; "gpxup_trackable" = "Trackable"; "gpxup_private" = "Private"; "gpx_upload_public_visibility_descr" = "\"Public\" means the trace is shown publicly in your GPS traces and in public GPS trace listings, and in the public trace list with timestamps in raw form. Data served via the API does not reference your trace page. Tracepoint timestamps are not available through the public GPS API, and tracepoints are not chronologically ordered."; "gpx_upload_identifiable_visibility_descr" = "\"Identifiable\" means that the trace will be shown publicly in your GPS traces and in public GPS trace listings, i.e. other users will be able to download the raw trace and associate it with your username. Public timestamped tracepoint data from the GPS API served via the trackpoints API will reference your original trace page."; "gpx_upload_trackable_visibility_descr" = "\"Trackable\" means the trace does not show up in any public listings, but processed trackpoints with timestamps from it (that can\'t be associated with you directly) do through downloads from the public GPS API."; "gpx_upload_private_visibility_descr" = "\"Private\" means the trace does not show up in any public listings, but trackpoints from it in unchronological order are available through the public GPS API without timestamps."; "save_track_to_gpx" = "Auto-record track during navigation"; "save_track_to_gpx_descrp" = "Auto-start track recording while navigating and auto-save afterwards."; "gpx_distance_points" = "Distance (points)"; "gpx_max_speed" = "Max speed"; "shared_string_slope" = "Slope"; "stats_select_graph_data" = "Select graph data"; // Map settings "routing_engine_vehicle_type_driving" = "Driving"; "poi_filter_public_transport" = "Public transport"; "shared_string_map" = "Map"; "layer_amenity_label" = "Point Labels (POI, Favorites)"; "show_borders_of_downloaded_maps" = "Show borders of downloaded maps"; "shared_string_show_on_map" = "Show on map"; "shared_string_hide_from_map" = "Hide from map"; "map_settings_type" = "Map type"; "map_mode" = "Map mode"; "map_magnifier" = "Map magnifier"; "text_size" = "Text size"; "daynight_mode_night" = "Night"; "map_widget_renderer" = "Map style"; "map_settings_overunder" = "Overlay / Underlay"; "map_settings_topography" = "Contour lines"; "map_settings_over" = "Overlay"; "map_settings_under" = "Underlay"; "map_settings_install_maps" = "Choose maps to install or update"; "map_settings_install_more" = "Install more..."; "map_settings_offline" = "Styles for offline maps"; "shared_string_online_maps" = "Online maps"; "shared_string_transparency" = "Transparency"; "map_transparency" = "Base map transparency"; "map_settings_avail_lay" = "Available layers"; "mapillary" = "Mapillary"; "street_level_imagery" = "Street-level imagery"; "shared_string_terrain" = "Terrain"; "map_settings_layer_transparency" = "Layer transparency"; "map_settings_slopes_legend" = "You can read more about the slopes on Wikipedia"; "map_settings_slopes_description" = "Slope is colorized visualisations on terrain."; "map_settings_hillshade_description" = "Hillshade map using dark shades to show slopes, peaks and lowlands."; "map_settings_zoom_level_description" = "Set the minimum and maximum zoom levels at which the layer will be displayed"; "map_settings_add_maps_hillshade" = "Additional maps are needed to view Hillshades on the map."; "map_settings_add_maps_slopes" = "Additional maps are needed to view Slopes on the map."; "shared_string_legend" = "Legend"; "map_settings_show_slider_map" = "Show slider on the map"; "add_online_source" = "Add online source"; "map_settings_hide_polygons" = "Hide polygons"; "show_map_symbols" = "Show map symbols"; "map_settings_hide_polygons_desc" = "This option affects only OsmAnd Offline vector maps"; "map_settings_add_maps_desc" = "You can add new maps via link, or by importing SQLite files."; "srtm_color_scheme" = "Color scheme"; "map_settings_line_density" = "Line density"; "map_settings_contour_zoom_level_descr" = "Select zoom level, from wich contour lines will be displayed"; "shared_string_appearance" = "Appearance"; "map_settings_line_density_slowdown_warning" = "High line density may slowdown map rendering"; "map_settings_available_srtm_maps_descr" = "Additional maps are needed to view Hillshade on the map"; "press_again_to_change_the_map_orientation" = "Tap again to change map orientation"; "shared_string_weather" = "Weather"; "map_settings_weather_temp" = "Temperature"; "map_settings_weather_pressure" = "Pressure"; "map_settings_weather_wind" = "Wind"; "map_settings_weather_cloud" = "Cloud"; "map_settings_weather_precip" = "Precipitation"; "map_settings_clear_geo_cache" = "Clear geo tiles"; "map_settings_clear_raster_cache" = "Clear raster tiles"; "shared_string_contours" = "Contours"; "shared_string_layers" = "Layers"; "weather_temp_enable_descr" = "Enable to view temperature layer on the map."; "weather_pressure_enable_descr" = "Enable to view pressure layer on the map."; "weather_wind_enable_descr" = "Enable to view wind layer on the map."; "weather_cloud_enable_descr" = "Enable to view cloud layer on the map."; "weather_precip_enable_descr" = "Enable to view precipitation layer on the map."; "weather_contours_enable_descr" = "Enable to view isolines layer on the map."; "screen_settings_weather_toolbar" = "Weather toolbar"; "settings_app_theme" = "App theme"; "do_not_rotate" = "Do not rotate"; "allow_3D_view" = "2.5D view"; "units_of_speed" = "Units of speed"; "angular_measurment_units" = "Angular measurment units"; "distance_during_navigation" = "Distance during navigation"; "shared_string_precise" = "Precise"; "shared_string_round_up" = "Round up"; "distance_during_navigation_footer" = "Choose how distance information is displayed in navigation widgets (distance to point, next turn, lanes).\n\nChoose “Precise” for exact numbers, or “Round up” for easier readability."; "units_and_formats" = "Units&formats"; "device_settings" = "Device settings"; "osmand_settings" = "OsmAnd settings"; "backup_and_restore" = "Backup&Restore"; "global_settings_descr" = "Affect the entire application."; "plugin_settings_descr" = "Plugin settings for the selected profile."; // Intro "shared_string_skip" = "Skip"; "intro_download" = "Download\nmap"; "next_proceed" = "Next"; "intro_welcome" = "Welcome to\nOsmAnd"; "intro_promo" = "Global offline maps"; "intro_placeholder" = "enter the name of your region"; // Settings "sett_units" = "Units"; "map_locale" = "Map language"; "sett_km" = "Kilometers"; "sett_ml" = "Miles"; "sett_zoom" = "Zoom button"; "recording_context_menu_show" = "Show"; "sett_notshow" = "Don't show"; "sett_deg180" = "Degrees 180"; "sett_deg360" = "Degrees 360"; "sett_deg_min" = "Degrees and minutes"; "sett_arr" = "Map arrows"; "shared_string_location" = "Location"; "sett_arr_map" = "Map center"; "short_location_on_map" = "Lat %@\nLon %@"; "navigate_point_format_D" = "DDD.DDDDD"; "navigate_point_format_DM" = "DDD MM.MMM"; "navigate_point_format_DMS" = "DDD MM SS.S"; "navigate_point_format_OLC" = "Open Location Code (OLC)"; "navigate_point_format_UTM" = "UTM"; "navigate_point_mgrs" = "MGRS"; "navigate_point_format_unknown" = "Unknown format"; "navigate_point_northing" = "Northing"; "navigate_point_easting" = "Easting"; "navigate_point_zone" = "Zone"; "navigate_point_olc" = "Open Location Code"; "navigate_point_olc_short" = "OLC"; "approximate_file_size" = "Approximate file size"; "shared_string_example" = "Example"; "utm_description" = "Please note, OsmAnd uses UTM Standard format which is similar but not identical to UTM NATO."; "mgrs_format_descr" = "OsmAnd uses MGRS, which is similar to the UTM NATO format."; "coordinates_copy_descr" = "Tap to copy coordintates to clipboard."; "sett_lang_trans" = "translit"; "sett_pref_lang" = "Preferred Language"; "sett_lang_show_local" = "Show local names"; "translit_names" = "Transliterate names"; "lang_af" = "Afrikaans"; "lang_al" = "Albanian"; "lang_als" = "Albanian (Tosk)"; "lang_an" = "Aragonese"; "lang_ar" = "Arabic"; "lang_ast" = "Asturian"; "lang_az" = "Azerbaijani"; "lang_ba" = "Bashkir"; "lang_bar" = "Bavarian"; "lang_be" = "Belarusian"; "lang_be_by" = "Belarusian (Latin)"; "lang_ber" = "Berber"; "lang_bg" = "Bulgarian"; "lang_bn" = "Bengali"; "lang_bpy" = "Bishnupriya"; "lang_br" = "Breton"; "lang_bs" = "Bosnian"; "lang_ca" = "Catalan"; "lang_ce" = "Chechen"; "lang_ceb" = "Cebuano"; "lang_ckb" = "Central Kurdish"; "lang_cs" = "Czech"; "lang_cv" = "Chuvash"; "lang_cy" = "Welsh"; "lang_da" = "Danish"; "lang_de" = "German"; "lang_de_casual" = "German (casual)"; "lang_el" = "Greek"; "lang_en" = "English"; "lang_en_gb" = "English (United Kingdom)"; "lang_eo" = "Esperanto"; "lang_es" = "Spanish"; "lang_es_ar" = "Spanish (Argentina)"; "lang_es_us" = "Spanish (American)"; "lang_et" = "Estonian"; "lang_eu" = "Basque"; "lang_fa" = "Persian"; "lang_fi" = "Finnish"; "lang_fr" = "French"; "lang_fy" = "Frysk"; "lang_ga" = "Irish"; "lang_gl" = "Galician"; "lang_gn_py" = "Guaraní"; "lang_gu" = "Gujarati"; "lang_he" = "Hebrew"; "lang_hi" = "Hindi"; "lang_hr" = "Croatian"; "lang_hsb" = "Sorbian (Upper)"; "lang_ht" = "Haitian"; "lang_hu" = "Hungarian"; "lang_hu_formal" = "Hungarian (formal)"; "lang_hy" = "Armenian"; "lang_id" = "Indonesian"; "lang_is" = "Icelandic"; "lang_it" = "Italian"; "lang_iw" = "Hebrew"; "lang_ja" = "Japanese"; "lang_jv" = "Javanese"; "lang_ka" = "Georgian"; "lang_kab" = "Kabyle"; "lang_kk" = "Kazakh"; "lang_kn" = "Kannada"; "lang_ko" = "Korean"; "lang_ku" = "Kurdish"; "lang_ky" = "Kyrgyz"; "lang_la" = "Latin"; "lang_lb" = "Luxembourgish"; "lang_lmo" = "Lombard"; "lang_lo" = "Lao"; "lang_lt" = "Lithuanian"; "lang_lv" = "Latvian"; "lang_mg" = "Malagasy"; "lang_min" = "Minangkabau"; "lang_mk" = "Macedonian"; "lang_ml" = "Malayalam"; "lang_mn" = "Mongolian"; "lang_mr" = "Marathi"; "lang_ms" = "Malaysian"; "lang_my" = "Burmese"; "lang_nap" = "Neapolitan"; "lang_nb" = "Norwegian Bokmål"; "lang_nds" = "Low German"; "lang_ne" = "Nepali"; "lang_new" = "Newar / Nepal Bhasa"; "lang_nl" = "Dutch"; "lang_nn" = "Norwegian Nynorsk"; "lang_no" = "Norwegian Bokmål"; "lang_nv" = "Navajo"; "lang_oc" = "Occitan"; "lang_os" = "Ossetian"; "lang_pl" = "Polish"; "lang_pms" = "Piedmontese"; "lang_pnb" = "Punjabi"; "lang_pt" = "Portuguese"; "lang_pt_br" = "Portuguese (Brazil)"; "lang_ro" = "Romanian"; "lang_ru" = "Russian"; "lang_sat" = "Santali"; "lang_sc" = "Sardinian"; "lang_scn" = "Sicilian"; "lang_sco" = "Scots"; "lang_sh" = "Serbo-Croatian"; "lang_sk" = "Slovak"; "lang_sl" = "Slovenian"; "lang_sq" = "Albanian"; "lang_sr" = "Serbian (cyrillic)"; "lang_sr_latn" = "Serbian (latin)"; "lang_sr-Latn" = "Serbian (latin)"; "lang_sv" = "Swedish"; "lang_sw" = "Swahili"; "lang_ta" = "Tamil"; "lang_te" = "Telugu"; "lang_tg" = "Tajik"; "lang_th" = "Thai"; "lang_tl" = "Tagalog"; "lang_tr" = "Turkish"; "lang_tt" = "Tatar"; "lang_uk" = "Ukrainian"; "lang_ur" = "Urdu"; "lang_uz" = "Uzbek"; "lang_vi" = "Vietnamese"; "lang_vo" = "Volapuk"; "lang_war" = "Waray"; "lang_yo" = "Yoruba"; "lang_zh" = "Chinese"; "lang_zh_cn" = "Chinese (Simplified)"; "lang_zh_hk" = "Chinese (Hong Kong)"; "lang_zh_tw" = "Chinese (Traditional)"; "lang_zh-Hans" = "Chinese (Simplified)"; "lang_zh-Hant" = "Chinese (Traditional)"; "lang_zhminnan" = "Southern Min"; "lang_zhyue" = "Cantonese"; "shared_string_maps" = "Maps"; "purchases" = "Purchases"; "select_map_style" = "Select map style"; "select_map_source" = "Select map source"; "select_overlay" = "Select overlay map"; "select_underlay" = "Select underlay map"; "select_manually" = "Select manually"; "avoid_by_type" = "Avoid by type"; "available_map_styles" = "Available map styles"; "available_map_sources" = "Available map sources"; "export_profile" = "Export profile"; "shared_string_import" = "Import"; "create_profile" = "Create profile"; "select_data_to_import" = "Select the data to be imported."; "export_profile_select_descr" = "Select the data to be exported."; "selected_of" = "Selected - %d/%d"; "nav_type_hint" = "Navigation type"; "shared_string_nothing_selected" = "Nothing selected"; "export_failed" = "Could not export profile"; "custom_osmand_plugin" = "Custom OsmAnd plugin"; "custom_plugins" = "Custom plugins"; "online_plugins" = "Online plugins"; "extra_maps_menu_group" = "Extra maps"; "import_duplicates_title" = "Some items already exist"; "import_duplicates_description" = "OsmAnd already has elements with the same names as those imported.\n\nSelect an action."; "keep_both" = "Keep both"; "keep_both_desc" = "Imported items will be added with prefix"; "replace_all" = "Replace all"; "replace_all_desc" = "Current items will be replaced with items from the file"; "shared_string_profiles" = "Profiles"; "shared_string_quick_actions" = "Quick actions"; "shared_string_poi_types" = "POI types"; "quick_action_map_source_title" = "Map sources"; "shared_string_routing" = "Routing"; "shared_string_rendering_style" = "Rendering style"; "avoid_road" = "Avoid road"; "shared_string_importing" = "Importing"; "importing_from" = "Importing data from %@"; "shared_string_restoring" = "Restoring"; "restoring_from" = "Restoring selected data from the cloud"; "shared_string_settings" = "Settings"; "configure_screen_quick_action" = "Quick action"; "search_activity" = "Search"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_space" = "%@ %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_colon" = "%@: %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_colon_with_space" = "%@ : %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_dash" = "%@— %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_or" = "%@ or %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_slash" = "%@/%@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_comma" = "%@, %@"; "ltr_or_rtl_combine_via_of" = "%ld of %ld"; "listed_exist" = "Listed %@, already exist in OsmAnd."; "shared_string_import_complete" = "Import complete"; "import_complete_description" = "Imported all data from the %@. Use the buttons below to open any part of the app to manage it."; "app_restart_required" = "App restart required to apply some settings."; "shared_string_finish" = "Finish"; "added_items" = "Added items: %@"; "copy_from_other_profile" = "Copy from another profile"; "copy_from_other_profile_descr" = "You can copy all settings from any profile to the selected profile: "; "profile_alert_delete_title" = "Delete profile"; "profile_alert_delete_msg" = "Delete the \"%@\" profile"; "select_base_profile_dialog_message" = "Base your custom profile on one of the default app profiles, this defines the basic setup like default visibility of widgets and units of speed and distance. These are the default app profiles, together with examples of custom profiles they may be extended to:"; "profile_type_custom_string" = "Custom profile"; "new_profile" = "New profile"; "shared_string_rearrange" = "Rearrange"; "configure_profile" = "Configure profile"; "profile_settings" = "Profile Specific Settings"; "profile_appearance" = "Profile appearance"; "profile_appearance_descr" = "Icon, color, and name"; "ui_customization" = "UI Customization"; "ui_customization_short_descr" = "Drawer items, context menu"; "reorder_profiles" = "Edit profile list"; "profile_alert_need_profile_name_title" = "Enter profile name"; "select_color" = "Select color"; "select_icon_profile_dialog_title" = "Select icon"; "select_map_icon" = "Position icon at rest"; "select_navigation_icon" = "Position icon while moving"; "will_be_show_while_moving" = "It will be show while moving"; "base_profile_descr_car" = "Car, truck, motorcycle"; "base_profile_descr_bicycle" = "Mountain bike, moped, horse"; "base_profile_descr_pedestrian" = "Walking, hiking, running"; "base_profile_descr_public_transport" = "Public transport types"; "base_profile_descr_boat" = "Ship, rowing, sailing"; "base_profile_descr_aircraft" = "Airplane, gliding"; "rearrange_profiles" = "Rearrange profiles"; "rearrange_profile_descr" = "Default OsmAnd profiles cannot be deleted, but you can disable them on the previous screen or drag them to the bottom of the list."; "all_application_profiles" = "All application profiles"; "after_tapping_done" = "After you tap Done, deleted profiles will be lost completely."; "empty_profile_name_warning" = "Profile name cannot be empty."; "err_profile_import" = "Error reading item data: %@"; "reading_file" = "Reading file"; "preparing_file" = "Preparing file"; "profile_import_success" = "Application profile was imported successfully"; "profile_prefs_reset_successful" = "All profile settings restored to default."; "not_available_profile_name" = "Profile with this name already exists."; "profile_type_base_string" = "Base profile"; "selected_profile" = "Selected profile"; "application_profiles" = "App profiles"; "profile_sett_descr" = "Affect selected application profile"; "import_profile_descr" = "To import a profile, tap on the needed file (*.osf) in any application and select \"Copy to OsmAnd Maps\""; "export_profile_descr" = "You can export all profile settings, copy all settings from another profile or reset all profile settings to default state."; "new_plugin_added" = "New plugin added"; "reset_to_default" = "Reset to default"; "reset_profile_action_descr" = "Reset all profile settings to installation defaults. Tapping Reset will discard all your changes, this action can't be undone."; "checking_for_duplicates" = "Checking for duplicates..."; "checking_for_duplicate_description" = "OsmAnd check %@ for duplicates with existing items in the app.\n\nIt may take some time."; // Purchases "prch_addons" = "Addons"; "prch_nau_q1" = "Please turn on \"Nautical\" style in the Map Settings and install world seamarks basemap."; "prch_nau_q2_cell" = "Downloading requires %@ over cellular network."; "incur_high_charges" = "This may incur high charges."; "prch_nau_q2_wifi" = "Downloading requires %@ over WiFi network."; "prch_nau_q3" = "You may install it later through the Maps & Resources."; "proceed_q" = "Proceed?"; "shared_string_download" = "Download"; "shared_string_no_thanks" = "No, thanks"; "download_now" = "Download map now"; "prch_failed" = "Purchase of \"%@\" has failed"; "prch_items_failed" = "item(s) were not restored. Please try again."; "downloading" = "Downloading"; // Route planning "plan_route" = "Plan a route"; "coord_input_add_point" = "Add point"; "point_num" = "Point %d"; "points_count" = "Points:"; "route_between_points" = "Route between points"; "profile_alert_need_save_title" = "Save changes"; "save_as_new_track" = "Save as new track"; "add_to_a_track" = "Add to a track"; "move_point" = "Move Point"; "move_point_descr" = "Move map to change the position of this point."; "add_point_before" = "Add point before"; "add_point_after" = "Add point after"; "trim_before" = "Trim before this point"; "trim_after" = "Trim after this point"; "change_route_type_before" = "Change route type before this point"; "change_route_type_after" = "Change route type after this point"; "delete_point" = "Delete Point"; "add_one_more_pnt" = "Add one more point"; "route_betw_points_descr" = "Choose how to connect the points: with a straight line or by calculating a route using one of profiles listed below."; "next_seg_descr" = "The next segment will be recalculated using selected profile."; "whole_track_descr" = "The whole track will be recalculated using selected profile."; "next_segment" = "Next segment"; "whole_track" = "Whole track"; "next_seg_dist" = "Next segment %@"; "next_segs_dist" = "All subsequent segments %@"; "prev_seg_dist" = "Previous segment %@"; "prev_segs_dist" = "All Previous segments %@"; "only_selected_segment_recalc" = "Only the selected segment will be recalculated using the selected profile."; "next_segs_recalc_descr" = "All subsequent segments will be recalculated using the selected profile"; "prev_segs_recalc_descr" = "All previous segments will be recalculated using the selected profile"; "reverse_route" = "Reverse route"; "join_segments" = "Join segments"; "simplified_track" = "Simplified track"; "simplified_track_description" = "Only the route line will be saved, the waypoints will be deleted."; "open_saved_track" = "Open saved track"; "plan_route_create_new_route" = "Create new route"; "track_is_saved" = "%@\nis saved!"; "plan_route_open_existing_track" = "Open existing track"; "sort_last_modified" = "Last modified"; "route_between_points_add_track_desc" = "Select a track file to add the new segment to."; "route_between_points_warning_desc" = "Next, snap your track to the nearest allowed road with one of your navigation profiles to use this option."; "plan_route_exit_message" = "Are you sure you want to close Plan route without saving? You will lose all changes."; "gpx_saved_successfully" = "GPX file saved to %@"; "none_point_error" = "Please add at least one point."; "empty_filename" = "Empty filename"; "incorrect_symbols" = "Invalid characters entered"; "invalid_format" = "Invalid format"; "gpx_already_exsists" = "File with this name already exists"; "folder_already_exsists" = "Folder with this name already exists"; "plan_route_split_before" = "Split before"; "plan_route_split_after" = "Split after"; "follow_track" = "Follow track"; "select_another_track" = "Select another track"; "select_track_to_follow" = "Select track to follow"; "attach_to_the_roads" = "Attach to the roads"; "point_to_navigate" = "Navigate to"; "start_of_the_track" = "Start of the track"; "nearest_point" = "Nearest point"; "plan_route_folder" = "Folder"; "change_folder" = "Change folder"; "select_folder" = "Select folder"; "select_folder_descr" = "Select folder or add new one"; "add_folder" = "Add folder"; "select_segment" = "Select segment"; "track_multiple_segments_select" = "%@ has more than one segment. Please select a part of the track you want to use for navigation."; "segments_count" = "Segment %d"; "threshold_distance" = "Threshold distance"; "select_profile" = "Select profile"; // Resources "shared_string_resources" = "Resources"; "res_mapsres" = "Maps & Resources"; "download_tab_local" = "Local"; "osmand_live" = "OsmAnd Live"; "live_updates" = "Live updates"; "available_maps" = "Available maps"; "osmand_live_last_changed" = "Last map change: %@"; "last_update" = "Last update: %@"; "osmand_live_not_updated" = "Not yet updated"; "hourly" = "Hourly"; "daily" = "Daily"; "weekly" = "Weekly"; "osmand_live_reports" = "Reports"; "osmand_live_server_date" = "Last server update: %@"; "update_frequency" = "Update frequency"; "osmand_live_wifi_only" = "Update only via WiFi"; "weather_update_disabled" = "Disabled"; "weather_update_over_wifi_only" = "Over WIFI only"; "weather_update_over_any_network" = "Over Any Network"; "osmand_live_donation_header" = "Donation settings"; "donations" = "Donations"; "osmand_live_donation_switch_title" = "Donation to OpenStreetMap community"; "osmand_live_donation_switch_descr" = "Part of your donation is distributed among the OSM users who submit changes to OpenStreetMap. The cost of the subscription remains the same"; "osmand_live_donations_enter_email" = "Enter your email address"; "osmand_live_donations_email_descr" = "Please provide your e-mail address to get the donation reports"; "osm_live_support_region" = "Support region"; "osmand_live_support_reg_descr" = "Part of your donation will be sent to OSM users who submit changes to the map in that region"; "osmand_live_public_name" = "Enter your public name"; "osmand_live_subscription_canceled" = "You have cancelled OsmAnd Live Subscription"; "osmand_live_cancel_descr" = "Renew the subscription to continue using the full functionality:"; "update_now" = "Update now"; "osmand_live_updates_size" = "Downloaded updates size"; "osmand_live_deleted_object" = "Deleted object"; "res_search_world" = "Search worldwide"; "res_catalog_upd" = "Catalog update"; "res_world_map" = "World map"; "shared_string_world" = "World"; "download_tab_updates" = "Updates"; "res_worldwide" = "Worldwide"; "res_region_map" = "Region map"; "res_updates_avail" = "Updates available"; "res_maps_inst" = "map(s)"; "res_deleting" = "Deleting…"; "res_wsea_map" = "World seamarks basemap"; "res_wmap" = "Worldwide overview map"; "res_dmap" = "Detailed overview map"; "res_map_of_region" = "Map of the region"; "res_update_no_space" = "Not enough space to update"; "res_install_no_space" = "Not enough space to install"; "res_no_space_free" = "is needed. Please free up some space."; "res_free_exp" = "You spent all free downloads. Please purchase continent to download / update the maps."; "res_upd_avail_q" = "An update is available for"; "res_inst_avail_cell_q" = "Installation of %@ needs %@ to be downloaded over cellular network."; "res_inst_avail_wifi_q" = "Installation of %@ needs %@ to be downloaded over WiFi network."; "res_cancel_upd_q" = "You're going to cancel %@ update."; "data_will_be_lost" = "All downloaded data will be lost."; "res_cancel_inst_q" = "You're going to cancel %@ installation."; "res_uninst_managed_q" = "You're going to uninstall %@. You can reinstall it later from catalog."; "res_uninst_unmanaged_q" = "You're going to delete %@. It's not from catalog, so please be sure you have a backup if needed."; "shared_string_details" = "Details"; "shared_string_type" = "Type"; "res_unknown" = "Unknown"; "shared_string_size" = "Size"; "created_on" = "Created on"; "res_update_all" = "Update all"; "res_updates_no_space" = "Not enough space to install %d update(s). %@ is needed. Please free up some space."; "res_updates_avail_q" = "update(s) are available."; "res_updates_exp" = "Please purchase continent(s) to update the maps"; "res_confirmation_delete" = "Are you sure you want to delete %@?"; "res_confirmation_clear_cache" = "Are you sure you want to clear cache for %@?"; "res_edit_map_source" = "Edit map source"; "res_online_name_descr" = "Provide name for online source"; "res_online_url_descr" = "Enter or copy and paste URL for online source"; "edit_tilesource_url_to_load" = "URL"; "shared_string_zoom_levels" = "Zoom levels"; "res_expire_time" = "Expire time"; "res_mercator" = "Mercator Projection"; "edit_tilesource_elliptic_tile" = "Elliptic Mercator projection"; "pseudo_mercator_projection" = "Pseudo-Mercator projection"; "res_source_format" = "Source format"; "sqlite_db_file" = "SQLiteDB file"; "one_image_per_tile" = "One image file per tile"; "res_zoom_levels_desc" = "This parameters will affect the map display when used as a map type or overlay/underlay.\n\nMap type: the map will be limited to the selected zooms.\n\nOverlay / Underlay: Zoom levels at which tiles will be visible. Upscale or downscale will occur above or below the set values."; "res_expire_time_desc" = "Expiration time in minutes. Cached tiles will be reloaded after specified time. Leave this field empty if you do not need to reload tiles for this source.\nOne day is 1440 minutes.\nOne week is 10 080 minutes.\n30 days are 43 200 minutes."; "res_name_warning" = "File name cannot be empty"; "res_url_warning" = "URL cannot be empty"; "res_zoom_warning" = "Minimum zoom value cannot be equal or greater than Maximum zoom"; "res_expire_warning" = "Expiration time should be a number between 0 and 10000000"; "res_zoom_invalid_value" = "Zoom values should be in range 1 - 22"; "res_offlineSQL_URL_warning" = "Not supported for this map type"; "clear_tiles_warning" = "Applying these changes will clear the cached data for this tile source"; "download_heightmap_maps" = "Heightmap"; "welmode_download_maps" = "Download maps"; "srtm_unit_format" = "Contour lines unit variant"; "srtm_download_single_help_message" = "Please select the variant. You will need to re-download the file to change the format."; "srtm_download_list_help_message" = "OsmAnd provides contour line data in meters and feet. You will need to re-download the file to change the format."; "shared_string_meters" = "meters"; "shared_string_feet" = "feet"; "test_heightmap" = "Test heightmap"; "disable_vertex_hillshade_3d" = "Disable vertex hillshade in 3D"; "generate_slope_from_3d_maps" = "Generate slope raster maps from 3D maps"; "generate_hillshade_from_3d_maps" = "Generate hillshade raster maps from 3D maps"; // Menu "shared_string_menu" = "Menu"; "menu_my_trips" = "My Tracks"; "feedback" = "Feedback"; "shared_string_help" = "Help"; "select_tracks" = "Select tracks"; "selected_tracks_count" = "Tracks - %d"; "folder_tracks_count" = "%d tracks"; "delete_tracks_bottom_sheet_description_regular_part" = "Are you sure you want to delete "; "delete_tracks_bottom_sheet_description_bold_part" = "%d tracks?"; "delete_tracks_bottom_sheet_title" = "Delete tracks?"; // OSM Editing actions "opening_changeset" = "Opening changeset…"; "closing_changeset" = "Closing changeset…"; "commiting_node" = "Committing node…"; "loading_poi_obj" = "Loading POI…"; "shared_string_loading" = "Loading"; "osm_upload_failed_title" = "Upload failed"; "osm_upload_failed_descr" = "Please check your login details and Internet connection and try again."; "exit_without_saving" = "Exit without saving?"; "unsaved_changes_will_be_lost" = "Any unsaved changes will be lost. Continue?"; "osm_upload_no_internet" = "Please check your Internet connection and try again."; "upload_poi" = "Upload POI"; "osm_delete_confirmation_descr" = "Are you sure you want to delete this POI?"; "osm_succsessful_uploads" = "Successful"; "osm_failed_uploads" = "Failed"; "osm_editing_settings_descr" = "This plugin's settings are global and apply to all profiles."; "routing_algorithm" = "Routing algorithm"; "auto_zoom" = "Auto-zoom"; "shared_string_development" = "Development"; "routing_algorithm_highway_hierarchies" = "Highway hierarchies"; "routing_algorithm_a" = "A*"; "auto_zoom_smooth" = "Smooth"; "auto_zoom_discrete" = "Discrete"; "osmand_depelopment_simulate_location_section" = "Simulate"; "osmand_depelopment_use_old_routing" = "Use old routing (A*)"; "osmand_depelopment_use_discrete_autozoom" = "Discrete autozoom (old version)"; "simulate_in_progress" = "In progress"; "simulate_your_location_gpx_descr" = "Simulate your position using a recorded GPX track."; "simulate_location_track_select_descr" = "Choose track that will use as source for location moving."; "simulate_location_unselected_track_footer" = "You need to select track file"; "simulate_location_movement_speed" = "Movement speed"; "simulate_location_movement_speed_original" = "Original"; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x2" = "x2"; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x3" = "x3"; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x4" = "x4"; "simulate_location_movement_speed_original_desc" = "The location movement speed during the simulation will be equal to the speed in the selected file."; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x2_desc" = "The location movement speed during the simulation will be x2 bigger to the speed in the selected file."; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x3_desc" = "The location movement speed during the simulation will be x3 bigger to the speed in the selected file."; "simulate_location_movement_speed_x4_desc" = "The location movement speed during the simulation will be x4 bigger to the speed in the selected file."; "use_heightmap_setting" = "Use 3D relief heightmaps"; "shared_string_added" = "Added"; "osn_bug_name" = "OSM Note"; "osm_created" = "Created"; "poi_remove_success" = "Deleted"; "shared_string_modified" = "Modified"; "osm_edit_reopened_note" = "Reopened OSM Note"; "osm_name" = "OpenStreetMap username"; "osm_pass" = "OpenStreetMap password"; "osm_offline_editing" = "Always use offline editing"; "osm_editing_login_and_pass" = "Login and password"; "offline_edition" = "Offline editing"; "osm_add_timespan" = "Add timespan"; "working_days" = "Working days"; "osm_around_the_clock" = "Around the clock (24/7)"; "osm_opens_at" = "Opens at:"; "osm_closes_at" = "Closes at:"; "contact_info" = "Contact info"; "map_widget_top_text" = "Street name"; "osm_building_num" = "Building number"; "phone" = "Phone"; "website" = "Website"; "population_num" = "Population"; "osm_add_place" = "Add place"; "osm_modify_place" = "Modify place"; "poi_remove_title" = "Delete POI"; "osm_edit_modified_poi" = "Modified OSM POI"; "osm_edit_deleted_poi" = "Deleted OSM POI"; "osm_edit_created_poi" = "Created OSM POI"; "osm_edit_created_note" = "Created OSM Note"; "osm_note_create" = "Create OSM Note"; "upload_osm_note" = "Upload OSM Note"; "osm_edit_close_note" = "Close OSM Note"; "osm_edit_comment_note" = "Comment OSM Note"; "osm_note_reopen_title" = "Reopen OSM Note"; "osm_confirm_bulk_delete" = "Delete %d edits?"; "osm_confirm_delete" = "Delete POI?"; "osm_confirm_upload" = "Upload modifications?"; "close_changeset" = "Close changeset"; "osm_tag" = "Tag"; "osm_value" = "Value"; "osm_note_upload_info" = "You can upload the note anonymously or by using your OpenStreetMap profile."; "osm_note_upload_immediately" = "Upload immediately"; "upload_anonymously" = "Upload anonymously"; "osm_note_empty_message" = "Please specify the message for this note."; "poi_dialog_comment" = "Comment"; "poi_dialog_reopen" = "Reopen"; "osm_edits_offline_layer" = "OSM Edits/Notes (offline)"; "osm_notes_online_layer" = "OSM Notes (online)"; "tab_title_basic" = "Basic"; "tab_title_advanced" = "Advanced"; "osm_edits_all" = "All edits"; "osm_edits_poi" = "POI edits"; "osm_edits_notes" = "Notes"; "osm_poi_id_label" = "POI id:"; "osm_edits_title" = "OSM Edits"; "osm_edits_edits_label" = "Edits"; "upload_to_osm" = "Upload modifications to OSM"; "osm_edit_show_on_map" = "Show modification on the map"; "osm_edit_show_on_map_descr" = "Open the map centered on this point"; "shared_string_without_name" = "Without name"; "local_openstreetmap_uploading" = "Uploading…"; "shared_string_uploading" = "Uploading"; "shared_string_discard_changes" = "Discard changes"; "osm_upload_complete" = "Upload complete"; "osm_tag_too_long_message" = "The maximum value length for tag %@ is 255 characters. \nPlease make it shorter to continue."; "save_poi_without_poi_type_message" = "Save POI without type?"; "save_poi_too_many_uppercase" = "The name contains too many capital letters. Continue?"; "osm_editing_loading_poi" = "Loading POI information"; "osm_editing_access_descr" = "You can view all your local edits and notes in %@. Already uploaded points are not listed in OsmAnd."; "osm_upload_gpx_description_footer" = "Track name will be used instead of an empty description. Entered description will be applied for each track."; "osm_upload_gpx_tags_footer" = "Enter tags separated by comma."; "visibility" = "Visibility"; // Mapillary "mapil_no_inet_descr" = "You need Internet connection to view Mapillary photos."; "mapil_images_nearby" = "Images nearby"; "mapil_no_images" = "We do not have photos for this location."; "shared_string_add_photos" = "Add photos"; "improve_coverage_mapillary" = "Improve photo coverage with Mapillary"; "mapillary_get_descr" = "Get Mapillary to add photos to this location"; "mapil_contribute" = "Contribute your own street level imagery"; "mapillary_descr" = "Online street-level photos for everyone. Discover places, collaborate, capture the world."; "mapillary_turn_on_widget" = "Turn on Mapillary widget"; "mapillary_turn_on_widget_descr" = "This allows you to quickly contribute to Mapillary"; "mapillary_menu_title_tile_cache" = "Tile cache"; "shared_string_reload" = "Reload"; "show_more" = "Show more"; "mapil_reload_cache" = "Reload tiles to see the newest data"; "filter_current_poiButton" = "Filter"; "mapil_filter_user_descr" = "Filter images by user"; "mapil_filter_date" = "Filter images by date"; "mapil_usernames" = "Usernames"; "mapillary_menu_title_pano" = "Display only 360° images"; "mapil_select_user" = "Select user"; // Coordinate widget "coordinates_widget_current_location" = "Coordinates: current location"; "coordinates_widget_map_center" = "Coordinates: map center"; "searching_gps" = "Searching GPS"; "copied_to_clipboard" = "Copied to clipboard"; // Quick action "no_overlay" = "No overlay"; "quick_action_map_overlay_action" = "Add overlay"; "no_underlay" = "No underlay"; "quick_action_map_underlay_action" = "Add underlay"; "quick_action_list_descr" = "Tapping this action button pages through the list below"; "toggle_current_location" = "Show/hide Coordinates: current location"; "show_current_location" = "Show Coordinates: current location"; "hide_current_location" = "Hide Coordinates: current location"; "toggle_map_center" = "Show/hide Coordinates: map center"; "show_map_center" = "Show Coordinates: map center"; "hide_map_center" = "Hide Coordinates: map center"; "quick_action_current_location_widget_descr" = "A toggle to show or hide the current location widget on the map."; "quick_action_map_center_widget_descr" = "A toggle to show or hide the map center widget on the map."; "quick_action_map_overlay_title" = "Map overlays"; "quick_action_map_underlay_title" = "Map underlays"; "vector_data" = "Offline vector maps"; "quick_action_map_source_action" = "Add map source"; "quick_action_map_style_action" = "Add a map style"; "quick_action_map_styles" = "Map styles"; "quick_action_new_action" = "Add action"; "unsupported_items" = "Unsupported items"; "quick_action_add_create_items" = "Create items"; "configure_map" = "Configure map"; "map_look_descr" = "Map appearance"; "quick_action_add_marker" = "Add map marker"; "select_map_marker" = "Select map marker"; "add_gpx_waypoint" = "Add GPX waypoint"; "context_menu_item_edit_waypoint" = "Edit GPX waypoint"; "toggle_fav" = "Show/hide favorites"; "fav_show" = "Show favorites"; "fav_hide" = "Hide favorites"; "temperature_show" = "Show temperature"; "temperature_hide" = "Hide temperature"; "toggle_temperature" = "Show/hide - Temperature layer"; "pressure_show" = "Show pressure"; "pressure_hide" = "Hide pressure"; "toggle_pressure" = "Show/hide - Pressure layer"; "wind_show" = "Show wind"; "wind_hide" = "Hide wind"; "toggle_wind" = "Show/hide - Wind layer"; "cloud_show" = "Show cloud"; "cloud_hide" = "Hide cloud"; "toggle_cloud" = "Show/hide - Cloud layer"; "precipitation_show" = "Show precipitation"; "precipitation_hide" = "Hide precipitation"; "toggle_precipitation" = "Show/hide - Precipitation layer"; "toggle_poi" = "Show/hide POI"; "hide_poi_action" = "Hide POI"; "quick_action_add_parking" = "Add parking place"; "parking_place" = "Parking spot"; "quick_action_navigation_voice" = "Voice on/off"; "quick_action_add_osm_bug" = "Add OSM Note"; "toggle_online_notes" = "Toggle OSM notes"; "toggle_local_edits" = "Toggle local OSM edits"; "quick_action_add_poi" = "Add POI"; "quick_action_map_style" = "Change map style"; "quick_action_map_source" = "Change map source"; "quick_action_map_overlay" = "Change map overlay"; "quick_action_map_underlay" = "Change map underlay"; "quick_action_replace_destination" = "Replace destination"; "add_destination" = "Add destination"; "route_add_start_point" = "Add point of departure"; "add_intermediate" = "Add intermediate point"; "add_home" = "Add home"; "add_work" = "Add work"; "favorite_home_category" = "Home"; "work_button" = "Work"; "map_widget_parking" = "Parking"; "quick_action_add_first_intermediate" = "Add first intermediate"; "quick_action_auto_zoom" = "Auto-zoom map"; "auto_zoom_on" = "Auto zoom on"; "auto_zoom_off" = "Auto zoom off"; "quick_action_resume_pause_navigation" = "Pause/resume navigation"; "resume_nav" = "Continue navigation"; "pause_nav" = "Pause navigation"; "quick_action_start_stop_navigation" = "Start/stop navigation"; "toggle_day_night" = "Switch Day/Night mode"; "quick_action_switch_night_mode" = "Night mode"; "quick_action_switch_day_mode" = "Day mode"; "quick_action_navigation_voice_on" = "Mute Voice"; "quick_action_navigation_voice_off" = "Unmute Voice"; "show_hide_gpx" = "Show/hide tracks"; "shared_string_open_track" = "Open track"; "show_gpx" = "Tracks"; "hide_gpx" = "Hide track"; "show_notes" = "Show OSM notes"; "hide_notes" = "Hide OSM notes"; "show_edits" = "Show local edits"; "hide_edits" = "Hide local edits"; "search_results" = "Search results"; "shared_string_action_name" = "Action name"; "quick_action_name_alert" = "Quick action name was changed to %@ to avoid duplication."; "quick_action_screen_header" = "Screen %ld"; "confirm_bulk_delete" = "Do you want to delete %ld items?"; "confirm_history_item_delete" = "Are you sure you want to delete (%ld) history items?"; "quick_action_add_actions_descr" = "Add actions to access them quickly from the map."; "quick_action_interim_dialog" = "Show an interim dialog"; "quick_action_dialog_descr" = "Turn on to show dialog before applying the action"; "quick_action_template_name" = "Template name"; "quick_action_fav_name_descr" = "Leave blank to use the address or place name."; "quick_action_select_group" = "Select the group to save the favorite in."; "quick_action_add_category" = "Add a category"; "quick_action_add_category_descr" = "You can select multiple POI categories."; "quick_action_show_poi_descr" = "Add one or more POI categories to be displayed on the map."; "quick_action_fill_params_alert" = "Please fill out the parameters first"; "quick_action_dialog" = "Dialog"; "quick_action_edit_action" = "Edit action"; "quick_action_add_tag" = "Add tag"; "gpx_tags_txt" = "Tags"; "quick_action_get_info" = "Get info"; "quick_action_enter_message" = "Enter message"; "quick_action_bug_descr" = "This message is included in the comment field."; "quick_action_source_switch_descr" = "Tapping this action button pages through the list below."; "quick_action_poi_add_descr" = "Tapping this action button allows you to quickly add POI on the map with predefined type and tags."; "quick_action_day_night_descr" = "Tapping this action button switches between Day and Night map mode."; "quick_action_parking_descr" = "Tapping this action button adds a parking location at the map center point."; "quick_action_add_marker_descr" = "A button to add a map marker at the screen center location."; "quick_action_show_gpx_descr" = "Tapping this action button shows or hides currently displayed GPX tracks."; "quick_action_voice_descr" = "Tapping this action button disables or enables voice guidance during navigation."; "quick_action_add_dest_descr" = "Tapping this action button sets the destination to the map center. Any previously selected destination becomes the last intermediate destination."; "quick_action_first_intermediate_descr" = "Tapping this action button adds the first intermediate destination at the map center point."; "quick_action_replace_dest_descr" = "Tapping this action button sets the destination to the map center point, discarding the previously set destination (if any)."; "quick_action_autozoom_descr" = "Tapping this action button turns on/off the map auto zoom mode according to current speed."; "quick_action_start_stop_nav_descr" = "Tap this button to start or end the navigation."; "quick_action_pause_nav_descr" = "Tap this button to pause or resume the navigation."; "quick_action_toggle_notes_descr" = "Tap this action button to show or hide online OSM notes."; "quick_action_toggle_edits_descr" = "Tap this action button to show or hide offline OSM edits."; "quick_action_edit_list" = "Edit actions list"; "quick_action_hillshade_descr" = "A button to show or hide hillshade on the map."; "show_terrain" = "Show Terrain"; "hide_terrain" = "Hide Terrain"; "toggle_contour_lines" = "Show/Hide contour lines"; "toggle_hillshade" = "Show/Hide terrain"; "show_from_zoom_level" = "Displaying starts at zoom level"; "quick_action_contour_lines_descr" = "Button showing or hiding contour lines on the map."; "hide_contour_lines" = "Hide contour lines"; "enable_contour_lines" = "Enable to view contour lines on the map"; "enable_hillshade" = "Enable to view terrain data from hillshade or slope map."; "contour_lines_hillshades_slope" = "Contour lines, hillshades, slope"; "quick_action_dir_from_descr" = "Tap this action to navigate from the current screen center point."; "quick_action_transport_descr" = "Button showing or hiding public transport on the map."; "toggle_public_transport" = "Show/hide public transport"; "public_transport_show" = "Show public transport"; "public_transport_hide" = "Hide public transport"; "quick_action_showhide_mapillary_title" = "Show/hide Mapillary"; "quick_action_showhide_mapillary_descr" = "A toggle to show or hide the Mapillary layer on the map."; "quick_action_mapillary_hide" = "Hide Mapillary"; "quick_action_mapillary_show" = "Show Mapillary"; "quick_action_remove_next_destination" = "Delete next destination point"; "quick_action_remove_next_destination_descr" = "Deletes the next destination on your route. If that is the final destination, the navigation will stop."; "change_application_profile" = "Change app profile"; "select_application_profile" = "Select application profile"; "shared_string_add_profile" = "Add profile"; "shared_string_app_profile" = "App profile"; "quick_action_switch_profile_descr" = "The action button switches between selected profiles."; "profile_type_user_string" = "User profile"; "profile_type_osmand_string" = "OsmAnd profile"; "unsupported_action" = "Unsupported action"; "unsupported_action_title" = "Unsupported action (%@)"; "unsupported_action_descr" = "This quick action in not supported now. This can be fixed in new app versions."; "other_options" = "Other options"; "add_parking" = "Add as Parking position"; "add_parking_short" = "Add Parking"; "add_waypoint" = "Add Waypoint"; "add_waypoint_short" = "Add waypoint"; "delete_waypoints" = "Delete waypoints"; "points_delete_multiple" = "Delete %d point(s)?"; "delete_group_confirm_short" = "Delete group?"; "delete_group_confirm" = "Are you sure you want to delete \"%@\" group?"; "edit_waypoint_short" = "Edit waypoint"; "replace_waypoint_confirmation" = "Are you sure you want to replace Waypoint %@?"; "no_waypoints_found" = "No waypoints found"; "poi_context_menu_modify" = "Modify POI"; "context_menu_item_create_poi" = "Create POI"; "poi_context_menu_modify_osm_change" = "Modify OSM change"; "context_menu_item_open_note" = "Open OSM Note"; "edit_osm_note" = "Edit OSM Note"; "shared_string_commit" = "Commit"; "osb_comment_dialog_message" = "Message"; "osn_add_dialog_title" = "Create note"; "modify_poi" = "Modify the POI information"; "shared_string_actions" = "Actions"; "time_limited" = "Time limited"; "pickup_car" = "Pickup the car"; "pickup_car_at" = "Pickup the car at"; "add_notification_calendar" = "Add notification to Calendar"; "parking_place_limited" = "Parking time limited to"; "osmand_parking_time_left" = "left"; "osmand_parking_overdue" = "overdue"; "cannot_add_marker" = "Cannot add Parking"; "cannot_add_marker_desc" = "Please remove one direction at least and retry"; "cannot_add_destination" = "Cannot add Direction"; // Units "cubic_m" = "m³"; "mile" = "mi"; "yard" = "yd"; "foot" = "ft"; "nm" = "nmi"; "km" = "km"; "m" = "m"; "km_h" = "km/h"; "mile_per_hour" = "mph"; "units_nm_h" = "nmi/h"; "min_mile" = "min/m"; "min_km" = "min/km"; "m_s" = "m/s"; "ft_s" = "ft/s"; "metric_ton" = "t"; "kg" = "kg"; "int_hour" = "h"; "int_min" = "min."; "shared_string_sec" = "sec"; "units_sec_short" = "s"; "int_seconds" = "seconds"; // Help "help_first_steps" = "First steps"; "first_usage_item" = "First use"; "help_first_use_descr" = "How to download maps and set basic settings"; "help_navigation_descr" = "How to set up navigation"; "faq_item" = "FAQ"; "help_faq_descr" = "Frequently asked questions"; "features_menu_group" = "Features"; "map_viewing_item" = "Map viewing"; "help_search" = "Map search"; "planning_trip_item" = "Planning a trip"; "navigation_profiles_item" = "Navigation profiles"; "osmand_purchases_item" = "OsmAnd purchases"; "subscription_osmandlive_item" = "Subscription - OsmAnd Live"; "help_travel" = "Travel (Wikipedia & Wikivoyage)"; "mapillary_item" = "OsmAnd + Mapillary"; "map_legend" = "Map legend"; "help_legend_descr" = "The guide to map's symbols"; "other_location" = "Other"; "help_what_is_new" = "What\'s new"; "instalation_troubleshooting_item" = "Installation and troubleshooting"; "techical_articles_item" = "Technical articles"; "versions_item" = "Versions"; "help_contact_us" = "Contact us"; "shared_string_about" = "About"; "follow_us" = "Follow us"; "facebook" = "Facebook"; "twitter" = "Twitter"; "reddit" = "Reddit"; "whats_here" = "What's here"; // Map "map_inst_det_map_q" = "Install detailed map overview to get more information about your locations."; "map_remind" = "Remind me later"; "map_no_address" = "Address is not known yet"; // Import "import_title" = "Import data"; "import_choose_type" = "Please choose what to import"; "import_failed" = "Import failed"; "import_cannot" = "The specified file cannot be imported"; "import_gpx" = "GPX Track"; "trip_name" = "Track name"; "trip_hint" = "Enter track name"; // Alerts "alert_inet_needed" = "Internet connection required to perform this action. Please check your Internet connection."; // Context menu "ctx_mnu_edit_fav" = "Edit favorite"; "ctx_mnu_add_fav" = "Add favorite"; "shared_string_share" = "Share"; "map_marker" = "Map marker"; // Location Services "loc_access_denied" = "Access denied"; "loc_access_denied_desc" = "Access to location service has been denied"; // Colors "col_gray" = "Gray"; "shared_string_color_magenta" = "Magenta"; // GPX colors // World Regions "index_name_antarctica" = "Antarctica"; "index_name_africa" = "Africa"; "index_name_asia" = "Asia"; "index_name_oceania" = "Australia and Oceania"; "index_name_central_america" = "Central America"; "index_name_europe" = "Europe"; "index_name_north_america" = "North America"; "index_name_russia" = "Russia"; "index_name_south_america" = "South America"; "nautical_maps" = "Nautical maps"; "shared_string_travel_guides" = "Travel guides"; "shared_string_travel" = "Travel"; "download_select_map_types" = "Other maps"; "shared_string_wikivoyage" = "Wikivoyage"; "offline_wikivoyage" = "Offline Wikivoyage"; "travel_guides_beta" = "Travel guides (Beta)"; "download_file" = "Download file"; "travel_card_download_descr" = "Download Wikivoyage travel guides to view articles about places around the world without a connection to the Internet."; "saved_articles" = "Bookmarked articles"; "shared_string_explore" = "Explore"; "popular_destinations" = "Popular destinations"; "shared_string_contents" = "Contents"; "shared_string_bookmark" = "Bookmark"; "shared_string_remove_bookmark" = "Remove bookmark"; "shared_string_read" = "Read"; "shared_string_view" = "View"; "article_added_to_bookmark" = " added to bookmarks."; "article_removed_from_bookmark" = " removed from bookmarks."; "shared_string_article" = "Article"; "travel_guides_search_placeholder" = "Search for country, city or province"; "travel_guides_no_file_error" = "Error: No region file data"; "clear_history" = "Clear history"; "search_history" = "Search history"; "clear_travel_search_history" = "Clear Travel search history?"; "cleared_travel_search_history" = "History cleared"; "article_has_no_points" = "Article has no points"; "no_travel_guides_data_title" = "You don’t have travel data"; "no_travel_guides_data_descr" = "Download Wikivoyage travel guides to view articles about places around the world without a connection to the Internet."; "images" = "Images"; "cache_size" = "Cache size"; "image_cache" = "Image cache"; "remove_cache" = "Remove cache"; "remove_cache_alert" = "Are you sure you want to clear cache?"; "cache_cleared" = "Cache cleared"; "download_images_settings_header" = "Offline Wikipedia files in OsmAnd don’t contain images. But they can be downloaded while viewing articles."; "download_images_settings_footer" = "Image downloading is enabling over any network. Mobile data can be used."; "popular_articles_not_found_title" = "Popular articles not found"; "popular_articles_not_found_descr" = "There are no any articles near current map centre. Use search to find articles."; // Help "help_quiz" = "Quiz"; // Rendering categories "rendering_category_hide" = "Hide"; "rendering_category_routes" = "Routes"; "rendering_category_details" = "Details"; "rendering_category_transport" = "Transport"; "rendering_category_others" = "Other map attributes"; // Rendering attributes "cannot_access_calendar" = "Cannot access Calendar"; "reminder_not_set_text" = "The reminder was not set since you are not allowed access to the Calendar"; "calendar_new_event_title" = "New event"; "calendar_new_event_message" = "New calendar event has been added: Pickup the car at %@"; //inapps "plugin_nautical_name" = "Nautical map view"; "product_desc_nautical" = "Vector maps appropriate for sailing routes navigation"; "plugin_nautical_descr" = "Enriches your map with information about sailing routes, navigation lights, nautical danger zones, zones with sailing or docking restrictions, etc. To use, download the respective Nautical maps and enable the \"Nautical map\" style under \"Configure map\". \n\nFurther reading at %@."; "osmand_parking_plugin_name" = "Parking position"; "product_desc_parking" = "Track the parking time and location of your car"; "osmand_parking_plugin_description" = "Mark where your car is parked, and notify your calendar when the parking meter will expire. To place the marker, choose a place on the map, go to \"Actions\", and tap \"Add parking\"."; "plugin_ski_name" = "Ski map view"; "product_desc_skimap" = "Up-to-date ski trail map with lifts and slopes"; "plugin_ski_descr" = "Designed to navigate winter sports areas: See ski pistes and ski lifts, and cross country ski tracks, with colored lines indicating the difficulty ratings. To use, enable this plugin and also go to \"Configure map\" and choose the \"Winter and ski\" map style."; "record_plugin_name" = "Trip recording"; "product_desc_track_recording" = "Record and save your trips as GPX tracks"; "record_plugin_description" = "Record your trips or trainings, and analyze the data in terms of speed, accumulated ascents and descents, elevation profile, etc. Recorded tracks can be archived, shared with friends, edited, and post-processed.\n\nFurther reading at %@."; "osm_editing_plugin_name" = "OpenStreetMap editing"; "product_desc_osm_editing" = "Turn your mobile phone into a mapping tool"; "osm_editing_plugin_description" = "Make contributions to OpenStreetMap, a global community maintaining a comprehensive map of the world and providing up-to date open-source data to every user. \n\nYou can find instructions on how to edit the map on our website %@."; "product_desc_mapillary" = "Street-level views to check out the surroundings"; "plugin_mapillary_descr" = "Imagery of street-level views. You can also contribute yourself. To see the existing data as a map layer, turn on \"Street-level imagery\" in the \"Configure map\" menu."; "debugging_and_development" = "OsmAnd development"; "product_desc_development" = "For developers and experienced users"; "osmand_development_plugin_description" = "Provides functionality to test and debug OsmAnd: simulate navigation routes, monitor the screen rendering, check performance, etc. This plugin is not required for normal app use."; "product_desc_africa" = "Unlimited map downloads for Africa"; "product_desc_antarctica" = "Unlimited map downloads for Antarctica"; "product_desc_africa_short" = "Africa region maps"; "product_desc_australia" = "Unlimited map downloads for Australia"; "product_desc_australia_short" = "Australia region maps"; "product_desc_centralamerica" = "Unlimited map downloads for Central America"; "product_desc_centralamerica_short" = "Central America region maps"; "product_desc_europe" = "Unlimited map downloads for Europe"; "product_desc_europe_short" = "Europe region maps"; "product_desc_northamerica" = "Unlimited map downloads for North America"; "product_desc_northamerica_short" = "North America region maps"; "product_desc_russia" = "Unlimited map downloads for Russia"; "product_desc_russia_short" = "Maps of Russia regions"; "product_desc_southamerica" = "Unlimited map downloads for South America"; "product_desc_southamerica_short" = "South America region maps"; "worldwide_maps" = "Worldwide maps"; "product_desc_allworld" = "Maps of All World"; "product_desc_asia" = "Unlimited map downloads for Asia"; "product_desc_asia_short" = "Asia region maps"; "download_wikipedia_maps" = "Wikipedia"; "product_desc_wiki" = "Location based Wikipedia articles on the map"; "purchases_feature_desc_wikipedia" = "Provides all place related Wikipedia articles offline, helping you to learn about the places you visit on your trip by simple taps on the map. Don\'t forget to download the Wikipedia map files for the respective regions."; "shared_string_all_languages" = "All languages"; "select_wikipedia_article_langs" = "Select the languages forWikipedia articles on the map.​​ Switch to any available language while reading the article."; "wiki_menu_download_descr" = "Additional maps are needed to view Wikipedia POIs on the map."; "some_articles_may_not_available_in_lang" = "Some Wikipedia articles may not be available in your language."; "available_languages" = "Available languages"; "preferred_languages" = "Preferred languages"; "wiki_article_search_text" = "Searching for the corresponding wiki article"; "srtm_plugin_name" = "Topography"; "product_desc_srtm" = "Visual assessment of the shape of the land surface"; "srtm_plugin_description" = "Terrain information, like contour lines, hillshade, slope, help you to visually assess the lay of the land, the relief, navigability, and more. The topographic information can on the map be represented by contour lines, relief shading and/or steepness coloring.\n\nThe underlying data originates from SRTM and ASTER.\n\nFurther reading at %@."; "wikivoyage_travel_guide" = "Travel Guides"; "start_editing_card_image_text" = "The free worldwide travel guide anyone can edit."; "wikivoyage_travel_guide_descr" = "Guides to the most interesting places on the planet, inside OsmAnd, without a connection to the Internet."; "product_desc_sea_depth_contours" = "Sea depth contour lines and seamarks"; "depth_contour_lines" = "Depth contour lines"; "nautical_depth_points" ="Nautical depth points"; "depth_contours" = "Depth contours"; "my_location" = "My position"; "all_categories" = "All categories"; "get_unlimited_access" = "Get unlimited access"; "navigate_point_latitude" = "Latitude"; "navigate_point_longitude" = "Longitude"; "track_save_short_q" = "Track is too short, do you want to save?"; "add_as" = "Add as"; "make_call" = "Make a call"; "context_menu_points_of_group" = "All points of the group"; "enter_description" = "Enter description"; "shared_string_description" = "Description"; "read_full_description" = "Read full description"; "context_menu_edit_descr" = "Edit description"; "add_description" = "Add description"; "enter_fav_name" = "Enter favorite name"; "res_installing" = "Installing…"; "roads" = "Roads"; "shared_string_hillshade" = "Hillshade"; "download_regular_maps" = "Standard map"; "free_downloads" = "Free downloads"; "select_language" = "Select language"; "change_language" = "Change language"; "language_short" = "Lang"; "open_url" = "Open page in browser"; "no_other_translations" = "There are no other translations"; "wpt_remove_q" = "Remove waypoint?"; "gpx_select_track" = "Select track"; "current_track" = "Current track"; "gpx_direction_arrows" = "Direction arrows"; "gpx_split_interval" = "Split interval"; "gpx_split_interval_descr" = "Select the interval at which marks with distance or time on the track will be displayed."; "gpx_join_gaps" = "Join gaps"; "gpx_join_gaps_descr" = "Gaps between segments will be connected."; "track_show_start_finish_icons" = "Show start and finish icons"; "reset_to_original" = "Reset to original"; "route_line_color_elevation_description" = "Route line will be colorized depending on the elevation profile of the route."; "gpx_split_interval_none_descr" = "Select the desired splitting option: by time or by distance."; "slope_grey_color_descr" = "Grey color is used when slope is undefined."; "grey_color_undefined" = "Parts without data are gray."; "white_color_undefined" = "Parts without data are white."; "analyze_on_map" = "Analyze on map"; "upload_to_openstreetmap" = "Upload to OpenStreetMap"; "edit_track" = "Edit track"; "duplicate_track" = "Duplicate track"; "access_hint_enter_name" = "Enter name"; "shared_string_not_selected" = "Not selected"; "shared_string_language" = "Language"; "you_searching" = "You are searching"; "from_location" = "away"; "show_alt_in_drive" = "Show altitude in Drive mode"; "shared_string_get" = "Get"; "srtm_plugin_disabled" = "Topography disabled"; "prch_wiki_info" = "Wikipedia plugin enables wikipedia information for maps you are entitled, purchased or downloaded within free limit."; "prch_srtm_info" = "Topography plugin enables contour lines for maps you are entitled, purchased or downloaded within free limit."; "shared_string_open" = "Open"; "time_closed" = "Closed"; "time_will_open" = "Will open in"; "osm_live_active" = "Active"; "menu_all_trips" = "All Tracks"; "public_transport_ped_route_title" = "The route on foot is approximately %@, and may be faster than public transport"; "calc_pedestrian_route" = "Calculate pedestrian route"; "public_transport_warning_title" = "Public transport navigation is currently in beta testing, expect errors and inaccuracies."; "public_transport_warning_descr_blog" = "Read more about OsmAnd routing on our blog."; "public_transport_empty_warning_title" = "Unfortunately, OsmAnd could not find a route for your settings."; "public_transport_try_change_settings" = "Try changing the settings."; "shared_string_total" = "Total"; "shared_string_walk" = "Walk"; "board_at" = "Board at"; "exit_at" = "Exit at"; "by_transport_type" = "By %@"; "transport_stops" = "stops"; "total_time" = "Total time"; "moving_time" = "Time in motion"; "change_group" = "Change group"; "change_color" = "Change color"; "wpt_select" = "Please select waypoints"; "gpx_remove_wpts_q" = "Do you want to remove selected waypoints?"; "create_new_trip" = "Create new track"; "editing_waypoints" = "Editing waypoints"; "select_wpt_on_map" = "Select point on map to add to the track"; "rename_track" = "Rename track"; "gpx_enter_new_name" = "Please enter new name for the track"; "enter_new_name" = "Enter new name"; "map_coords" = "Map: Lat %.5f Lon %.5f"; "shared_string_gpx_points" = "Points"; "shared_string_overview" = "Overview"; "activity"= "Activity"; "gpx_cancel_route_q" = "Do you want to cancel this route?"; "local_indexes_cat_backup" = "Deactivated"; "gpx_trip_groups" = "Track groups"; "gpx_group_select" = "Group Select"; "poi_filter_parking" = "Parking"; "parked_at" = "parked at"; "context_menu_item_directions_from" = "Directions from"; "search_nearby" = "Search nearby"; "change_object_posiotion" = "Change object's position"; "move_marker_bottom_sheet_title" = "Move the map to change marker position"; "est_travel_time" = "Estimate travel time"; "pedestrian" = "Pedestrian"; "sorting" = "Sorting"; "default_speed_descr" = "Estimates arrival time for unknown road types and limits speed for all roads (may affect routing)"; "plugins_menu_group" = "Plugins"; "open_map_settings" = "Open Map Settings"; "plugin_popup_ski_title" = "Turn on Ski map style"; "plugin_popup_ski_desc" = "To turn on Ski map style, please go to the Map Settings > Map type"; "plugin_popup_wiki_title" = "Download Wikipedia"; "plugin_popup_wiki_desc" = "To start using Wikipedia plugin, please download Wikipedia data of an region first"; "plugin_popup_wiki_ask" = "In order to download Wikipedia data you need to activate plugin: Wikipedia"; "plugin_popup_srtm_title" = "Download contour lines"; "plugin_popup_srtm_desc" = "To start using Topography feature, please download Contour lines of an region first"; "plugin_popup_srtm_ask" = "To download Contour lines you need to activate plugin: Topography"; "plugin_popup_nautical_title" = "Download Nautical maps"; "plugin_popup_nautical_desc" = "Please download Nautical maps first.\nThen go to the Map Settings > Map type and turn on Nautical style"; "plugin_popup_nautical_ask" = "Please enable Nautical plugin"; "plugin_popup_osm_editing_title" = "Turn on OpenStreetMap Editing"; "plugin_popup_osm_editing_ask" = "Please enable OpenStreetMap Editing plugin to add and manage map edits and notes"; "plugin_popup_weather_title" = "Turn on Weather"; "plugin_popup_weather_ask" = "Please enable Weather plugin"; "product_desc_weather" = "24h hourly forecast 7 days ahead on the map"; "weather_plugin_description" = "Provides\n- the 24-hour and 7-day weather forecast featuring 5 layers\n- location-based widgets\n- the temperature / pressure isolines\n\nThe weather data is provided by the Global Forecast System (GFS, %@)."; "measurement_units" = "Measurement units"; "weather_temperature_celsius" = "Celsius"; "weather_temperature_fahrenheit" = "Fahrenheit"; "weather_pressure_hectopascals" = "Hectopascals"; "weather_pressure_millimeters_of_mercury" = "Millimeters of mercury"; "weather_pressure_inches_of_mercury" = "Inches of mercury"; "weather_wind_unit_m_s" = "Meters/Second"; "weather_wind_kilimeters_per_hour" = "Kilometers per hour"; "weather_wind_knots" = "Knots"; "weather_precip_milimeters" = "Millimeters"; "weather_precip_inches" = "Inches"; "weather_cloud_data_description" = "Weather data will be downloaded for viewed area each time."; "go_to_downloads" = "Go to downloads"; "turn_on_plugin" = "Turn on plugin"; "all_world_popup_desc" = "Download World base map to see state names, borders and other information"; "shared_string_restore" = "Restore"; "restore_all_purchases" = "Restore all purchases"; "restore_purchase" = "Restore purchase"; "restore_purchases" = "Restore purchases"; "restore_backup_descr" = "Restore data on the device unsing online backups"; "backup_restore_data" = "Restore data"; "syncing_progress" = "Syncing..."; "no_statistics" = "No statistics"; "no_internet_avail" = "No internet available"; "no_internet_avail_desc_first" = "Please turn on internet connection to download list of maps"; "map_downloaded" = "Map downloaded"; "show_region_on_map_desc" = "Map of %@ has been downloaded. Go to the map to start using it."; "show_region_on_map_go" = "Go to the map"; "obf_import_title" = "Import offline map file"; "obf_import_already_exists" = "File with this name already exists. Please select an action."; "obf_import_already_exists_short" = "File with this name already exists."; "obf_import_success" = "File was successfully imported"; "obf_import_failed" = "File import failed"; "res_import_success" = "%@ was successfully imported"; "res_import_unsupported" = "Incorrect file type. Only routing.xml and *.render.xml files are supported."; "routing_import_please_restart" = "To use the new routing.xml please restart the application."; "sqlitedb_import_title" = "Import raster map file"; "sqlitedb_import_already_exists" = "The specified sqlitedb file is already exists. Please choose action."; "online_raster_map" = "Online raster map"; "offline_raster_map" = "Offline raster map"; "offline_raster_maps" = "Offline raster maps"; "online_raster_maps" = "Online raster maps"; "terrain_3D_maps" = "Terrain maps"; "online_map" = "Online map"; "calculating_progress" = "Calculating..."; "local_map_names" = "Local names"; "today" = "Today"; "yesterday" = "Yesterday"; "tomorrow" = "Tomorrow"; "hist_select_remove" = "Please select history items to remove"; "delete_history_items" = "Delete %@ history items?"; "hist_remove_q" = "Do you want to remove history items?"; "gpx_edit_mode" = "Edit mode"; "go_to_map" = "Show map"; "import_raster_map_success" = "Raster map has been imported. Open Map Settings and activate it via Overlay/Underlay"; "import_raster_map_failed" = "Raster map import failed"; "device_memory" = "Device memory"; "free" = "Free %@"; "first_usage_greeting" = "Get directions and discover new places without an Internet connection"; "get_started" = "Get started"; "first_usage_wizard_desc" = "Let OsmAnd determine your location and suggest maps to download for that region."; "suggested_maps" = "Suggested maps"; "suggested_maps_descr" = "These maps are required for the plugin."; "added_profiles" = "Added profiles"; "added_profiles_descr" = "Profiles added by plugin"; "location_not_found" = "Location not found"; "search_my_location" = "Find my position"; "no_inet_connection" = "No Internet connection"; "no_inet_connection_desc_map" = "Required to download maps."; "try_again" = "Try again"; "searching" = "Searching…"; "search_location" = "Searching for location…"; "search_map" = "Searching maps…"; "search_another_country" = "Select another region"; "skip_map_downloading" = "Skip downloading maps"; "skip_map_downloading_desc_ios" = "You have no offline map installed. You may choose a map from the list or download maps later via Menu - Manage map files"; "wiki_around" = "Nearby Wikipedia articles"; "search_categories" = "Categories"; "items_selected" = "%d selected"; "how_to_open_wiki_title" = "How to open Wikipedia articles?"; "download_wiki_data" = "Download Wikipedia data for %@"; "download_wikipedia_data" = "Download Wikipedia data"; "explore_wikipedia_offline" = "Explore Wikipedia offline."; "online_webpage_warning" = "Page only available online. Open in web browser?"; "open_in_browser_wiki" = "Open article online"; "context_menu_read_article" = "Read article"; "custom_search" = "Custom search"; "add_custom_category" = "Add custom category"; "poi_filter_custom_filter" = "Custom filter"; "delete_custom_categories" = "Delete custom categories"; "poi_filter_closest_poi" = "Nearest POIs"; "shared_string_is_open_24_7" = "Open 24/7"; "shared_string_is_open" = "Open now"; "poi_filter_by_name" = "Search by name"; "subcategories" = "Subcategories"; "shared_string_select_all" = "Select all"; "create_custom_poi" = "Create custom filter"; "selected_categories" = "Selected categories"; "new_filter_desc" = "Please enter a name for the new filter, this will be added to your \'Categories\' tab."; "rearrange_categories" = "Rearrange categories"; "visible_categories" = "Visible categories"; "hidden_categories" = "Hidden categories"; "create_custom_categories_list_promo" = "Change the list order and hide categories. Import or export all changes as profiles."; "reset_to_default_category_button_promo" = "\'Reset to default\' will reinstate the sort order to the installation default."; "search_poi_types_descr" = "Combine POI types from different categories. Tap switch to select all, tap left side to category selection."; "email_example_hint" = "user@example.com"; "shared_string_required" = "Required"; "user_name" = "Your OSM username"; "login_account" = "Account"; "shared_string_account_add" = "Add account"; "shared_string_email" = "Email"; "user_password" = "Password"; "shared_string_filters" = "Filters"; "edit_filter" = "Edit filter"; "edit_filter_save_as_menu_item" = "Save As"; "delete_filter" = "Delete filter"; "save_filter" = "Save filter"; "edit_filter_delete_dialog_title" = "Delete this filter?"; "apply_filters" = "Apply filters"; "filter_poi_hint" = "Filter by name"; "rendering_value_category_name" = "Category"; "poi_category_and_type" = "Category and POI Type"; "opening_hours" = "Opening hours"; "poi_select_category" = "Select category"; "poi_select_type" = "Select type"; "shared_a_z" = "A - Z"; "shared_z_a" = "Z - A"; "city_type_suburb" = "Suburb"; "city_type_hamlet" = "Hamlet"; "city_type_village" = "Village"; "city_type_town" = "Town"; "city_type_city" = "City"; "city_type_district" = "District"; "city_type_neighbourhood" = "Neighbourhood"; "postcode" = "Postcode"; "show_something_on_map" = "Show %@ on the map"; "search_POI_level_btn" = "Find more"; "search_address_street" = "Street"; "search_address_building_option" = "Building"; "shared_string_street_intersection" = "Street intersection"; "shared_string_address" = "Address"; "do_not_show_discount" = "Do not show promotions"; "send_anonymous_data" = "Send anonymous data"; "sett_ext_input_desc" = "Select a device such as a generic keyboard or WunderLINQ for external controls."; "external_input_device" = "External input devices"; "sett_generic_ext_input" = "Keyboard"; "sett_wunderlinq_ext_input" = "WunderLINQ"; "key_hint_zoom_in" = "Zoom In"; "key_hint_zoom_out" = "Zoom Out"; "shared_string_deselect" = "Deselect"; "key_hint_goback" = "Go Back"; "key_hint_recenter_map" = "Recenter Map"; "wiki_buy_description" = "To read full articles - buy Wikipedia plugin and download Wikipedia data of %@"; "wiki_download_description" = "To read full articles - download Wikipedia data of %@"; "download_wiki_region_placeholder" = "this region"; "osm_live_plan_pricing" = "Plan&Pricing"; "osm_live_payment_monthly_title" = "Monthly"; "osm_live_payment_3_months_title" = "Every three months"; "osm_live_payment_annual_title" = "Annually"; "osm_live_payment_month_cost_descr" = "%@ / month"; "osm_live_payment_year_cost_descr" = "%@ / year"; "osm_live_payment_month_cost_descr_ex" = "%.2f %@ / month"; "osm_live_payment_discount_descr" = "Save %@"; "osm_live_payment_current_subscription" = "Current subscription"; "osm_live_payment_renews_monthly" = "Renews monthly"; "osm_live_payment_renews_quarterly" = "Renews quarterly"; "osm_live_payment_renews_annually" = "Renews annually"; "default_price_currency_format" = "%.2f %@"; "osm_live_payment_header" = "Payment interval:"; "osm_live_payment_contribute_descr" = "Donations help fund OSM cartography."; "purchase_dialog_title" = "Choose plan"; "purchase_dialog_travel_description" = "Purchase one of the following to receive the offline travel guide functionality:"; "free_version_message" = "%@ maps to download or update."; "get_osmand_live" = "Get OsmAnd Live to unlock all features: Daily map updates with unlimited downloads, all paid and free plugins, Wikipedia, Wikivoyage and much more."; "osm_live_subscription" = "OsmAnd Live subscription"; "cancel_subscription" = "Cancel subscription"; "wikivoyage_offline" = "Wikivoyage offline"; "unlimited_downloads" = "Unlimited downloads"; "wikipedia_offline" = "Wikipedia offline"; "contour_lines_hillshade_maps" = "Contour lines&hillshade maps"; "monthly_map_updates" = "Monthly map updates"; "daily_map_updates" = "Hourly map updates"; "index_item_depth_contours_osmand_ext" = "Nautical depth contours"; "donation_to_osm" = "Donation to the OSM community"; "purchase_unlim_title" = "Buy - %@"; "in_app_purchase" = "In-app purchase"; "in_app_purchase_desc" = "One-time payment"; "in_app_purchase_desc_ex" = "Once purchased, it will be permanently available to you."; "unlock_all_features" = "Unlock all OsmAnd features"; "subscribe_email_desc" = "Subscribe to our mailing list about app discounts and get 3 more map downloads!"; "osm_live_subscribe_btn" = "Subscribe"; "shared_string_email_address" = "E-mail address"; "osm_live_enter_email" = "Please enter a valid e-mail address"; "osm_live_enter_user_name" = "Please enter a public name"; "shared_string_unexpected_error" = "Unexpected error"; "osm_live_payment_desc" = "Subscription charged per selected period. Cancel it on Google Play at any time."; "osm_live_unlock_all" = "Unlock all features"; "osm_live_unlock_updates" = "Unlock hourly map updates"; "osm_live_banner_descr" = "Subscribe to OsmAnd Live and get unlimited hourly map updates and all features included from %@"; "osm_live_get_title" = "Get OsmAnd Live"; "osm_live_ask_for_purchase" = "Please purchase a subscription to OsmAnd Live first"; "shared_string_io_error" = "I/O error"; "osm_live_hide_user_name" = "Do not show my name in reports"; "subscriptions_public_info" = "Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. The subscription will automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged according to your plan for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. You can manage or turn off auto-renew in your Account Settings after purchase. If you purchase a subscription during a free trial period, the unused portion of this period will be forfeited."; "terms_of_use" = "Terms of use"; "privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy"; "privacy_and_security" = "Privacy and security"; "map_download_privacy_descr" = "By downloading maps you agree to the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy."; "already_has_subscription" = "You have already subscribed to OsmAnd Live and have all the functionality unlocked."; "already_has_inapp" = "You have already subscribed to %@."; "inapp_not_found" = "The %@ is not found in the OsmAnd. Probably it has been canceled."; "rendering_value_high_name" = "High"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_description" = "Prefer routes of this difficulty, although routing over harder or easier pistes is still possible if shorter."; "routing_attr_height_description" = "Specify vehicle height to be permitted on routes."; "touting_specified_vehicle_parameters_descr" = "Specified vehicle parameters may affect routing."; "routing_attr_height_obstacles_name" = "Use elevation data"; "routing_attr_avoid_toll_name" = "No toll roads"; "rendering_attr_appMode_description" = "Optimize map for"; "routing_attr_avoid_ice_roads_fords_name" = "No ice roads or fords"; "rendering_value_germanRoadAtlas_name" = "German road atlas"; "rendering_attr_hikingRoutesOSMC_name" = "Hiking routes"; "rendering_attr_showRoadMaps_name" = "Roads-only maps"; "routing_attr_avoid_ferries_description" = "Avoids ferries"; "rendering_attr_contourWidth_description" = "Contour line width"; "routing_attr_driving_style_name" = "Riding style"; "rendering_attr_surface_pebblestone_name" = "Pebblestone"; "rendering_value_lightblue_name" = "Light blue"; "rendering_value_americanRoadAtlas_name" = "American road atlas"; "rendering_value_fine_name" = "Fine"; "routing_attr_relief_smoothness_factor_plains_name" = "Less hilly"; "rendering_value_purple_name" = "Purple"; "routing_attr_allow_classic_only_name" = "Allow classic only routes"; "rendering_attr_streetLighting_name" = "Street lighting"; "rendering_attr_appMode_name" = "Rendering mode"; "routing_attr_goods_restrictions_name" = "Goods delivery"; "routing_attr_goods_restrictions_header_name" = "Vehicle transporting goods can be restricted to access some roads."; "routing_attr_goods_restrictions_footer_desc" = "Applies only for vehicles carrying goods that have at least four wheells and weigh no more then 3.5 tonnes.\n\nIf your vehicle weight is more than 3.5 tonnes you need to use Truck profile."; "routing_attr_goods_restrictions_yes_desc" = "Roads that are closed for goods delivery will be avoided."; "routing_attr_avoid_subway_description" = "Avoids subways and lightweight rail transport"; "routing_attr_driving_style_prefer_unpaved_description" = "Prefer unpaved over paved roads for routing."; "rendering_value_light_brown_name" = "Light brown"; "rendering_attr_surface_ice_name" = "Ice"; "routing_attr_piste_type_sled_name" = "Sled"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_bad_name" = "Bad"; "routing_attr_allow_expert_description" = "Extremely difficult routes, with dangerous obstacles and surroundings."; "routeInfo_surface_name" = "Surface"; "routeInfo_surface_description" = "Provide road/footpath physical surface info."; "routeInfo_horse_scale_name" = "Difficulty of horse trails"; "routeInfo_horse_scale_description" = "Render paths according to difficulty of horse trails"; "mtb_segment_classification" = "Segment classification"; "rendering_attr_showMtbRoutes_name" = "Mountain bike routes"; "activity_type_car_name" = "Car"; "activity_type_motorbike_name" = "Motorbike"; "activity_type_offroad_name" = "Off-road"; "activity_type_walking_name" = "Walking"; "activity_type_running_name" = "Running"; "activity_type_hiking_name" = "Hiking"; "activity_type_cycling_name" = "Cycling"; "activity_type_mountainbike_name" = "Mountain bike"; "activity_type_racing_name" = "Racing"; "activity_type_riding_name" = "Riding"; "activity_type_snowmobile_name" = "Snowmobile"; "activity_type_winter_name" = "Winter"; "activity_type_water_name" = "Water"; "rendering_attr_showMtbScale_name" = "Show MTB scale"; "rendering_attr_showMtbScaleIMBATrails_name" = "Show MTB IMBA trails"; "mtb_imba_full" = "International Mountain Bicycling Association"; "rendering_attr_tracktype_grade5_name" = "Soft"; "routing_attr_avoid_share_taxi_description" = "Avoids share taxi"; "routing_attr_width_description" = "Specify permitted vehicle width limit on routes."; "rendering_attr_showSurfaceGrade_name" = "Show road quality"; "rendering_attr_currentTrackColor_name" = "GPX color"; "rendering_attr_contourLines_description" = "Display from zoom level (requires contour line data):"; "routing_attr_avoid_stairs_description" = "Avoids stairs"; "rendering_attr_surface_mud_name" = "Mud"; "rendering_attr_ice_road_name" = "Ice road"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_grade4_name" = "Grade 4"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_connection_name" = "Connection"; "rendering_attr_streetLightingNight_name" = "Show only at night"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_aerialway_name" = "Aerialway"; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_name" = "Off-piste"; "routing_attr_relief_smoothness_factor_more_plains_name" = "Flat"; "rendering_attr_surface_concrete_name" = "Concrete"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_intermediate_name" = "Intermediate"; "routeInfo_piste_difficulty_name" = "Piste difficulty"; "routing_attr_short_way_description" = "Optimized shorter route (energy saving)"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_grade3_name" = "Grade 3"; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_description" = "\'Freeride\' and \'Off-piste\' are unofficial routes and passages. Typically ungroomed, unmaintained and not checked in the evening. Enter at your own risk."; "rendering_attr_highway_class_street_name" = "Street"; "rendering_attr_surface_grass_name" = "Grass"; "routing_attr_piste_type_skitour_description" = "Routes for ski touring."; "rendering_attr_surface_fine_gravel_name" = "Fine gravel"; "rendering_value_orange_name" = "Orange"; "rendering_value_medium_w_name" = "Medium"; "rendering_attr_contourDensity_description" = "Contour line density"; "rendering_attr_currentTrackWidth_name" = "GPX width"; "rendering_attr_horseRoutes_name" = "Horse routes"; "routing_attr_avoid_ferry_description" = "Avoids ferries"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_grade2_name" = "Grade 2"; "rendering_attr_shareTaxiRoutes_name" = "Share taxi routes"; "rendering_attr_showLightRailRoutes_name" = "Light rail routes"; "rendering_attr_showMonorailRoutes_name" = "Monorail routes"; "rendering_attr_showFunicularRoutes_name" = "Funicular routes"; "routing_attr_relief_smoothness_factor_hills_name" = "Hilly"; "rendering_attr_contourWidth_name" = "Contour line width"; "routing_attr_piste_type_sled_description" = "Slopes for sled usage."; "rendering_attr_currentTrackWidth_description" = "GPX width"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_sleigh_name" = "Sleigh"; "rendering_attr_surface_paved_name" = "Paved"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_name" = "Preferred difficulty"; "routing_attr_avoid_subway_name" = "No subways"; "rendering_attr_showLez_description" = "Show Low Emission Zones on the map. Does not affect routing."; "rendering_attr_surfaceIntegrity_name" = "Road surface integrity"; "routing_attr_allow_intermediate_description" = "More difficult routes with steeper sections. Generally some obstacles that should be avoided."; "rendering_attr_coloredBuildings_name" = "Color-code buildings by type"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_advanced_name" = "Advanced"; "routeInfo_road_types_name" = "Road types"; "rendering_attr_showRoadMaps_description" = "Choose when to display roads-only maps:"; "rendering_value_translucent_blue_name" = "Translucent blue"; "routing_attr_avoid_bus_description" = "Avoids buses and trolleybuses"; "rendering_attr_hideOverground_name" = "Overground objects"; "rendering_attr_hideProposed_name" = "Proposed objects"; "routeInfo_smoothness_name" = "Smoothness"; "routeInfo_smoothness_description" = "Road/footpath maneuverability classification for wheeled vehicles, in particular regarding surface regularity/flatness."; "rendering_attr_highway_class_road_name" = "Road"; "rendering_value_translucent_green_name" = "Translucent green"; "rendering_value_translucent_yellow_name" = "Translucent yellow"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistant_name" = "OSM mapper assistant"; "routing_attr_avoid_borders_name" = "No border crossings"; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesScopeOSMC_name" = "Network affiliation"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_excellent_name" = "Excellent"; "rendering_value_pink_name" = "Pink"; "routing_attr_allow_expert_name" = "Allow expert routes"; "rendering_attr_showCycleNodeNetworkRoutes_name" = "Show node network cycle routes"; "rendering_attr_hideText_name" = "Text"; "rendering_attr_contourDensity_name" = "Contour line density"; "rendering_attr_showRunningRoutes_name" = "Running routes"; "rendering_attr_showRunningRoutes_description" = "Show running routes"; "rendering_attr_showFitnessTrails_name" = "Fitness trails"; "rendering_attr_showFitnessTrails_description" = "Show fitness trails"; "routing_attr_avoid_motorway_description" = "Avoids motorways"; "routing_attr_avoid_motorway_name" = "No motorways"; "routing_attr_avoid_low_emission_zone_name" = "Avoid low emission zones"; "routing_attr_avoid_low_emission_zone_description" = "Avoid low emission zones"; "routing_attr_avoid_tunnels_name" = "Avoid tunnels"; "routing_attr_avoid_tunnels_description" = "Avoid tunnels"; "rendering_attr_hideWoodScrubs_name" = "Wood and scrubs"; "rendering_attr_surface_wood_name" = "Wood"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_horrible_name" = "Horrible"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_impassable_name" = "Impassable"; "rendering_attr_surface_sett_name" = "Sett"; "rendering_attr_roadStyle_name" = "Road style"; "rendering_attr_surface_gravel_name" = "Gravel"; "routing_attr_max_num_changes_name" = "Number of changes"; "rendering_attr_publicTransportMode_name" = "Bus, trolleybus, shuttle routes"; "rendering_attr_hideNonVehicleHighways_name" = "Non-vehicle highways"; "rendering_value_translucent_pink_name" = "Translucent pink"; "rendering_attr_surface_ground_name" = "Ground"; "routing_attr_height_obstacles_description" = "Projected travel time will reflect elevation impact. Routing preference can help avoid steep uphills:"; "rendering_attr_currentTrackColor_description" = "GPX color"; "routing_attr_driving_style_speed_name" = "Shorter routes"; "routing_attr_avoid_sett_description" = "Avoids sett"; "rendering_attr_hikingRoutesOSMC_description" = "Render paths according to OSMC traces."; "rendering_value_car_name" = "Car"; "routing_attr_avoid_unpaved_name" = "No unpaved roads"; "rendering_attr_lessDetailed_name" = "Fewer details"; "routing_attr_avoid_borders_description" = "Avoids crossing national borders"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_steps_name" = "Steps"; "routing_attr_avoid_tram_name" = "No trams"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_downhill_name" = "Downhill"; "rendering_attr_moreDetailed_name" = "More details"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_undefined_name" = "Undefined"; "routing_attr_allow_motorway_name" = "Use motorways"; "rendering_value_black_name" = "Black"; "routeInfo_winter_ice_road_name" = "Winter and ice roads"; "routeInfo_winter_ice_road_description" = "Color the route or track line by its winter road classification."; "rendering_attr_hideBuildings_name" = "Buildings"; "routing_attr_max_num_changes_description" = "Specify upper limit of changes"; "rendering_attr_winter_road_name" = "Winter road"; "rendering_attr_tramTrainRoutes_name" = "Tram and train routes"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_intermediate_name" = "Intermediate"; "rendering_attr_surface_snow_name" = "Snow"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_cycleway_name" = "Cycleway"; "routing_attr_piste_type_downhill_description" = "Slopes for alpine or downhill skiing and access to ski lifts."; "rendering_attr_hideWaterPolygons_name" = "Hide water"; "routing_attr_avoid_stairs_name" = "No stairs"; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesOSMC_name" = "OSMC"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_skitour_name" = "Skitour"; "routing_attr_avoid_unpaved_description" = "Avoids unpaved roads"; "routing_attr_prefer_unpaved_description" = "Prefer unpaved roads."; "rendering_attr_roadStyle_description" = "Road style"; "routing_attr_prefer_motorway_description" = "Prefer motorways"; "routing_attr_avoid_ferries_name" = "No ferries"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_name" = "Track"; "rendering_attr_tracktype_grade4_name" = "Mostly soft"; "rendering_value_disabled_name" = "Disabled"; "rendering_attr_contourColorScheme_name" = "Contour lines color scheme"; "routing_attr_short_way_name" = "Fuel-efficient way"; "rendering_attr_alpineHiking_name" = "Difficulty classification"; "rendering_attr_showLez_name" = "Show Low Emission Zones"; "rendering_value_green_name" = "Green"; "routing_attr_piste_type_nordic_description" = "Trails for nordic or cross-country skiing."; "rendering_attr_surface_unpaved_name" = "Unpaved"; "rendering_attr_noAdminboundaries_description" = "Suppress display of regional boundaries (admin levels 5–9)."; "rendering_value_bicycle_name" = "Bicycle"; "rendering_value_translucent_lightgreen_name" = "Translucent light green"; "rendering_attr_contourLines_name" = "Show contour lines"; "rendering_attr_showAccess_name" = "Show access restrictions"; "rendering_attr_surface_dirt_name" = "Dirt"; "routing_attr_piste_type_skitour_name" = "Ski touring"; "routing_attr_driving_style_prefer_unpaved_name" = "Prefer unpaved roads"; "rendering_attr_surface_sand_name" = "Sand"; "routing_attr_no_new_routing_description" = "Do not use routing rules introduced in v1.9."; "routing_attr_prefer_motorway_name" = "Prefer motorways"; "rendering_attr_surface_cobblestone_name" = "Cobblestone"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_state_road_name" = "State road"; "routing_attr_avoid_sett_name" = "No sett"; "rendering_value_translucent_lightblue_name" = "Translucent light blue"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_good_name" = "Good"; "routing_attr_weight_name" = "Weight"; "rendering_value_bold_name" = "Bold"; "rendering_attr_surface_stone_name" = "Stone"; "rendering_attr_pisteGrooming_name" = "Piste grooming"; "rendering_attr_noAdminboundaries_name" = "Boundaries"; "rendering_attr_tracktype_grade3_name" = "Mostly solid"; "rendering_attr_showSurfaces_name" = "Show road surface"; "routing_attr_allow_advanced_description" = "Difficult routes, with dangerous obstacles and steep sections."; "osm_notes" = "OSM notes"; "rendering_attr_hidePOILabels_name" = "POI labels"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_novice_name" = "Novice"; "rendering_attr_hideUnderground_name" = "Underground objects"; "rendering_value_dark_brown_name" = "Dark brown"; "routeInfo_piste_type_name" = "Piste type"; "routing_attr_driving_style_safety_name" = "Prefer byways"; "rendering_attr_surface_paving_stones_name" = "Paving stones"; "rendering_attr_depthContours_name" = "Nautical depth contours"; "rendering_attr_depthContourWidth_name" = "Line width"; "rendering_attr_depthContourColorScheme_name" = "Line color scheme"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_freeride_name" = "Freeride"; "routeInfo_steepness_name" = "Steepness"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_very_bad_name" = "Very bad"; "rendering_attr_surface_compacted_name" = "Compacted"; "rendering_attr_undefined_name" = "Undefined"; "rendering_value_red_name" = "Red"; "routing_attr_allow_private_name" = "Allow private access"; "routing_attr_allow_private_for_truck_name" = "Allow private access (truck)"; "private_access_routing_req" = "Your destination is located in an area with private access. Allow using private roads for this trip?"; "routeInfo_tracktype_name" = "Surface firmness"; "routeInfo_tracktype_description" = "Color the route or track line by its surface composition. Typically apply when the road network is largely unpaved."; "rendering_attr_highway_class_path_name" = "Path"; "rendering_value_white_name" = "White"; "rendering_value_blue_name" = "Blue"; "routing_attr_avoid_ice_roads_fords_description" = "Avoids ice roads and fords."; "routing_attr_allow_advanced_name" = "Allow advanced routes"; "rendering_attr_surface_grass_paver_name" = "Grass paver"; "rendering_attr_hideAccess_name" = "Access restrictions"; "rendering_value__name" = "Default"; "rendering_attr_smoothness_very_horrible_name" = "Very horrible"; "routing_attr_allow_intermediate_name" = "Allow intermediate routes"; "rendering_attr_trolleybusRoutes_name" = "Trolleybus routes"; "rendering_attr_hideWaterPolygons_description" = "Water"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_extreme_name" = "Extreme"; "rendering_value_low_name" = "Low"; "rendering_value_lightgreen_name" = "Light green"; "rendering_attr_busRoutes_name" = "Bus routes"; "rendering_value_defaultTranslucentCyan_name" = "Default (translucent cyan)"; "rendering_attr_hideHouseNumbers_name" = "House numbers"; "rendering_value_translucent_red_name" = "Translucent red"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_grade1_name" = "Grade 1"; "rendering_attr_transportStops_name" = "Transport stops"; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesOSMCNodes_name" = "Node networks"; "rendering_value_sacScale_name" = "SAC"; "rendering_value_sacScale_description" = "Swiss Alpine Club"; "rendering_value_caiScale_name" = "CAI"; "rendering_value_caiScale_description" = "Club Alpino Italiano (Italian Alpine Club)"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_expert_name" = "Expert"; "rendering_attr_buildings15zoom_name" = "Buildings on zoom 15"; "rendering_attr_tracktype_grade1_name" = "Solid (paved)"; "routing_attr_avoid_train_description" = "Avoids trains"; "routing_attr_avoid_shuttle_train_name" = "No shuttle train"; "rendering_attr_contourColorScheme_description" = "Contour lines color scheme"; "rendering_value_boldOutline_name" = "Bold outline"; "routing_attr_avoid_toll_description" = "Avoids toll roads"; "rendering_attr_noPolygons_name" = "Polygons"; "rendering_attr_piste_difficulty_easy_name" = "Easy"; "routing_attr_weight_description" = "Specify permitted vehicle weight limit on routes."; "rendering_attr_surface_salt_name" = "Salt"; "rendering_value_yellow_name" = "Yellow"; "routing_attr_allow_private_description" = "Allow access to private areas."; "routing_attr_allow_private_for_truck_description" = "Allow access to private areas for trucks."; "rendering_attr_alpineHiking_description" = "Difficulty classification types for the routes."; "rendering_attr_highway_class_bridleway_name" = "Bridleway"; "routing_attr_avoid_share_taxi_name" = "No share taxi"; "rendering_attr_pisteRoutes_name" = "Ski slopes"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_sled_name" = "Sled"; "rendering_attr_noPolygons_description" = "Make all areal land features on map transparent."; "routing_attr_allow_classic_only_description" = "Routes groomed for classic style only without skating trails. This includes routes groomed by a smaller snowmobile with looser piste and tracks made manually by skiers."; "routing_attr_allow_skating_only_name" = "Allow skating only routes"; "routing_attr_avoid_shuttle_train_description" = "Avoids using shuttle trains"; "routing_attr_driving_style_balance_name" = "Balanced"; "routing_attr_piste_type_nordic_name" = "Cross country and nordic skiing"; "routing_attr_avoid_bus_name" = "No buses"; "rendering_value_highContrastRoads_name" = "High contrast roads"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_service_name" = "Service"; "rendering_attr_showCycleRoutes_name" = "Cycle routes"; "rendering_attr_surface_metal_name" = "Metal"; "rendering_value_translucent_purple_name" = "Translucent purple"; "rendering_attr_hmRendered_description" = "Increase amount of map detail shown."; "rendering_attr_tramRoutes_name" = "Tram routes"; "rendering_attr_tracktype_grade2_name" = "Solid (unpaved)"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_hike_name" = "Hike"; "rendering_value_medium_name" = "Medium"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_snow_park_name" = "Terrain park"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_footway_name" = "Footway"; "routing_attr_avoid_tram_description" = "Avoids trams"; "rendering_value_default13_name" = "Default (13)"; "rendering_value_thin_name" = "Thin"; "rendering_attr_whiteWaterSports_name" = "Whitewater sports"; "routeInfo_roadClass_name" = "Road type"; "routeInfo_roadClass_description" = "Color the route or track line by road classification."; "routing_attr_allow_skating_only_description" = "Routes groomed for freestyle or skating only without classic tracks."; "rendering_attr_piste_type_nordic_name" = "Nordic"; "rendering_attr_trainLightrailRoutes_name" = "Train routes"; "rendering_value_pedestrian_name" = "On foot"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_track_grade5_name" = "Grade 5"; "routing_attr_height_name" = "Height"; "rendering_attr_piste_type_connection_name" = "Connection"; "routing_attr_relief_smoothness_factor_name" = "Select elevation fluctuation"; "preferred_terrain" = "Preferred terrain"; "routing_attr_piste_type_downhill_name" = "Alpine and downhill skiing"; "rendering_value_darkyellow_name" = "Dark yellow"; "routing_attr_prefer_unpaved_name" = "Prefer unpaved roads"; "rendering_value_default_name" = "Default"; "routing_attr_no_new_routing_name" = "No v1.9 routing rules"; "rendering_attr_subwayMode_name" = "Subway routes"; "rendering_attr_highway_class_motorway_name" = "Motorway"; "rendering_value_brown_name" = "Brown"; "rendering_attr_hideIcons_name" = "POI icons"; "rendering_attr_roadColors_description" = "Select a road color scheme:"; "rendering_value_browse_map_name" = "Browse map"; "rendering_attr_surface_asphalt_name" = "Asphalt"; "rendering_value_translucent_orange_name" = "Translucent orange"; "rendering_attr_depthContours_description" = "Show depth contours and points."; "rendering_value_thick_name" = "Thick"; "routing_attr_avoid_ferry_name" = "No ferries"; "routing_attr_width_name" = "Width"; "routing_attr_avoid_train_name" = "No trains"; "routing_attr_allow_motorway_description" = "Allows motorways."; "rendering_attr_hmRendered_name" = "Show more map detail"; "rendering_attr_roadColors_name" = "Road color scheme"; "routing_attr_allow_gate_name" ="Allow gate usage"; "routing_attr_allow_gate_description" = "Allow usage of gates"; "routing_attr_only_permitted_streets_description" = "Only use streets which are expressly permitted"; "routing_attr_only_permitted_streets_name" = "Expressly permitted streets"; "routing_attr_only_permitted_ways_description" = "Only use ways (tracks, paths, etc.) which are expressly permitted"; "routing_attr_only_permitted_ways_name" = "Expressly permitted ways"; "routing_attr_prefer_horse_routes_description" = "Prefer horse routes"; "routing_attr_prefer_horse_routes_name" = "Prefer horse routes"; "weight_limit_description" = "Provide your vehicle weight, some route restrictions may apply for heavy vehicles."; "height_limit_description" = "Provide your vehicle height, some route restrictions may apply for high vehicles."; "lenght_limit_description" = "Provide your vehicle length, some routes restrictions may be applied for long vehicles."; "width_limit_description" = "Provide your vehicle width some route restrictions may apply for wide vehicles."; "vessel_height_limit_description" = "Set vessel height to avoid low bridges. Keep in mind, if the bridge is movable, we will use its height in the open state."; "vessel_width_limit_description" = "Set vessel width to avoid narrow bridges"; "default_speed_dialog_msg" = "Estimates arrival time for unknown road types, and limits speed for all roads (may affect routing)"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_name" = "Hazmat category"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_no_restrictions_name" = "A (No restrictions)"; "transport_hazmat_yes_desc" = "Select the applicable category."; "transport_hazmat_no_desc" = "Roads and tunnels may restrict transporting hazardous materials."; "routing_attr_motor_type_name" = "Fuel used by motor"; "routing_attr_motor_type_description" = "Select your engine\'s fuel type, this is needed to estimate CO2 emission."; "routing_attr_motor_type_diesel_name" = "Diesel"; "routing_attr_motor_type_petrol_name" = "Petrol"; "routing_attr_motor_type_lpg_name" = "LPG"; "routing_attr_motor_type_gas_name" = "CNG"; "routing_attr_motor_type_electric_name" = "Electric"; "routing_attr_motor_type_hybrid_name" = "Hybrid"; "transport" = "Transport"; //Icon categories "icon_group_amenity" = "Amenity"; "icon_group_emergency" = "Emergency"; "icon_group_special" = "Special"; "icon_group_sport" = "Sport"; "icon_group_symbols" = "Symbols"; "icon_group_service" = "Service"; "icon_group_transport" = "Transport"; "icon_group_travel" = "Travel"; "icon_group_nautical" = "Nautical"; "icon_group_industrial" = "Industrial"; "icon_group_education" = "Education"; "settings_item_read_error" = "Could not read from \'%@\'."; "app_mode_default" = "Browse map"; "app_mode_car" = "Driving"; "app_mode_bicycle" = "Cycling"; "app_mode_pedestrian" = "Walking"; "app_mode_taxi" = "Taxi"; "app_mode_shuttle_bus" = "Shuttle bus"; "app_mode_subway" = "Subway"; "app_mode_horse" = "Horse"; "app_mode_helicopter" = "Helicopter"; "app_mode_skiing" = "Skiing"; "horseback_riding" = "Riding"; "app_mode_personal_transporter" = "Personal transporter"; "app_mode_monowheel" = "Monowheel"; "app_mode_scooter" = "Scooter"; "app_mode_ufo" = "UFO"; "app_mode_offroad" = "Offroad"; "app_mode_camper" = "Camper"; "app_mode_campervan" = "Campervan (RV)"; "app_mode_wagon" = "Wagon"; "app_mode_pickup_truck" = "Pickup truck"; "app_mode_utv" = "Side by Side"; "app_mode_osm" = "OSM"; "desert" = "Desert"; "app_mode_moped" = "Moped"; "user_login" = "Login"; "osmand_cloud_login_descr" = "Please enter the e-mail address you registred with. A one-time password will be sent to it."; "login_footer_full_text" = "Need help? Please contact us at \nsupport@osmand.net"; "login_footer_email_part" = "support@osmand.net"; "cloud_email_not_registered" = "This e-mail address is not registered for OsmAnd Cloud"; "cloud_email_already_registered" = "This e-mail address is already registered."; "login_help_email_title" = "OsmAnd iOS Cloud"; "restore_from_osmand_cloud" = "Restore from OsmAnd Cloud"; "choose_what_to_restore" = "Choose what to restore."; "backup_error_no_valid_subscription" = "No valid subscription present"; "backup_error_user_is_not_registered" = "No user registered with that e-mail address"; "backup_error_token_is_not_valid_or_expired" = "Invalid or expired token"; "backup_error_token_is_not_valid" = "Something is wrong with the provided device ID or token"; "backup_error_file_not_available" = "File unavailable"; "backup_error_gzip_only_supported_upload" = "The file should be sent in .gzip format"; "backup_error_size_is_exceeded" = "Maximum size of OsmAnd Cloud exceeded %@"; "backup_error_subscription_was_used" = "Subscription or promo used by another account %@"; "backup_error_subscription_was_expired_descr" = "Your OsmAnd Pro subscription is expired, renew it to use backup. You can still restore data from the Cloud."; "backup_error_subscription_was_expired" = "Expired subscription"; "backup_error_user_is_already_registered" = "This e-mail address is in use on another account"; "service_is_not_available_please_try_later" = "Service unavailable. Please try again later."; "backup_error_invalid_token" = "Token is not valid"; "backup_error_failed_to_fetch_remote_items" = "Failed to fetch the file list from the server."; "error_contact_support" = "If the issue persists, please contact our support team."; "promo_subscription" = "Promo subscription"; "renew_subscription" = "Renew subscription"; "register_opr_create_new_account" = "Create new account"; "osmand_cloud_create_account_descr" = "Please enter your e-mail address, a verification code will be sent there,\nand all your data will be linked to it."; "verification" = "Verification"; "verify_email_address_descr" = "Verification code sent to %@. Please enter it in the field below."; "verification_code_placeholder" = "Code"; "verification_code_missing" = "I didn\'t receive a verification code"; "verification_code_missing_description" = "Can take 10 minutes. Use the button below if it isn\'t in your spam folder."; "resend_verification_code" = "Resend"; "travel_routes" = "Travel routes"; "walking_route_osmc_description" = "Color routes by their individual local color (if present on OpenStreetMap) and type (international, regional, local)."; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesOSMCNodes_description" = "Color routes according to their node network type (international, regional, local)."; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesScopeOSMC_description" = "Color by network affiliation."; "rendering_value_walkingRoutesOSMC_description" = "Color routes according to their individual local color (if present on OpenStreetMap) and hiking shield symbol."; "routes_color_by_type" = "Color routes by…"; "q_clear_weather_cache" = "Do you want to clear weather cache?"; "osmand_cloud" = "OsmAnd Cloud"; "shared_string_cloud" = "Cloud"; "remote_item" = "Remote item"; "local_item" = "Local item"; "deleted_item" = "Deleted item"; "new_file" = "New file"; "modified_file" = "Modified file"; "deleted_file" = "Deleted file"; "osmand_cloud_authorize_descr" = "Never lose your data. Back up and restore all info easily."; "cloud_create_account" = "Create account"; "register_opr_have_account" = "I already have an account"; "local_backup" = "Local backup"; "local_backup_descr" = "Back up or restore data from a local file."; "local_backup_empty_file" = "The backup file does not contain any items to restore."; "backup_into_file" = "Back up as file"; "restore_from_file" = "Restore from file"; "fetching_from_server" = "Fetching data from server"; "backup_complete" = "Backup complete"; "duration_ago" = "%@ ago"; "last_sync" = "Last sync"; "last_synchronization" = "Last synchronization"; "sync_now" = "Sync now"; "local_changes" = "Local changes"; "cloud_conflict_descr" = "The local and cloud versions contain changes since the last sync."; "upload_change" = "Upload change"; "cloud_version_will_be_removed" = "The cloud version will be removed"; "cloud_changes_will_be_dismissed" = "The cloud changes will be dismissed"; "local_file_will_be_restored" = "The local file will be restored"; "local_changes_will_be_dismissed" = "Local changes will be dismissed"; "cloud_no_online_backup" = "You don’t have any online backup yet"; "cloud_no_online_backup_descr" = "Set up an automatic backup so you don't have to worry about lost data."; "set_up_backup" = "Set up backup"; "backup_welcome_back" = "Welcome back!"; "backup_restore_now" = "Restore now"; "cloud_backup" = "Backup"; "last_backup" = "Last backup"; "backup_now" = "Backup now"; "make_backup" = "Make a backup"; "make_backup_descr" = "There are many changes on this device, please make a backup of this data so as not to lose it."; "cloud_conflicts" = "Conflicts"; "cloud_conflict" = "Conflict"; "upload_all" = "Upload all"; "download_all" = "Download all"; "backup_view_conflicts" = "View conflicts"; "backup_data" = "Back up data"; "backup_version_history" = "Version history"; "select_backup_data_descr" = "Select data and folders to back up."; "backup_danger_zone" = "Danger zone"; "backup_delete_all_data_or_versions_descr" = "Delete all data on OsmAnd Cloud or only version history. Local data will stay untouched."; "backup_delete_all_data" = "Delete all my data"; "backup_delete_old_data" = "Remove old versions"; "backup_delete_from_cloud" = "Delete from cloud"; "logout_from_osmand_cloud_decsr" = "Log out?\nYou will need to sign in again to backup or restore data."; "are_you_sure" = "Are you sure?"; "backup_deleting_all_data" = "Deleting all data…"; "backup_delete_all_data_warning" = "You are about to delete all data previously uploaded to OsmAnd Cloud, including version history.\n\nYou will not be able to recover deleted data."; "backup_delete_old_data_warning" = "You are about to delete the change history for the previously loaded data.\n\nThe current version of the data will be saved on the server, but you will not be able to revert to the previously made changes."; "backup_delete_all_data_in_progress" = "Please wait until OsmAnd delete all your data from cloud. All data on the device remain untouch."; "backup_delete_all_data_finished" = "All your data was successfully deleted from OsmAnd Cloud."; "backup_remove_old_versions_finished" = "Old versions was successfully deleted from OsmAnd Cloud."; "delete_all_confirmation" = "Yes, delete all"; "manage_storage" = "Manage storage"; "backup_delete_types_descr" = "Delete all data for deprecated data types from OsmAnd Cloud?"; "backup_delete_data_type_description" = "This will delete all %@ data from OsmAnd Cloud. This action cannot be undone."; "backup_empty_data_from_category" = "OsmAnd Cloud doesn't include any data from this category."; "cloud_storage_used" = "%@ of %@ used"; "cloud_confirm_delete_type" = "Are you sure you want to delete \"%@\" from OsmAnd Cloud?"; "cloud_recent_changes" = "Changes"; "backup_pause_all" = "Pause all"; "cloud_all_changes_uploaded" = "All changes uploaded"; "cloud_all_changes_downloaded" = "All changes downloaded"; "cloud_all_changes_uploaded_descr" = "All changes made on this device are synchronized with OsmAnd Cloud."; "cloud_no_conflicts" = "There are no conflicts."; "backup_conflicts_descr" = "Newer version of these files is stored on the server. You need to select action"; "backup_conflicts_action_descr" = "Another version of this file is stored on the server. You need to select action"; "cloud_contains_newer_changes" = "OsmAnd Cloud version contains newer changes."; "upload_local_version" = "Upload local version"; "dowload_cloud_version" = "Dowload cloud version"; "copy_address" = "Copy address"; "copy_poi_name" = "Copy POI name"; "copy_coordinates" = "Copy coordinates"; "share_geo" = "geo:"; "toast_empty_name_error" = "Unnamed location"; "pro_features" = "Pro features"; "unlimited_map_downloads" = "Unlimited map downloads"; "carplay" = "CarPlay"; "wikipedia_and_wikivoyage_offline" = "Wikipedia and Wikivoyage offline"; "nautical_depth" = "Nautical depth"; "terrain_maps" = "Terrain maps"; "shared_string_cross_buy" = "Cross-buy"; "shared_string_relief_3d" = "3D Relief"; "track_has_no_needed_data" = "The track is missing the respective data."; "select_another_colorization" = "Please select another type of coloring."; "purchases_feature_desc_osmand_cloud" = "Get OsmAnd Cloud to store all OsmAnd data online. No lost data after reinstalling. Back up and restore all info easily."; "purchases_feature_desc_pro_widgets" = "Get access to OsmAnd Pro features: Route coloring and more."; "purchases_feature_desc_hourly_map_updates" = "Get access to more frequent map updates. Hourly, daily, or weekly updates. Updates are downloaded incrementally, only for the changed area."; "purchases_feature_desc_cross_buy" = "Use your subscription features on different platforms (Android/iOS/web) at no additional cost."; "purchases_feature_relief_3d_description" = "Own and observe the scale model of your neighborhood or the whole continent."; "purchases_feature_desc_monthly_map_updates" = "Get access to regular monthly updates for offline maps."; "purchases_feature_desc_unlimited_map_download" = "Get unlimited downloads for all continents and regions offline maps."; "purchases_feature_desc_carplay" = "Brings OsmAnd offline maps and navigation to your vehicle screen and integrates with your vehicle\'s controls."; "purchases_feature_desc_combined_wiki" = "Explore Wikipedia articles on the go, without an internet connection. Offline data divided by countries and available in all languages."; "purchases_feature_desc_wikivoyage" = "Explore Wikivoyage offline. Articles divided by countries and regions and available in all languages."; "purchases_feature_desc_terrain" = "Terrain contour lines, grayscale hillshade and color scale slope indication, to show peaks and lowlands."; "purchases_feature_desc_nautical" = "Get access to nautical depth information"; "purchases_feature_weather" = "24h hourly forecast 7 days ahead coloured on the map"; "you_can_get_feature_as_part_of_pattern" = "Get“%@” as part of the %@ plan. Comparison:"; "monthly_subscription" = "Monthly subscription"; "annual_subscription" = "Annual subscription"; "quarterly_subscription" = "Quarterly subscription"; "option_available_only_by_subscription" = "Available in subscription plans"; "osm_live_subscriptions" = "Subscriptions"; "product_title_pro" = "OsmAnd Pro"; "osmand_pro_tagline" = "Get maximum features"; "product_title_plus" = "Maps+"; "osmand_maps_plus_tagline" = "Get extended features"; "not_available_with" = "Not available with %@"; "continue_with" = "Continue with %@"; "complete_purchase" = "Complete purchase"; "subscription_cancel_description" = "Cancel anytime in AppStore."; "osm_live_payment_subscription_management_aid" = "Payment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase.\n\nSubscription automatically renews unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.\n\nYou can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your account settings on the App Store after purchase"; "no_purchases" = "You don\'t have any purchases"; "empty_purchases_description" = "If your purchases don\'t show up here, tap on“%@”, or contact our support team."; "explore_osmnad_plans_to_find_suitable" = "Explore OsmAnd Plans to find one suitable for you."; "osm_live_banner_desc" = "Get unlimited map downloads, adding weekly, daily, or even hourly updates."; "redeem_promo_code" = "Redeem promo code"; "new_device_account" = "New device / new account"; "expired" = "Expired"; "shared_string_expires" = "Expires"; "manage_subscription" = "Manage subscription"; "subscription" = "Subscription"; "google_play" = "Google Play"; "app_store" = "App Store"; "amazon_appstore" = "Amazon Appstore"; "huawei_appgallery" = "Huawei AppGallery"; "promo" = "Promo"; "purchase_origin" = "Purchase origin"; "contact_support" = "Contact support"; "contact_support_description" = "If you have any questions, please contact us at %@."; "loading_purchase_information" = "Loading purchase information"; "shared_string_now" = "Now"; "subscription_banner_free_maps_title" = "You can download %i maps for free."; "subscription_banner_free_maps_description" = "Get unlimited map downloads and updates."; "subscription_banner_no_free_maps_title" = "You spent all free downloads"; "subscription_banner_osmand_pro_title" = "Get hourly, daily or weekly map updates with OsmAnd Pro."; "free_favorites_backup_description" = "Register in OsmAnd Cloud to get free backup for favorites and settings."; "free_favorites_backup" = "Free Favorites Backup"; "banner_payment_free_backup_settings_title" = "Free Settings Backup"; "get_osmand_cloud" = "Get OsmAnd Cloud"; "compass_visible_if_map_rotated" = "Visible if map is rotated"; "compass_visible_in_rotated_mode_descr" = "Hidden when north is up"; "compass_options_description" = "Click on compass to switch map orientation mode"; "weather_plugin" = "Weather plugin"; "weather_forecast" = "Weather forecast"; "weather_forecast_entire_world" = "Weather forecast for entire world"; "weather_entire_world" = "Entire world"; "weather_offline_forecast" = "Offline forecast"; "weather_offline_forecast_only" = "Offline forecast only"; "weather_offline_forecast_only_desc" = "Forecast will be available only for countries with pre-downloaded data."; "weather_data_provider" = "Data provider GFS."; "weather_clear_online_cache" = "This will clear all cache for online weather tile."; "weather_clear_offline_cache" = "This will clear all cache for offline weather tile."; "weather_clear_offline_cache_for" = "This will clear all cache for offline weather tile for %@."; "all_maps_are_up_to_date" = "All maps are up to date"; "with_offline_maps" = "With offline maps"; "other_countries" = "Other countries"; "weather_forecast_is_outdated" = "Forecast is outdated."; "weather_remove_forecast" = "Remove forecast"; "weather_remove_forecasts_description" = "Are you sure you want to remove forecast for countries: %d."; "weather_remove_forecast_description" = "Are you sure you want to remove forecast for %@"; "weather_miss_forecasts" = "You don’t have offline forecasts"; "weather_miss_forecasts_description" = "Offline forecast is available per country. Duration up to 7 days. You need to select needed countries."; "weather_updates_automatically" = "OsmAnd will be download updates automatically when it is running."; "weather_updates_manual" = "Weather forecast must be updated manually."; "weather_accuracy_forecast_description" = "Offline forecast is available until: %@.\nAccuracy: %@, hourly. %@ for every 3 hours."; "weather_generates_new_forecast_description" = "OsmAnd generates a new forecast every 6 hours. The closer to the current date, the more accurate it will be."; "auto_update" = "Auto-update"; "update_parameters" = "Update parameters"; "weather_update_parameters_disabled" = "Auto-updates will be disabled."; "weather_update_parameters_wifi" = "Weather forecast will be updates only if Wi-Fi network is available."; "weather_update_parameters_any_network" = "Weather forecast will be updates over any network. Mobile data can be used."; "recording_delete_confirm" = "Delete this item?"; "login_open_street_map_org" = "Login to OpenStreetMap.org"; "map_updates_for_mappers" = "Map updates for mappers"; "offline_edition_descr" = "If offline editing is enabled, then changes will be saved locally first and uploaded by request, otherwise changes will be uploaded immediately."; "open_street_map_login_mode_simple" = "You need to log in to upload your changes."; "sign_in_with_open_street_map" = "Sign in with OpenStreetMap"; "use_login_and_password" = "Use username and password"; "perform_oauth_authorization" = "Log in via OAuth"; "use_login_and_password_description" = "Use your email/login and password to log in to OpenStreetMap.org."; "benefits_for_contributors" = "Benefits for active OSM contributors"; "benefits_for_contributors_primary_descr" = "Active contributors to OpenStreetMap.org may be entitled to unlimited hourly map updates."; "benefits_for_contributors_secondary_descr" = "Sign in to OpenStreetMap to check if you are eligible for unlimited monthly and hourly map updates."; "contributions_may_calculate_with_delay" = "Calculating contributions may take several hours."; "map_updates_are_unavailable_yet" = "Map updates are not yet available. :-("; "not_enough_contributions_descr" = "A minimum of %@ changes over last two-month period %@ is required to get access for unlimited hourly map updates."; "enough_contributions_descr" = "Congratulations, you have provided enough OpenStreetMap contributions and can now enjoy unlimited OsmAnd map updates!"; "last_two_month_total" = "Last two month total"; "auth_failed" = "Authorization failed"; "recalc_angle_dialog_title" = "Minimum angle between my location and route"; "recalc_angle_dialog_descr" = "Extra straight segment between my location and calculated route will be displayed until the route is recalculated"; "checking_progress" = "Checking…"; "co2_mission" = "CO2 emission"; "uninstall_speed_cameras" = "Uninstall speed cameras"; "speed_camera_pois" = "Speed camera POI’s"; "speed_cameras_legal_descr" = "In some countries or regions, the use of speed camera warning apps is prohibited by law. \n\nYou need to make a choice depending on the law of your country. \n\nSelect %@ and you will receive alerts and warnings about speed cameras. \n\nSelect %@. All data related to speed cameras: alerts, notifications, POIs will be deleted until OsmAnd is completely reinstalled."; "speed_cameras_alert" = "Speed cameras alerts in some countries is prohibited by the law."; // Release Notes // instruction: //https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-Issues/blob/master/Adding%20release%20information%20to%20IOS.md "latest_version" = "You have the latest version: %@"; "ios_release_3_80" = "• Introduced \"Application Profiles\" with independent settings\n • New arrangement of settings by profiles and types: navigation, general, map and screen\n • Ability to import or export profile settings\n • Added data sources for Online photos\n • Added ability to download online maps to cache\n • Improved \"Search\" algorithms\n"; "ios_release_3_90" = "• Introduced a \"Plan a route\" feature for planning future trips with the ability to create track segments using different navigation types\n • Added an option to enable a сompass over the \"Radius Ruler\" tool\n • Added \"POI label overlays\" option that allows to show names for favorites, track waypoints and markers on the map\n • Added new Quick actions for visibility of contour lines and terrain on the map, changing an application profile, deleting a nearest intermediate point\n • Fixed issues with missing Wikipedia search category\n • Settings Import: fixed bugs, added support for all data types available in OsmAnd\n • OpenStreetMap editing: fixed the time picker and inability to change the changeset comment\n"; "ios_release_4_0" = "• New! \"Add favorite\" screen with options to select the custom icon, color, and shape\n • Added new \"Coordinates widget\" with coordinates of the current location\n • Added ability to import custom user-defined plugins\n • Significantly extended the import/export functionality\n • Distance by tap moved from the Radius ruler into a separate option\n • Fixed CarPlay app freezes when iPhone screen is turned off\n • Plugins screen moved from the Maps & Resources to the main menu\n • Added Finnish localization\n • Fixed UI in landscape orientation for \"Plan a route\" screen\n • Added support for custom routing and rendering files\n • Fixed performance of markers direction line\n • Fixed issue with importing GPX files with uppercase extensions\n • Fixed issue with \"Follow track\" menu\n • Fixed import of OBF files\n"; "ios_release_4_1" = "• Completely redesigned interaction with tracks: a new menu with charts, statistics, ability to change the appearance, coloring by speed, height and slope, and track selection on the map • New screen for searching by coordinates in different formats\n • Improved coordinate search in OLC format\n • New user-friendly menu for choosing languages to display Wikipedia articles on the map\n • Added ability to easily load maps of all regions of the country with a couple of clicks.\n • Added contour lines in feet (You need to download additional files)\n • Added ability to download maps by selecting the desired region or country on the map, as well as adding a dialog box with the suggestion to load a missing map of a displayed region\n • New appearance the map control buttons and the ability to change map zoom by double-tapping and swiping.\n • Routes visibility settings are moved higher in the \"Configure map\" screen and are re-organized for better flexibility\n"; "ios_release_4_2" = "• Route line appearance: added ability to set width and color\n • Tracks: added option for deleting several tracks at once\n • Track context menu: added scroll bar with waypoint groups\n • Map appearance: divided additional routes by type with ability to enable one from each category separately\n • Horseback riding: add new navigation type and app profile\n • OsmAnd files are now visible in the \"Files\" application\n • UX of options \"Use elevation data\" and \"Select elevation fluctuation\" was improved, they were combined and renamed to \"Preferred terrain\", currently available for \"Bicycle\" and \"Pedestrian\" profiles.\n • New option \"Include heading\" for track recording\n • Street name widget: now show road shield and exit number during navigation\n • New Fitness and running routes on the map\n • CarPlay bug fixes, added gestures for touchscreens\n • Fixed import of GPX files from OSF package\n • Fixed import of custom plugins with included files\n • Fixed various crashes in the Route planning mode\n • Fixed crashes during Navigation\n"; "ios_release_4_3" = "• Smooth animation for location changes during movement\n • CarPlay: added lanes, 2.5D view, fixed sound issues while connected over Bluetooth\n • Introducing new purchase plans: \"OsmAnd Pro\" subscriptions with access to all features and \"Maps+\" purchase with unlimited map downloads and paid plugins access.\n • Added Cloud backup and Offline Weather forecast for OsmAnd Pro users\n • New convenient \"Purchase\" screen with the list of all purchases\n • Benefits for active OpenStreetMap.org contributors\n • Tracks can now be colored by altitude, speed, or slope\n • Offline maps are now accessible via the Files app\n • Favorites: added local backups generation after each change, backups accessible from the Files app\n • POI saved to favorites will store and show all POI data even without an offline map\n • GPX added support for link, cmt, desc tags and for any custom extensions\n • Added mode for the Compass button\n • Fixed an issue with UTM Coordinates format\n • Fixed an issue with intermediate points in navigation\n"; "ios_release_4_4" = "• External keyboard: added support for new keys\n • New widgets for Trip recording\n • Added search for Favorites, Tracks, and OSM Edits\n • CarPlay: history includes points that were used in navigation\n • Emoji can now be used as favorites or waypoint name\n • Fixed transition between offline Wikipedia articles\n • Fixed issues with the import of custom routing and rendering files\n • Track appearance: added ability to set any custom color\n • New widget \"Elevation: map center\"\n • Added option to disable announcing for deviation from the route\n • Wikipedia: added ability to view images, updated reader UI\n • Favorites: added search\n • CarPlay: added history, reorganized tracks and favorites list\n • Hiking routes: added ability to select routes on the map for viewing additional information or navigation\n • OpenStreetMap: added ability to upload tracks\n • New widget: show exact time of or time left to the next Sunrise or Sunset\n • New widget: display coordinates for map center\n • Improved support of external keyboards, added support for basic actions\n • Voice prompts: added support for new languages: Catalan, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Indonesian, Slovenian\n • Added legal warning about using speed camera alerts\n • Improved privacy: added options to disable history logging\n • Improved visibility of the map ruler\n • OsmAnd Cloud bug fixes and UI improvements\n • UI improvements for RTL languages\n • Accessibility: added content labelling for map buttons\n • Added \"Dynamic type\" support, text size in OsmAnd will change accordingly to text size in iOS\n • Map orientation: added manually rotated mode\n • New Moped profile\n • Minimum iOS version is increased to 15.0\n"; "ios_release_4_5" = "• Completely redesigned widget experience: added ability to change widget position, added grouping by pages, one list of widgets for left and right panel\n • Redesigned configure screen\n • Free backup of favourites, settings and OSM edits to OsmAnd Cloud\n • Added \"CAI\" scale for \"Difficulty classification of the routes\"\n • \"Contour lines plugin\" renamed to \"Topography\", added support for the new terrain map format\n • Added 3D Relief\n • Added OAuth authorization for OpenStreetMap Editing plugin\n • Added separate button to switch between 2D or 3D Mode\n • Changed direction of tilt gesture\n • Fixed issue with favorites export, that could lead to data loss\n"; "ios_release_4_6" = "• Record and track you metrics with external sensors including Bicycle speed, Bicycle Cadence, Bicycle Distance, Heart rate and temperature\n • Now you can view map directly on your CarPlay dashboard\n • Added Night theme for a comfortable viewing experience in low light conditions\n • Discover travel guides by \"Wikivoyage\"\n • Improved dialogs for adding notes and uploading notes and POIs to OpenStreetMap\n • Easily restore your plugin settings to the installation defaults with a new \"Reset to Default\" option\n • Added a \"Screen orientation\" option to set your preferred orientation without automatic switching\n • Added a separate button to switch 3D Mode directly on CarPlay screen\n • Minimum and maximum elevation information has been added to navigation routes in addition to uphill and downhill\n • Improved track coloring in Slope mode with new symmetric gradient\n • Favorite folders now store default appearance that are applied automatically to each added point\n • Fixed the \"Radius ruler\" center point mismatching with the map center\n • Added \"Read article\" button for Wikipedia POIs context menu\n • Fixed issue with importing GPX file to favorites\n • Fixed issue with the calendar event for parking position\n • Fixed crash with removing color from pallet\n"; "ios_release_4_7" = "• Enhanced top and bottom widget panels to accommodate all widgets\n • Improved management for tracks visible on the map\n • Updated \"Analyze on Map\" with the ability to display metrics from sensors\n • Enhanced tags support for GPX has been added: link, author, copyright, and keywords\n • Improved widget configuration by allowing users to move pages and rows\n • Improved track management in the \"My Places\" with subfolders and context menus for tracks and folders\n • Roundabout with exit number now shown on CarPlay when navigating\n • Control the 3D relief with a new \"Vertical exaggeration\" option for a more dramatic landscape\n • Visualize track elevation directly on the map in a dynamic 3D view\n • New widgets: \"Glide Ratio\" and \"Sun Position\"\n • Customize \"Distance during navigation\": choose between precise or round up numbers\n • App language will be used for names on the world overview map instead of local languages\n • OsmAnd Cloud: Added ability to manage your data, including restoring deleted files and deleting your account\n • Added additional tags support for tourist routes\n • Fixed the \"Coordinates\" widget where, in some cases, the last digits were missed\n • Fixed \"3D Mode\" button behavior: tapping on the button doesn't save the tilt angle\n • Fixed status bar color for older iOS versions\n • Fixed rotate and pinch to zoom map gestures for the app running on macOS\n"; "rendering_attr_showTrainRoutes_name" = "Train routes"; "rendering_attr_showWaterwayTunnels_description" = "Don\'t hide waterway tunnels"; "rendering_attr_natureReserves_description" = "Show nature reserve, protected areas, and national parks."; "routing_attr_avoid_highway_description" = "Avoid highways"; "routing_attr_prefer_hiking_routes_description" = "Prefer hiking routes"; "rendering_attr_weatherWindSpeedContours_name" = "Wind speed isolines"; "rendering_attr_hideMilitaryAreas_name" = "Hide military areas"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantFixme_description" = "Show fixme tags"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_dangerous_name" = "Dangerous"; "rendering_attr_seabedDetail_description" = "Additional text info on seabed surface_qualification, combined surface types, category and taxon of weed or seagrass"; "routing_attr_allow_intermittent_description" = "Allow intermittent water ways"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_impossible_name" = "Impossible"; "rendering_attr_depthContourColorScheme_description" = "Depth contour lines color scheme"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_no_preference_name" = "No preference"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_difficult_name" = "Difficult"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantFixme_name" = "Fixme tags"; "rendering_attr_showBusRoutes_name" = "Bus routes"; "rendering_attr_showMtbScaleIMBATrails_description" = "Show dedicated mountain biking trails."; "rendering_attr_alpineHikingScaleScheme_description" = "Difficulty classification types for routes."; "routing_attr_avoid_4wd_only_name" = "Avoid 4WD roads"; "routing_attr_avoid_footways_name" = "Avoid footways"; "rendering_attr_showMtbScale_description" = "Display trails according to their MTB scale."; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_do_not_go_offpiste_name" = "Do not go offpiste"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_critical_name" = "Critical"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_advanced_name" = "Advanced"; "rendering_attr_natureReserves_name" = "Nature reserve"; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_only_if_necessary_name" = "Only if necessary"; "routing_attr_avoid_highway_name" = "Avoid highways"; "rendering_attr_depthContourWidth_description" = "Depth contour line width"; "routing_attr_avoid_fords_description" = "Avoid fords"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantNote_name" = "Note tags"; "rendering_attr_weatherCloudContours_name" = "Cloud isolines"; "routing_attr_carriage_restrictions_description" = "Consider access permissions for horse-drawn vehicles"; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_prefer_offpiste_name" = "Prefer offpiste"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_common_name" = "Common"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_expert_name" = "Expert"; "routing_attr_goods_restrictions_description" = "Consider access permissions for light goods vehicles (goods)"; "routing_attr_allow_streams_name" = "Allow streams and drains"; "routing_attr_carriage_restrictions_name" = "Carriage restrictions"; "routing_attr_avoid_footways_description" = "Avoid footways"; "routing_attr_avoid_fords_name" = "Avoid fords"; "rendering_attr_horseScale_name" = "Difficulty of horse trails"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantNote_description" = "Show note tags"; "routing_attr_prefer_tactile_paving_name" = "Prefer tactile paving"; "routing_attr_length_description" = "Specify vehicle length to be permitted on routes."; "routing_attr_prefer_hiking_routes_name" = "Prefer hiking routes"; "rendering_attr_hideMilitaryAreas_description" = "Hide military areas"; "rendering_attr_weatherTempContours_name" = "Temperature isolines"; "rendering_attr_showTramRoutes_name" = "Tram routes"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_description" = "Hazardous materials category / Consider hazmat access permissions"; "rendering_attr_showWaterwayTunnels_name" = "Waterway tunnels"; "rendering_attr_seabedDetail_name" = "Seabed detail"; "routing_attr_driving_style_description" = "Select driving purpose to get shorter, faster or safer route"; "rendering_attr_weatherPrecipitationContours_name" = "Precipitation isolines"; "rendering_attr_weatherPressureContours_name" = "Pressure isolines"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantIconsLowZooms_name" = "Icons at low zooms"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_intermediate_name" = "Intermediate"; "rendering_attr_horse_scale_demanding_name" = "Demanding"; "routing_attr_allow_streams_description" = "Allow streams and drains"; "routing_attr_allow_intermittent_name" = "Allow intermittent water ways"; "routing_attr_freeride_policy_allow_name" = "Allow"; "rendering_value_all_name" = "All"; "rendering_value_omit_name" = "Omit"; "rendering_attr_showTrolleybusRoutes_name" = "Trolleybus routes"; "rendering_attr_showShareTaxiRoutes_name" = "Shuttle routes"; "routing_attr_prefer_tactile_paving_description" = "Prefer tactile paving"; "routing_attr_avoid_4wd_only_description" = "Avoid roads only suitable for 4WD vehicles"; "rendering_attr_OSMMapperAssistantIconsLowZooms_description" = "Schematic display of icons at low zooms"; "routing_attr_difficulty_preference_beginner_name" = "Beginner"; "exit_number" = "Exit number"; "announce_when_exceeded" = "Announce when exceeded"; "speak_gps_signal_status" = "Announce GPS signal loss and recovery"; "speak_route_recalculation" = "Announce route recalculation"; "speak_route_deviation" = "Announce deviation from the route"; "announcement_time_title" = "Announcement time"; "user_points" = "User points"; "speak_descr" = "Set up announcement of street names, traffic warnings (forced stops, speed bumps), speed camera warnings, and speed limits."; "announcement_time_descr" = "The anouncement timing of different voice prompts depends on prompt type, current navigation speed, and default navigation speed."; "announcement_time_intervals" = "Time and distance intervals"; "announcement_time_arrive" = "Arrive at destination"; "announcement_time_off_route" = "Off route"; "announcement_time_prepare" = "Prepare"; "announcement_time_prepare_long" = "Long prepare"; "announcement_time_approach" = "Approach"; "announcement_time_passing" = "Passing"; "restart_is_required_title" = "Restart is required"; "restart_is_required" = "A restart is required to apply the change."; "wikipedia_language_settings_descr" = "Select the languages ​​in which Wikipedia articles will appear on the map. You can switch between any available language ​​while reading the article."; "dont_download" = "Don't download"; "over_wifi_only" = "Over Wi-Fi only"; "over_any_network" = "Over any network"; "download_only_now" = "Download only now"; "wikivoyage_download_pics" = "Download images"; "download_over_cellular_network" = "Download images over cellular network? This may incur high charges."; "map_widget_altitude_current_location" = "Altitude: current location"; "map_widget_altitude_map_center" = "Elevation: map center"; "map_widget_altitude_map_center_desc" = "Shows the elevation above sea level of the current map center."; "reset_all_settings_desc" = "Reset all settings to default?"; "no_widgets_here_yet" = "No widgets here yet"; "no_widgets_descr" = "Add one or more widgets from the list of available widgets."; "click_on_widget" = "Click on widget"; "map_marker_interval_dialog_desc" = "Specify the time interval for which the average speed will be measured to calculate estimated time of arrival."; "external_sensors_plugin_name" = "External Sensors"; "external_sensors_plugin_description" = "Accesses external sensors to read e.g. your heart rate, bicycle speed, cycling power, or cadence. Requires your device to be connected to respective sensors via the ANT+ wireless personal network protocol."; "write_data_from_sensor_to_track" = "Write data from external sensors to GPX while trip recording."; "map_widget_ant_heart_rate" = "Heart Rate"; "map_widget_ant_heart_rate_desc" = "Shows user\'s heart rate during a given activity in real-time"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_power" = "Bicycle Power"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_power_desc" = "Shows cyclist\'s power output, which is used to move the bike forward"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_cadence" = "Bicycle Cadence"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_cadence_desc" = "Shows speed at which the user is pedalling"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_speed" = "Bicycle Speed"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_speed_desc" = "Shows speed of traveling"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_dist" = "Bicycle Distance"; "map_widget_ant_bicycle_dist_desc" = "Shows travelled distance"; "shared_string_temperature" = "Temperature"; "sensor_temperature_desc" = "Shows temperature from sensor"; "there_are_no_connected_sensors_of_this_type" = "There are no connected sensors of this type"; "external_sensors_not_found" = "Sensors not found"; "external_sensors_source_of_data" = "Source of data"; "beats_per_minute_short" = "bpm"; "shared_string_chest" = "Chest"; "shared_string_wrist" = "Wrist"; "shared_string_finger" = "Finger"; "shared_string_hand" = "Hand"; "shared_string_ear_lobe" = "Ear lobe"; "shared_string_foot" = "Foot"; "bicycle_scd_device_name" = "Bicycle device"; "external_device_blood_pressure" = "Blood pressure"; "no_bt_permission" = "Bluetooth permission is not granted"; "purchases_feature_desc_external_sensors" = "Display and record data from external sensors: bicycle speed, bicycle power, cadence, and heart rate."; "external_sensors_support" = "External sensors support"; "learn_more_about_sensors_link" = "Learn more about sensors."; "ant_plus_pair_bluetooth_prompt" = "You can pair Bluetooth LE and ANT+ sensors with OsmAnd."; "ant_plus_pair_new_sensor" = "Pair new sensor"; "paired_sensors" = "Paired sensors"; "ant_plus_searching" = "Searching"; "ble_search_again" = "Search again"; "ant_plus_nothing_found_text" = "Unable to find any sensors"; "ant_plus_nothing_found_description" = "Make sure:\n– Bluetooth is turned on\n– Sensor is activated\n– This device is located near sensor"; "ant_plus_searching_text" = "Searching for sensors"; "ant_plus_searching_text_description" = "Please hold the device close to the sensor. You need to activate the sensor so OsmAnd can find it."; "ant_plus_open_settings" = "Open settings"; "ant_plus_bluetooth_off" = "Bluetooth is turned off"; "ant_plus_bluetooth_off_description" = "Turn on Bluetooth find and pair sensors."; "external_device_forget_sensor" = "Forget sensor"; "external_device_forget_sensor_description" = "Sensor will be removed from the list. You will be able to pair this sensor again at any time."; "external_device_details_information" = "Information"; "external_device_details_battery" = "Battery"; "external_device_details_received_data" = "Received data"; "external_device_unpair_description" = "Connect sensor to your device to get information."; "external_device_status_disconnect" = "Disconnect"; "external_device_status_connecting" = "Connecting"; "external_device_status_connect" = "Connect"; "external_device_status_disconnecting" = "Disconnecting"; "external_device_status_disconnected" = "Disconnected"; "external_device_status_connected" = "Connected"; "external_device_any_connected" = "Any connected"; "bluetooth_found_title" = "Found: %d"; "external_device_menu_forget" = "Forget"; "degree_celsius" = "°C"; "external_device_characteristic_cadence" = "Cadence"; "external_device_characteristic_speed" = "Speed"; "external_device_characteristic_distance" = "Distance"; "external_device_characteristic_total_distance" = "Total distance"; "external_device_characteristic_stride_length" = "Stride length"; "wheel_circumference" = "Wheel circumference"; "map_orientation_default" = "Same as device"; "map_orientation_portrait" = "Portrait"; "map_orientation_landscape" = "Landscape"; "map_screen_orientation" = "Screen orientation"; "change_appearance" = "Change appearance"; "default_appearance_desc" = "Default color, icon and shape will apply to the added favorite points into the group."; "apply_to_existing" = "Apply to existing"; "apply_only_to_new_points" = "Apply only to new points"; "apply_to_existing_favorites_descr" = "Apply changes to the existing favorite points of the group or only to new?"; "my_places_no_tracks_title_root" = "You don’t have track files"; "my_places_no_tracks_descr_root" = "You can import, create or record track files using OsmAnd."; "my_places_no_tracks_title" = "Empty folder"; "my_places_no_tracks_descr" = "This folder doesn’t have any track yet."; "delete_folder" = "Delete folder"; "short_min" = "m"; "remove_folder_with_files_descr" = "Are you sure you want to remove \"%@\" folder and all %d tracks?"; "new_track" = "New track"; "not_recorded" = "Not recorded"; "start_recording" = "Start recording"; "recorded_track" = "Recorded track"; "shared_string_error" = "Error"; "show_icon" = "Show icon"; "simple_widget_footer" = "Widget can take full row width or just one column."; "complex_widget_alert" = "%@ widget can only be placed on its own row."; "shared_string_deleted" = "Deleted"; "duration_moment_ago" = "a moment ago"; "trash_is_empty" = "Trash is empty"; "trash_is_empty_banner_desc" = "Files removed from OsmAnd Cloud will be available here for %@ days after."; "delete_all_items" = "Delete all items"; "delete_all_items_desc" = "Are you sure you want to permanently delete all items in the Trash? This action can't be undone."; "subscribe_email_error" = "Error"; "restore_from_trash" = "Restore from trash"; "download_to_device" = "Download to device"; "permanent_delete_warning" = "%@ will be deleted permanently. Are you sure?"; "action_cannot_be_undone" = "This action can\'t be undone."; "cloud_item_restored" = "%@ is restored into Cloud."; "shared_string_next_event" = "Next event"; "map_widget_sun_position_desc" = "Shows the time until sunrise or sunset."; "map_widget_sun_position" = "Sun position"; "shared_string_mode" = "Mode"; "shared_string_format" = "Format"; "delete_account" = "Delete account"; "verify_account" = "Verify your account"; "verify_account_deletion_descr" = "We need to verify your account before delete it.\n\nPlease enter the e-mail address you registered with. A one-time password for the next step will be sent to it."; "action_cant_be_undone" = "This action can’t be undone."; "manage_subscriptions" = "Manage subscriptions."; "deleting_complete" = "Deletion complete"; "osmand_cloud_delete_account_descr" = "Are you sure you want to delete OsmAnd Cloud account?"; "osmand_cloud_delete_account_confirmation" = "Delete account?"; "osmand_cloud_deletion_all_data_warning" = "All data from OsmAnd Cloud will be %@. Data on the device remains untouched."; "osmand_cloud_deletion_account_warning" = "Your account and all account details will be %@"; "osmand_cloud_deletion_secondary_devices_warning" = "Secondary devices will be logged off from OsmAnd Cloud and lose access to paid features."; "osmand_cloud_deletion_subscriptions_warning" = "This will not cancel your OsmAnd Pro subscription."; "osmand_cloud_deleting_account_descr" = "In few moments all your data and account will be deleted from OsmAnd Cloud.\n\nAll data on the device remain untouched."; "osmand_cloud_deleted_account_descr" = "Account and all data was deleted from OsmAnd Cloud."; "skip_download" = "Skip download"; "determine_location" = "Allow us to determine your location"; "upload_to_osm_short" = "Upload to OSM"; "average_glide_ratio" = "Average glide ratio"; "average_vertical_speed" = "Average vertical speed"; "glide_ratio_to_target" = "Glide ratio to target"; "map_widget_glide_average_desc" = "Shows the average glide ratio for the set interval."; "map_widget_glide_target_desc" = "Shows the glide ratio needed to reach the target point."; "map_widget_group_glide_ratio" = "Glide ratio"; "map_widget_group_glide_desc" = "Widgets show the glide ratio to the target or average glide ratio for the current trip."; "target_elevation" = "Target elevation"; "average_glide_ratio_time_interval_desc" = "Shows the average glide ratio or vertical speed for the set interval."; "average_glide_time_interval_desc" = "Specify the time interval for glide averaging."; "time_to_navigation_point_widget_settings_desc" = "Tap the widget to switch modes."; "track_appearance_3D_visualization" = "3D visualization"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_7_name" = "Radioactive Substances"; "rendering_attr_padusDisplayMode_name" = "Public lands display mode"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_6_name" = "Toxic and Infectious Substances"; "rendering_value_sector5_name" = "Sector 5"; "rendering_attr_showToll_name" = "Show toll restrictions"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_2_name" = "Gases"; "rendering_attr_padusHideBoundaries_name" = "Hide public land boundaries"; "rendering_value_sectors_name" = "Sectors"; "rendering_attr_showProposed_name" = "Proposed objects"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_4_name" = "Flammable Solids"; "rendering_value_defaultMedium_name" = "Default (medium)"; "routing_attr_allow_via_ferrata_name" = "Mountainside route (Via ferrata)"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_3_name" = "Flammable Liquids"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_8_name" = "Corrosive Substances"; "rendering_value_sector1_name" = "Sector 1"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_5_name" = "Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_1_name" = "Explosives"; "rendering_value_managerName_name" = "By manager name"; "rendering_attr_padusHideBoundaries_description" = "Hide public land boundaries but leave areas"; "rendering_value_small_name" = "Small"; "rendering_value_name_only_name" = "Name only"; "rendering_value_sector3_name" = "Sector 3"; "routing_attr_allow_via_ferrata_description" = "A mountain route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges."; "rendering_attr_showToll_description" = "Show toll restrictions on roads"; "rendering_attr_lightDetail_name" = "Light detail"; "rendering_attr_lightDetail_description" = "Default: seamark name (light character.group.period), select additional information on sectors 1 to 3 or sector 1,2,3,4,5 light character"; "rendering_attr_padusDisplayMode_description" = "By access type or manager name"; "rendering_value_access_name" = "By access type"; "rendering_value_sector4_name" = "Sector 4"; "routing_attr_hazmat_category_usa_9_name" = "Miscellaneous"; "rendering_value_sector2_name" = "Sector 2"; "vertical_exaggeration" = "Vertical exaggeration"; "vertical_exaggeration_description" = "By changing the scale value, you can emphasise the 3D relief."; "shared_string_scale" = "Scale"; "missing_or_outdated_maps_title" = "Missing or outdated maps"; "missing_or_outdated_maps_description" = "Some offline maps required for this route are missing or not up to date. Please download or update these maps."; "required_maps" = "Required Maps"; "calculate_online" = "Calculate online"; "calculate_online_title" = "The list of required maps is based on the straight line route. To get an accurate list of maps, OsmAnd can pre-calculate your route online"; "required_maps_list" = "Maps that will also be used: %@"; "getting_list_required_maps" = "Getting a list of required maps..."; "track_vertical_exaggeration_description" = "By changing the scale value, you can change 3D track height"; "visualization_3d_visualized_by" = "Visualized by"; "visualization_3d_wall_color" = "Wall color"; "visualization_3d_track_line" = "Track line"; "track_3d" = "3d track"; "fixed_height" = "Fixed Height"; "downward_gradient" = "Downward gradient"; "upward_gradient" = "Upward gradient"; "shared_string_top" = "Top"; "shared_string_bottom" = "Bottom"; "shared_string_top_bottom" = "Top and bottom"; "track_3d_empty_view_title" = "3D Track view"; "track_3d_empty_view_description" = "Explore the track in interactive 3D! Visualize height, speed, and more directly on the map."; "osm_id" = "OSM ID"; "shared_string_millimeters" = "Millimeters";