# English (Generic) # jExiftoolGUI v1.9 #### Window/popup titles application.title=(for ExifTool by Phil Harvey) preferences.title=Preferences renamephotos.title=Rename Photos createargsfile.title=Create args file(s) exportmetadata.title=Export metadata removemetadata.title=Remove metadata favoriteaddquery.title=Add database query favoriteaddcommand.title=Add ExifTool command favoriteselect.title=Select a favorite createupdatelens.title=Create or update lens config selectlens.title=Select a lens config exiftooldb.title=ExifTool groups/tags reference #### Main menu menu.file=File fmenu.loadimages=Load Images fmenu.loaddirectory=Load Directory fmenu.preferences=Preferences fmenu.exit=Exit menu.renaming=Renaming rmenu.renamephotos=Rename photos menu.metadata=Metadata mmenu.exportmetadata=Export metadata mmenu.exportsidecar=Sidecar exports mmenu.copyallmetadatatoxmpformat=Copy all metadata to XMP format mmenu.removemetadata=Remove metadata menu.datetime=Date/Time dtmenu.shiftdatetime=Shift Date/time dtmenu.modifydatetime=Modify Date/time dtmenu.modifyalldatetime=Modify all dates and times dtmenu.setfiledatetodatetimeoriginal=Set file date to DateTimeOriginal dtmenu.setmoviedatetocreatedate=Set movieclip date to CreateDate menu.other=Other omenu.repairjpgs=Repair JPG(s) with corrupted metadata omenu.createargfiles=Create arg file(s) omenu.exportallpreviews=Export all previews/thumbnails from selected menu.tools=Tools tmenu.mdusercombis=User-defined metadata-sets tmenu.deletefavs=Delete favorites tmenu.deletelens=Delete lenses tmenu.backuprestore=Backup/Restore User Data tmenu.exiftooldb=ExifTool groups/tags reference menu.help=Help hmenu.jexiftoolguihomepage=jExifToolGUI homepage hmenu.exiftoolhomepage=ExifTool homepage hmenu.onlinemanual=Online Manual hmenu.onlinemanueles=Spanish Online Manual hmenu.youtube=YouTube instruction videos hmenu.helptopicsprogram=Help topics program hmenu.credits=Credits hmenu.donate=Donate hmenu.license=License hmenu.translate=Help translate jExifToolGUI hmenu.sysproginfo=System and program info hmenu.checkfornewversion=Check for new version hmenu.changelog=Changelog hmenu.aboutexiftool=About ExifTool hmenu.aboutjexiftoolgui=About jExifToolGUI subhmenu.editdataexif=Edit data → Exif subhmenu.editdataxmp=Edit data → XMP subhmenu.editdatagps=Edit data → GPS subhmenu.editdatageotag=Edit data → Geotagging subhmenu.editdatagpano=Edit data → GPano subhmenu.editdatalens=Edit data → Lens subhmenu.copydata=Copy Data subhmenu.exiftoolcommands=ExifTool Commands subhmenu.exiftooldb=ExifTool groups/tags reference subhmenu.menurenaminginfo=Menu → Renaming → Info subexpsidecarmenu.xmp=Export XMP Sidecar file(s) subexpsidecarmenu.exif=Export Exif Sidecar file(s) subexpsidecarmenu.mie=Export MIE Sidecar file(s) subexpsidecarmenu.exv=Export EXV Sidecar file(s) subexpsidecarmenu.help=Info about the Sidecar exports # Main screen bottom right progress texts pt.loadingimages=Loading images… pt.loadingdirectory=Load folder with images… pt.copyallxmpdata=Copying all relevant data to its XMP variants… pt.repairjpgs=Repairing JPG metadata… pt.extractpreviewsthumbs=Extracting previews and thumbnails from selected images… pt.yourcommands=Executing your ExifTool commands… pt.yourcommandsoutput=The output should be displayed above. pt.exiftoolavailable=ExifTool present, version: pt.xmpsidecar=Exporting XMP Sidecar files… pt.exifsidecar=Exporting Exif Sidecar files… pt.miesidecar=Exporting MIE Sidecar files… pt.exvsidecar=Exporting EXV Sidecar files… pt.inscopytagtotag=Now copying tags from one group to another… pt.exppdf=Writing PDF documents… pt.droppedfiles=Loading drag-and-dropped files… pt.commandline=Loading files provided from the command line… pt.compare=Preparing image metadata for comparison… pt.filesloaded=Files: pt.folder=Folder: pt.reloadimages=Reloading images from metadata search result screen... pt.readingmetadatabackground=Reading all the metadata in the background. You can continue working in the program. pt.finishedreadingmetadabackground=Finished reading all the metadata in the background # Main screen btn.loaddirectory=Load Directory btn.loadimages=Load Images btn.displayimages=Display Image btn.compareimgs=Compare selected images btn.slideshow=Start slideshow with selected images maintab.viewdata=View Data maintab.editdata=Edit Data maintab.copydata=Copy Data maintab.exiftoolcommands=ExifTool Commands maintab.exiftooldb=ExifTool groups/tags reference maintab.exportimport=Export/Import # Main screen left pane #lp.tooltip = Click image/row to select
Double-click image/row to open the image in the default viewer
Right-click image/row to open the popup menu lp.tooltip=Click image/row to select
Double-click image/row to open the image in the default viewer lp.thumbtablephotos=Photo lp.thumbtabledata=File data lp.filename=Name lp.imagesize=Image size lp.orientation=Orientation lp.iso=ISO lp.fnumber=F-number lp.exposuretime=Shutter speed lp.focallength=Focal length lp.focallength35mm=Focal length in 35 mm lp.notavailable=Not available lp.crpreview=Create previews lp.loadmetadata=Load metadata in foreground # sub tabs on edit Data tab ed.exiftab=Exif ed.xmptab=XMP ed.gpstab=GPS ed.geotaggingtab=Geotagging ed.gpanotab=GPano ed.lenstab=Lens ed.xmpiptcstringtab=XMP+IPTC_String+ ed.usercombis=User-defined combinations # sub tabs on Copy Data tab cd.copyfromto=Copy from image to image cd.copyinimage=Copy inside image # sub tabs on Export/Import tab expimp.generalexp=General Export expimp.exptopdf=Export to PDF # dialog buttons dlg.ok=OK dlg.cancel=Cancel dlg.yes=Yes dlg.no=No dlg.continue=Continue dlg.save=Save dlg.close=Close dlg.delete=Delete dlg.browse=Browse dlg.export=Export dlg.import=Import # main screen dialogs msd.noimgs=No images selected msd.noimgslong=No images selected.
Nothing to work on. msd.geonoimgpath=No images. No image path msd.geonoimgpathlong=No images selected and no image folder path selected msd.geonolog=No GPS track-log selected msd.nocommandparams=No command parameters given msd.jtgnewversion=New version found msd.jtgnewversionlong=A new version is available

Open the releases webpage where the new version can be downloaded? msd.jtglatestversion=Using the latest version msd.jtglatestversionlong=You are already using the latest version. msd.max25imgs=Maximum 25 images allowed msd.max25imgslong=A maximum of 25 images is allowed for comparison. msd.nonetwork=no network or incorrect URL msd.nonetwlong=There is no connection to the Internet, or the URL is incorrect. ## View tab texts vdtab.allradiobutton=All vdtab.commontags=Common Tags vdtab.bygroup=By G1 Group vdtab.bycamera=By Camera vdtab.tablegroup=Group vdtab.tabletag=Tag vdtab.tablevalue=Value vdtab.multfiles=Multiple images/files selected vdtab.seloption=Select appropriate action vdtab.multfilesloaded=Multiple images/files loaded vdtab.selectimage=Select an image to display its metadata ## Edit tab texts (all subtabs) # general label.save=Save button.copyfrom=Copy from selected image button.saveto=Save to selected image(s) button.copydefaults=Copy Defaults button.resetfields=Reset fields button.help=Help chkbox.makebackup=Back up originals # exif tab exif.cameraequip=Camera/Equipment exif.make=Make: exif.model=Model: exif.datetime=Date and Time exif.dtformat=YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss (24Hrs); no syntax checking done; exif dates do not work on videos exif.modifydate=ModifyDate: exif.datetimeoriginal=DateTimeOriginal: exif.createdate=CreateDate: exif.creatags=Creative Tags exif.artist=Artist/Creator: exif.copyright=Copyright: exif.usercomm=User comment: exif.description=Description: # xmp tab xmp.toptext=These are some predefined XMP tags.
*: These fields are used in all Google (image) products
**: These are the "normal" xmp-pdf keywords. You can simply fill in multiple keywords.
\***: These fields are so-called "string+" tags.Multiple Subjects/Persons in those fields need to be separated by a "," (without the double-quotes). The program will separate them in multiple strings upon saving.
--Note--: The string+ (***) fields in this (XMP) tab will always "overwite" the current values. For more overwrite/append/remove options use the "XMP_IPTC_String+" tab
xmp.creator=Creator*: xmp.credline=Credit line*: xmp.rights=Rights*: xmp.description=Description: xmp.label=Label: xmp.title=Title: xmp.keywords=Keywords**: xmp.subject=Subject***: xmp.pim=Person in image***: # gps tab gps.savella=Save Latitude/Longitude/Altitude gps.gps=GPS gps.decimal=Decimal gps.latitude=Latitude gps.longitude=Longitude gps.altitude=Altitude gps.above=Above sea level gps.xmpiptcloc=XMP/IPTC location gps.whereis=(Where is/are the photo(s) taken) gps.location=Location gps.country=Country gps.statprov=State/Province gps.city=City gps.calc=Calculator gps.decdegrees=Decimal degrees # not that much space, use abbreviation gps.degrees=deg gps.minutes=min gps.seconds=sec gps.n=N gps.s=S gps.e=E gps.w=W gps.btnopenmapcoords=Open MapCoordinates.net gps.btnconvert=Convert to decimal degrees gps.btncopytoinp=Copy to input fields #gps.calculatortext = This program wants your latitude and longitude as decimal degrees for input. \ #If you have your data in degrees-min-sec N(S)/E(W), you can use this calculator to convert the data. gps.calcerror=error gps.calcdegerror=degrees must be between 0 and <90 gps.calcminerror=minutes must be between 0 and <60 gps.calcsecerror=seconds must be between 0 and <60 gps.decformat=Decimal format gps.dmsformat=Deg-Min-Sec format gps.searchbtn=Find Location gps.searchbycoordsbtn=Find Location using coordinates from image gps.searchtxt=Find Location: Internal Nominatim search with map screen, with option to "copy coordinates and location" back from map search screen.
Find Location using coordinates from image: Internal Nominatim search with map screen using the coordinates you copied from one of the images using "Copy from selected image", with option to "copy coordinates and location" back from map search screen. gps.extsearch=MapCoordinates.net (deprecated): External Google web-search also providing estimated altitude.
Requires coordinates copying the coordinates manually from the browser back to the GPS tab. gps.inputval=Erroneous input values gps.declatlon=Latitude must be between -90 and 90; Longitude must be between -180 and 180. Or you have empty fields. gps.dmserror=Latitude: 0 to 90 degrees, longitude: 0 to 180 degrees
Minutes and seconds: 0 to 60. Or you have empty fields. gps.alterror=Height must be between -100000 and 100000. gps.minorerror=Use "-m" parameter to allow for longer strings than 32 characters for IPTC. gps.addtomakernotes=Add Location to makernotes gps.nocoordinates=Missing coordinates gps.nocoordinatestxt=No coordinates in either or both Latitude and Longitude fields #geotagging geo.gpslogfile=GPS track-file geo.geosynctime=Geosynced time geo.dtformat=YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss geo.geosyncexpl=A positive geosync time adds that time to your image(s),
before comparing it/them to the track log. geo.geotagexpl=Geotagging adds the GPS coordinates to your images, but not the location.
Using the textfields below you can add that too. geo.btnwritegeoinfo=Write geotag info to image(s) #gpano gpano.toptext=Tags marked with * are mandatory. They have no "Save" checkbox as they need to be populated anyway. gpano.croppedareaimageheightpixels=Cropped area Image Height pixels * gpano.croppedareaimagewidthpixels=Cropped area Image Width pixels * gpano.croppedarealeftpixels=Cropped Area Left pixels * gpano.croppedareatoppixels=Cropped Area Top pixels * gpano.fullpanoheightpixels=Full Pano Height pixels * gpano.fullpanowidthpixels=Full Pano Width pixels * gpano.projectiontype=Projection Type * gpano.usepanoramaviewer=Use panorama viewer * ###gpano.minversiontext = make this a dialog if exiftool < 9.09, and immediately enable/disable text fields gpano.googlemapsfields=The fields below are necessary for Google Maps gpano.disabledfields=The fields necessary for Google Maps below are turned off because your ExifTool version is higher than 9.09. gpano.poseheadingdegrees=Pose Heading Degrees (mandatory) gpano.stitchingsoftware=Stitching Software gpano.initialviewheadingdegrees=Initial View Heading Degrees gpano.initialviewpitchdegrees=Initial View Pitch Degrees gpano.initialviewrolldegrees=Initial View Roll Degrees gpano.initialhorizontalfovdegrees=Initial Horizontal FOV Degrees gpano.mandatoryfilestitle=Not all mandatory fields complete gpano.mandatoryfilestxt=At least one of the mandatory fields is not complete. Please complete the missing mandatory data.

The program can't continue without it. gpano.savecheckboxestitle=Set Save checkboxes gpano.savecheckboxestxt=Do not forget to set the "Save" checkboxes upon saving, when relevant. #lens lens.lensmake=Lens make lens.lensmodel=Lens model lens.serialnumber=Lens serial-number lens.focallength=Focal length lens.focallength35mm=Equivalent 35 mm focal length lens.fnumber=F-number lens.maxaperturevalue=max. aperture value lens.meteringmode=Metering mode lens.focusdistance=Focus distance lens.lensid=Lens ID lens.conversionlens=Conversion lens lens.lenstype=Lens type lens.firmwarevers=Lens firmware version lens.saveloadconfig=The two buttons below lets you set up one or more of your lenses and save it/them for
later use. When saving a lens the "Save" checkboxes are not used. All values in fields will be saved regardless
of having entered data or not. lens.btnconfigsave=Save this lens config lens.btnconfigload=Load a lens config #xmp_iptc_string+ xis.toptext=This tab (currently) combines several XMP and one IPTC String+ tags. String+ tags can contain multiple strings. Multiple Keywords/Subjects/Persons in those fields need to be separated by the "separator". The program will separate them in multiple strings upon writing to the file.
Note: The XMP keywords in this tab are the xmp-acdsee keywords.

You can also choose the write option for the specific string+ when writing them to your files.
Note: When choosing to append, only specify the new value and do not include the keywords/subjects/persons already in your file as they will be appended again. xis.separator=Separator: xis.separatortext=Separator: The standard separator is ",". If your string contains commas, you might want to use another separator. Be careful with special characters like "^" and "$" and with the "|" sign as it is used internally by ExifTool.
xis.keywords=Keywords xis.subject=Subject xis.pim=Person(s) In Image #xis.xmpcheckbox=XMP #xis.iptccheckbox=IPTC xis.onlyxmp=(Only XMP) xis.action=Action xis.overwrite=Overwrite xis.append=Append xis.remove=Remove xis.dontsave=Don\'t save xis.sepcomma=comma (,) xis.sepcolon=colon (:) xis.sepsemicolon=semicolon (;) xis.sephash=hash sign (#) xis.sepother=other: ## Copy data tab copyd.copyallmetadatasame=Copy the values of all writable tags from the source image to the target image(s), writing the info to same-named tags in the preferred groups copyd.copyallsamegroup=Copy the values of all writable tags from the source image to the target image(s), preserving the original tag groups. copyd.copyallmetadatatoxmpformat=Copy all metadata to XMP format copyd.copybyselection=Copy metadata using the selective group options mentioned below. copyd.copyexifcheckbox=Copy Exif data (-exif:all) copyd.copyxmpcheckbox=Copy XMP data (-xmp:all) copyd.copyiptccheckbox=Copy IPTC data (-iptc:all) copyd.copyicc_profilecheckbox=Copy ICC profile (-icc_profile:all) copyd.copygpscheckbox=Copy GPS data (-gps:all) copyd.copyjfifcheckbox=Copy JFIF data (from the JPG JFIF header) copyd.copymakernotescheckbox=Copy makernotes (-makernotes:all) copyd.dlgtitle=You want to copy metadata copyd.dlgyouhaveselected=You have selected:
copyd.dlgisthiscorrect=Is this correct? copyd.alltopreferred=All metadata writing info to same named tags to preferred groups copyd.alltoorggroup=All metadata preserving the original tag groups copyd.fromgrouptogroup=Copy tags from one group to other group where possible copyd.tagstoxmp=To XMP: copyd.tagstoexif=To Exif: copyd.tagstoiptc=To IPTC: copyd.tagstogps=To GPS: copyd.tagstopdf=To PDF: copyd.nooptionsselectedtitle=No copy option selected copyd.nooptionsselectedtxt=You did not select one single option. Cancel would have been the correct option. The program will not do anything. ## Your commands tab yc.toptext=On this tab you can define your own parameters to "send to" ExifTool. The parameters will be executed on the images you have selected on the left.
You can both specify read parameters as well as write parameters. You can also combine several parameters.
Note: Don't provide the ExifTool command itself, as the GUI takes care of that. yc.parameters=Parameters: yc.btnclrparamfield=Clear parameter(s) field yc.btnclroutput=Clear output field yc.btngo=Go yc.btnaddfav=Add favorite yc.btnloadfav=Load favorite yc.radbtnmonospace=Use a non-proportional "monospaced" font yc.radbtnproportional=Use a proportional font yc.labeloutput=The final output will be displayed below: ## Exiftool database tab edb.toptext=This screen gives you the option to query the built-in ExifTool "groups and tags" database. You can query by selecting values from the drop-downs or by issueing a direct SQL query.
Note: This shows what available tags (tagnames) that ExifTool knows. This tab doesn't do anything with your images. edb.wheretaglike=Where tag like: edb.btnsearchlike=Search like edb.ownquery=Your own query: ## User defined metadata combis udc.toptext=This tab gives you the option to use your own defined combination of tags that you wish to write to your images.
Logic: if changed => save; if made empty => save empty tag. udc.sets=Your defined sets: udc.crbutton=Create new combination udc.thisset=This set is using custom config file: #### Preferences screen prefs.generaltab=General prefs.languagetab=Language prefs.lookandfeeltab=Appearance and function prefs.system=System prefs.btnchoose=Choose prefs.exiftoolocation=ExifTool location: prefs.defaultimgstartdir=Default image start-directory: prefs.alwaysuselastfolder=Always use the last opened folder prefs.metdatadisplaylang=Language to use to display metadata tag names/descriptions prefs.rawviewerlocation=RAW viewer location (if installed): prefs.alwaysuserawviewer=Use the RAW viewer also for non-RAW images prefs.macosrawremark=macOS always overrules the "Use the RAW viewer also for non-RAW images" and launches
their own Preview.app next to the RAW viewer. prefs.alwaysaddvals=Values to always add to your images prefs.artist=Creator (xmp-dc:creator, iptc:by-line, exif:artist) prefs.copyright=Copyrights/Rights (xmp-dc:rights, iptc:copyrightnotice, exif:copyright) prefs.credits=Credits (xmp-photoshop:credits, iptc:credit) prefs.checknewversion=Check for new jExifToolGUI version when starting the program prefs.chkboxrawtitle=No RAW viewer selected prefs.chkboxrawtext=You can't set this as your default viewer without setting up a RAW viewer first. prefs.etlocatecanceltitle=Cancelled locating ExifTool prefs.etlocatecanceltext=You cancelled providing the location of ExifTool.
The current preference will be left as is. prefs.etwrongtitle=Wrong executable prefs.etwrongtext=This is not the ExifTool executable/binary.
It can not be used, and jExifToolGUI will exit. prefs.locateprefimgfolder=Locate preferred default image folder… prefs.locaterawviewer=Locate your preferred RAW image viewer… prefs.settingssaved=Settings saved prefs.applanguage=Preferred program language (requires restarting the program) prefs.whichdialog=Preferred file dialog prefs.awtdialog=AWT-file dialog prefs.jfilechooser=JFilechooser (default) prefs.dialogexplained=The JFileChooser is a far more flexible file dialog allowing "on the fly" file filters, like "images", "audio formats", "video formats", etc. but looks a bit simple (and ugly to some).
The AWT file-dialog looks more like a native operating system file-dialog, but less flexible. prefs.showdecdegrees=Show coordinates in decimal degrees (ExifTool defaults to Deg Min Sec) prefs.loglevel=Log level prefs.logleveltext=Log levels range from "Off" to "Error" (lightest) to "Info" (average; default value) to "Trace" (log everything) prefs.logrestart=Requires restarting the program prefs.useg1group=Use G1 group instead of G for viewing prefs.udfilefilter=User defined file filter: prefs.filterexample=example: jpg,cr3,raf,mp4,mie (comma-separated) prefs.presmoddate=Preserve file modification date/time prefs.dualcolumn=Select for dual columns; deselect for single column prefs.sortcatstags=Sort Category/Tags in "View tab" alphabetically prefs.enablestructs=Enable output of structured info prefs.fontpaneltxt=Select your preferred font (requires restart of jExifToolGUI) prefs.btndefaultfont=Default Font # preference checks prefs.etprefincorrecttitle=Erroneous ExifTool preference prefs.etprefincorrecttext=The ExifTool specified in your preferences does not exist.
Did you move/rename/delete it?
The program will now first try to find ExifTool in the PATH. #### Rename photos rph.toptext=If you want to autonumber your images, make sure they are in the right alphabetical or date order. This is not a problem if you use the "Source folder" here,but can be a problem if you use the images from the main screen and if they are in "random" order. rph.sourcefolder=Source folder: rph.btnbrowse=Browse rph.selrenameoptions=Select renaming options: rph.prefix=Prefix: rph.datetime=Date_time rph.date=Date rph.string=String rph.cammodel=Camera model rph.suffix=Suffix: rph.donotuse=Do not use rph.location=location rph.cityname=City name rph.iso=ISO rph.foclength35mm=Equivalent 35 mm focal length rph.orgfilename=Original filename (without extension) rph.duplicatestext=In case your chosen options leads to duplicate names, the tool auto-numbers the images.
Please specify how the tool should do this. rph.noofdigits=No. of digits rph.nooffidgitszero=Do not add counter rph.nooffidgitsone=Start counting from 1st image rph.nooffidgitstwo=Start counting from 2nd image rph.filextension=File extension: rph.fileextleave=Leave as is rph.fileextlower=Make lowercase rph.fileextupper=Make uppercase rph.nameexample=Name: Prefix_suffix.extension rph.locateimgfolder=Locate the image folder… rph.noimgsnopathtitle=No path or selected files rph.noimgsnopathtext=No image folder path selected
No images selected in the main screen rph.selectedoptionstitle=Selected options rph.youselected=You have selected: rph.asprefix=As prefix: rph.assuffix=And as suffix: rph.forcounting=For enumerating: rph.forextension=For the extension: #### dialog export metadata emd.toptext=This option lets you export the metadata from your selected photo(s).
All supported formats give an export file per selected photo, apart from CSV, which gives you one (big) CSV file for all selected photos.

The exported files are saved to the image folder you loaded your images from. emd.exportall=Export all metadata emd.exportexif=Export Exif data emd.extportxmp=Export XMP data emd.exportgps=Export GPS data emd.exportiptc=Export IPTC data emd.exporticc=Export ICC data emd.uselang=Use language from Preferences for metadata-tag descriptions emd.exportto=Export to: emd.txt=TXT emd.tab=tab emd.xml=XML emd.html=HTML emd.xmp=XMP emd.csv=CSV emd.allmetadata=All metadata emd.dlgtitle=You want to export metadata emd.dlgnoexporttitle=No export option selected emd.dlgnoexporttext=Select an option first. emd.exportoption=Export from: emd.catmetadata=by category emd.usercombi=user-defined metadata set emd.askusercombi=You want to export this user-defined metadata set: emd.expfiles=Exported file(s) emd.expfolder=Folder containing exported files #### dialog copy metadata cmd.dlgtitle=Copy all metadata to XMP format cmd.dlgtext=Copy all possible info from Exif and other tags into XMP format?
(This is an internal "same image to same image" copy, for all the selected images.) #### dialog remove metadata rmd.toptext=What metadata do you want to remove from your selected image(s)?
This screen is meant to remove all tags from a certain category from your selected images(s).
By writing "Clean empty fields" from the "Edit data" tabs you can clean that metadata specifically. rmd.removeall=Remove all metadata rmd.removeexif=Remove all Exif data rmd.removexmp=Remove all XMP data rmd.removegps=Remove all GPS data rmd.removeiptc=Remove all IPTC data rmd.removeicc=Remove all ICC data rmd.removegeotag=Remove all Geotagging data rmd.removegexmp=Remove all (only) XMP Geotagging data rmd.youhaveselected=You have selected:
rmd.allmetadata=All metadata rmd.dlgyouwantto=You want to remove metadata rmd.dlgnooptiontitle=No removal option selected rmd.dlgnooptiontext=Select an option first. rmd.remcategory=Remove category rmd.warning=Not all filetypes and not all tags in the several groups are writable. More info here:
rmd.mostused=Most used categories #### Shift date/time sdt.dlgtitle=Shift Date/Time sdt.toptext=Sometimes your camera clock is 1-2 hours behind or ahead because you are "suddenly" in another time-zone, or forgot to adjust for summer/winter time. This allows you to shift a bunch of photos, all with the same time shift. sdt.shiftdatetimeoriginal=Shift exif:DateTimeoriginal sdt.shiftcreatedate=Shift exif:CreateDate sdt.shiftmodifydate=Shift exif:ModifyDate sdt.updatexmp=Update XMP values too sdt.shifttext=Shift date and/or time for selected images sdt.format=YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss sdt.forward=Shift forward sdt.dlgnoshift=No shift value set sdt.dlgshiftzero=You left the shift value at "0000:00:00 00:00:00".
Nothing to do. #### modify date/time mdt.title=Modify Date/Time mdt.toptext=This dialog gives you the option to modify the several date/time tags in the Exif (and XMP) info like in the "Edit data → Exif" tab.It works on the selected images.
The corresponding XMP values can be updated simultaneously. mdt.timeformat=YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss mdt.modifydate=ModifyDate mdt.datetimeoriginal=DateTimeOriginal mdt.createdate=CreateDate mdt.updatexmp=update XMP values too madt.title=Modify all possible dates/times madt.toptext=This dialog gives you the option to set a date/time to all possible dates/times tags for every available tag group in an image or video that exiftool can write to. madt.timeformat=YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss madt.newdate=New Date/Time #### Set file date to DateTimeOriginal sfdt.title=Set file date/time to DateTimeOriginal? sfdt.text=If you have modified your images in a "sloppy" image editor or copied them around or whatever other action(s), the file timestamp of your images might have changed to the date you did the action/modification on the image where as the real file date (timestamp) (= original creation date) of your images is most certainly (much) older.
This function will take the original date/time when the photo was taken from the Exif:DateTimeOriginal and use that (again) as file timestamp.

Continue? #### Repair jpgs dialog rjpg.dialogtitle=Repair corrupted metadata in JPG(s) rjpg.dialogtext=If ExifTool can't write to your photo it might be due to corrupted metadata. ExifTool can fix this but only for the tags that are still readible.
In a JPG the image data is separated from the metadata. If your photo can't be displayed in an image viewer, your image data itself is corrupt. ExifTool can't repair that.

Continue and repair as much metadata as possible? #### Create args files args.toptext=Which metadata from your selected image(s) do you want to add to your args file(s)?
args.all=Add all metadata to args file(s) args.exif=Add Exif data to args file(s) args.xmp=Add XMP data to args file(s) args.gps=Add GPS data to args file(s) args.iptc=Add IPTC data to args file(s) args.icc=Add ICC data to args file(s) args.dlgtext=You have selected the following:
args.nothingselected=No options selected. args.dlgcorrect=Is this correct? #### Export all preview/thumbs ept.dlgtitle=Extract previews/thumbnails ept.dlgtext=This option will export all preview images and thumbnails from the selected images. This can only be done if your image(s) have them.
Continue? ept.exporterror=Could not create previews #### Standard FileIO stfio.loadimages=Load Image(s)… (or select another file filter) stfio.loadfolder=Locate the image folder… stfio.images=(images) stfio.audioformats=(audio files) stfio.videoformats=(video files) stfio.allformats=(all supported files) stfio.userdefinedfilter=(user-defined file filter) #### metadata custom table mduc.title=User-defined metadata combi-sets mduc.columnlabel=Screen label mduc.columntag=Metadata tags mduc.columndefault=Default value mduc.buttonsave=Save mduc.buttonsaveas=Save As… mduc.buttonclose=Close mduc.buttonhelp=Help mduc.insert=Insert Row(s) mduc.delete=Delete Row(s) mduc.inpdlgname=Please enter a name for this metadata custom-set and optionally for a config file mduc.name=Name mduc.current=Currently defined metadata custom-set(s): mduc.overwrite=Overwrite/update the following already existing custom metadata set? mduc.overwriteconfirm=Overwrite/update? mduc.errorupdatetitle=Updating failed mduc.errorupdatetext=Could not update your custom metadata-set mduc.saved=Saved custom metadata set: mduc.savedb=Saved custom metadata set mduc.errorinserttitel=Insertion error mduc.errorinserttext=Could not insert your custom metadata-set mduc.dlgtitle=No custom metadata-set name given mduc.dlgtext=You did not provide a custom metadata-set name. Nothing to save/update. mduc.incompletetitle=Incorrect/incomplete data mduc.incompletetext=Populate the mandatory screen_label and/or tag fields. mduc.curdispcombi=Currently displayed user combination: mduc.lblcustconfig=Custom config (optional): mduc.locconfigfile=Locate custom config file… mduc.locatebutton=Select file mduc.lblconffile=Config file: mduc.explanation=If you want to add custom tags to your images that are not known to ExifTool, you need to provide a custom config file. Select your special config file via the file chooser. This program will then copy it inside your user home folder into the sub-folder "jexftoolgui_data". mduc.deltitle=Delete this metadata set? mduc.deltext=Delete this metadata custom-set? mduc.exptitle=Custom metadata-set exported mduc.exptext=Custom metadata-set exported to mduc.exptextconfig=Custom config file exported to mduc.csvfile=CSV file mduc.loccsvfile=Locate CSV file for import ... #### export Sidecar files esc.xmptitle=export XMP Sidecar file(s) esc.xmptext=This option allows you to export an XMP sidecar with all tags or only XMP tags esc.all=All tags esc.xmp=XMP only esc.exiftitle=Export Exif Sidecar file(s) esc.exiftext=Exif files store Exif info in the same TIFF-based format as the EXIF APP1-segment of a JPEG image, but without the "Exif\0\0" header. esc.mietitle=Export MIE sidecar file(s) esc.mietext=The MIE file format allows storage of native binary meta info, and is the best option for saving metadata from a file in its original format. esc.exvtitle=export EXV Sidecar file(s) esc.exvtext=EXV files are used by Exiv2, and are basically JPG-files without the image data, so they may be used as a metadata file to contain any info supported by the JPG format (EXIF, XMP, IPTC, etc.) esc.fintitle=Sidecar export finished. esc.fintext=The Sidecar export has finished. Your exported Sidecar files are in the same folder as your images. #### user Favorites fav.selecttitle=Select an existing favorite to load it. fav.cursavedfavs=Current saved favorite(s): fav.type=Favorite type fav.name=Name fav.descr=Description fav.selfordel=Select a favorite for deletion fav.inserterrshort=insert error fav.inserterror=Encountered an error adding your favorite: fav.nofavnameshort=no favorite name given fav.nofavname=You did not provide a favorite name. Nothing to save/update. fav.updateerrshort=Updating error fav.updateerror=Could not update your favorite fav.delerrorshort=Deletion error fav.delerror=Could not delete your favorite fav.deletedshort=Favorite deleted fav.deleted=The following favorite is deleted: fav.commandtext=Please enter a name for this ExifTool command. fav.querytext=Please enter a name for this database query. fav.overwrite=Overwrite/update the already existing favorite: fav.overwriteshort=Overwrite/update? fav.savedshort=Favorite saved. fav.saved=The following favorite has been saved: #### user defined lenses addlens.toptxt=Please enter a lens name for this config and optionally a description.
Or select a row from the table to copy it in the text fields to update an existing lens configuration. addlens.overwriteshort=Overwrite/update? addlens.overwrite=Overwrite/update the already existing lens configuration: addlens.inserterrorshort=Insertion error addlens.inserterror=Could not add your lens: addlens.updateerrorshort=Updating error addlens.updateerror=Could not update your lens: addlens.savedshort=Lens saved addlens.saved=The following lens was saved: addlens.nonameshort=No lens name provided addlens.noname=Enter a lens name if you want to save it. sellens.loadlenstxt=Select a row from the table to select and load an existing lens configuration. sellens.deletelenstxt=Select a lens from the table for deletion. sellens.currentlenses=Current defined lens(es): sellens.name=Name sellens.descr=Description selllens.delerror=Could not delete your lens sellens.deletedshort=Lens deleted sellens.deleted=The following lens was deleted: # Export to PDF exppdf.toptext=From this tab you can
export a PDF per image with selected metadata,
or all images with their metadata in one document exppdf.supp=JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF(F) is directly supported. RAW needs a conversion step maybe resulting in a low quality image. MP4 is only supported if it supports previews/thumbnails. exppdf.paper=Paper format: exppdf.a4=A4 exppdf.letter=Letter exppdf.output=Output: exppdf.single=One document per image exppdf.combined=One combined document exppdf.whichdata=Data to be exported: exppdf.name=Filename exppdf.path=File path exppdf.image=Image exppdf.metadata=Metadata belonging to exppdf.pdfscreated=Created PDF documents # Compare images cmpimg.comparetitle=Compare images… cmpimg.exptopdf=Export to PDF cmpimg.exptocsv=Export to CSV cmpimg.csvscreated=Created CSV files cmpimg.rbtnfilepimg=One CSV file per image cmpimg.rbtncombined=One combined CSV for all images # System info dialog sys.title=System and Program Info sys.os=Operating system: sys.osarch=Operating system architecture: sys.osv=Operating system version: sys.uhome=User home directory: sys.jtgv=jExifToolGUI version: sys.ev=ExifTool version: sys.jv=Java version: sys.jhome=Java home: # Mapviewer with Search mpv.title=Find coordinates for your location mpv.hints=Left mouse button: pan, mouse wheel: zoom in/out, right mouse button: add marker and get coordinates mpv.searchlbl=Search Location/Place mpv.tooltip=Eiffel tower OR
Downingstreet 10 OR
Brandenburger Tor OR
Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest 1600 OR
Iguazu Falls mpv.searchbtn=Search mpv.name=Name mpv.location=Location: mpv.lat=Latitude: mpv.lon=Longitude: mpv.locationbtn=Copy only location name to GPS tab mpv.okbtn=Copy all GPS data to GPS tab mpv.nosrchphrs=No seach phrase provided mpv.noresults=No results mpv.tbllat=Latitude mpv.tbllon=Longitude # Search metadata smd.dlgtitle=Search through metadata smd.dlgtext=Search through metadata tags and values in your loaded images. smd.nothingfoundtitle=No data found smd.nothingfoundtxt=No data found using your search string: smd.foundmetadatatitle=Found keys or values smd.foundmetadata=Found keys or values for your metadata search string: smd.imgname=Filename smd.keyorvalue=Key or value smd.foundstring=Found string smd.key=Key smd.value=Value smd.reloadimages=Reload these images # Folder actions (instead of on pictures) fld.explanation=Loading folders with a large amount of pictures via the preview might take a (very) long time. It might be (much) faster to simply specify the folder containing your images here and execute the command directly on your images or movies.
This folder works on the tabs below. fld.folderexplanation=Leave the "Folder containing the images:" empty if you want to use (a selection of) the images in the left images pane. fld.imagefolder=Use all images in this folder fld.inclsubfolders=Include subfolders # ExifTool checks exift.dlgtitle=Locate ExifTool... exift.notinwinpathtitle=Not allowed ExifTool location exift.notinwinpathtext=You have ExifTool in c:\\\\windows. This is not allowed as it would require local admin rights on Win 7/8/10/11 if you are a normal user.\nI will now request for an alternate location. exift.wrongexebin=Wrong executable exift.lookupcancelled=You cancelled locating ExifTool exift.download=Download ExifTool exift.optlocation=Specify ExifTool location exift.optdownload=Download exift.optstop=Stop exift.exifktitle=exiftool(-k).exe provided exift.exifktxt=You provided "exiftool(-k).exe". This one can't be used as it pauses after every screen of output. The program will exit now. Please rename to "exiftool.exe" and then specify again. exift.cancelledetlocatefromstartup=You cancelled providing the location of exiftool.
The program will now exit. exift.wrongetbinaryfromstartup=This is not the exiftool executable/binary.
The program can't use it and will now exit. edb.etrefversion=ExifTool Reference version: