# English (Generic) # jExiftoolGUI v1.9 exifhelptitle=Help for the Exif editing panel xmphelptitle=Help for the XMP editing panel exifandxmphelp=Exif or XMP metadata

A tab wherefrom (a limited amount of) Exif or XMP data (depending on the tab) can be added to your selected image(s).


All these options are followed by a "Save" checkbox behind their input fields. Using it means the option or field is saved, even when empty. Checking "Save" for an empty option or field overwrites its existing data with nothing.

Available buttons:

geotagginghelptitle=Help for the Geotagging editing panel geotagginghelp=Geotagging

Geotagging adds GPS data to your images based on data from a GPS track file.Load a track from your phone, GPS device, navigation device, or anything else that provides a GPS track.
The GPS track file is loaded, and linear interpolation is used to determine the GPS position when the image was taken, then the relevant tags are written to the image (if the corresponding info is available). Your camera must have the date/time of the location you are.

jExifToolGUI also supports the "Geosync" feature of ExifTool. The Geosync tag is only needed when the image timestamps are not properly synced with GPS time.
For example, a value of "+1:20" specifies that 1 minute and 20 seconds is added to the Geotime value before checking with the GPS track file. This is for a camera running 1 minute 20 seconds slower than the GPS clock.
The Geosync time is specified as "SS", "MM:SS", "HH:MM:SS" or "DD HH:MM:SS" (where SS=seconds, MM=minutes, HH=hours and DD=days), and a leading "+" or "-" may be added for positive or negative differences.
Note: Do not use (double) quotes around the geosync time in jExifToolGUI. Simply use something like -25 or +1:20

In jExifToolGUI you have two options:
  1. Use (a selection of) the images you loaded in the left image pane.
  2. Specify a folder containing a set of images to be tagged.

The folder must be empty for the former option, or the latter will be used.

"The "Make backup of Originals" checkbox can make backups when selected. When selected, new images will be created and the originals will get the extension ".original"



jExifToolGUI will then write the EXIF GPS tags as well as the XMP GPS tags.

gpshelptitle=Help for the GPS-Location editing panel gpshelp=GPS and Location

Add GPS data to your images from this tab. To do this, a combination of Exif, XMP and IPTC GPS data as latitude, longitude and altitude are covered in both the Exif and in the XMP metadata structure.

The Location metadata details (Country, Province/State, City, Location) are covered by XMP and IPTC.

Multiple tag categories (Exif, XMP and IPTC) can be changed at once in trying to make your GPS/location data as complete as possible. exiftoolcommandstitle=Help for the ExifTool Commands panel exiftoolcommands=ExifTool commands

Define your own parameters of "Send to…" ExifTool from this tab. Parameters are executed on images selected on the left.
Specify read parameters or write parameters, but not in one command: Write actions take precedence, and you can combine several parameters. Note: You can't supply Exiftool command itself. The GUI takes care of that.
Set the file date to the date the photo was taken with the -FileModifyDate<DateTimeOriginal command.On Windows you need to double-quote this and on Linux and macOS you need to single-quote this, likeOther examples are:
-exif:alldisplays all Exif tags for the selected image(s)
-exif:all=removes(!) all Exif tags from the selected image(s)
-Exif:Artist=My Name -xmp:credit=Name of my wifePuts "My Name" and "Name of my wife" into the selected image(s)
-Xmp:City=Zwolle -Xmp:Country=NetherlandsWrites your city and country into the XMP tags of your image(s)
Read the exiftool Application Documentation which has extensive info and lots of examples.
Also read the Exiftool Command-Line examples, which gives examples as well.
Another source for examples is Jonkeren's useful exiftool commands. copymetadatatitle=Help for the "Copy metadata" panel copymetadatatext=Copy metadata

This function copies all or selected metadata from the source image into the target image(s).

This can be done in several ways:
This is NOT an internal "same image to same image" copy to the XMP tag group; Use "Extra β†’ Copy all metadata to XMP format" in the meny for that.

gpanohelptitle=Help for the "Edit GPano metadata" panel gpanohelp=Gpano

Add GPano Google PhotoSphere data to your selected image(s) from this tab.

The Google PhotoSphere functionality was added in Nov 2012 to allow use of auto-rotating panoramic photos in Google products.More info here: https://developers.google.com/streetview/spherical-metadata

Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. The prefilled "Use panorama viewer" is too. It is here to show you it is not forgotten. renamingtitle=Renaming info renamingtext=Renaming

General date time options are self-explanatory.

String: This can be any string you like, including spaces. UTF-8 is used, but I can' t predict which "strange" characters cause errors on your OS.

Camera model: Extracts the camera model from the Exif data of your image(s).

Location: Extracts the "xmp:location" info from your image(s). NOTE: This will only work if your images contain this info. For example because you added that before(!) in the "Edit data β†’ GPS" tab.

City Name: This will extract the "xmp:city" info from your image(s). NOTE: This will only work if your images contain this info. For example because you added that before(!) in the "Edit data β†’ GPS" tab.

ISO value: Takes the "exif:iso" value from images. As ISO is just a numeric value like 100, the string ISO will be added, making it 100ISO.

Equivalent 35 mm focal length: Adds the corresponding focal length of what you would have had to use on a 35 mm camera.

Original file name: The original name as given by your camera maker for your image.
lenshelptitle=Help for the "Edit lens" data panel lenshelptext=Edit lens

This screen has two purposes:
Both options can be used to add lens data to your image if it is not complete.

Next to that: Still some add-on lenses are not completely recognized by the camera and therefore the info is not added to the image. For these cases you can create lens configs and save and load them for your images taken with that specific lens. exiftooldbtitle=Help for the Exiftool database query panel exiftooldbhelptext=Exiftool database Query screen

ExifTool comes with a huge set of tags for the several families (g0, g1, g2, g3, g4) and groups (like Exif, XMP, IPTC, etc.). All these tags can also be listed from ExifTool itself, but it's harder to grasp which tag(s) belong to which group(s). Also in plural: some tags come back multiple times in makernotes for camera's, or specific camera data. And some are almost identical to each-other.

Why a database?: It's fast! And it can also be used to store "custom settings" like lenses (lens configs) and personal views (ToDo).

(Note: The ExifTool version to build the included database version is not necessarily the same as your installed ExifTool version.)

This screen comes in 3 "action rows":
  1. 1st line: Two comboboxes (dropdowns) you can select to query the tags (do not forget to select the radio button in front of it. (This was first automatic, but then the query becomes really "nervous" as it will trigger on every change.)
    The second is actually a subset of the first (current 320) options but experience from my previous pyExifToolgUI program learns that most users are interested in their own camera.
  2. 2nd line: This is a "wildcard" query. Search for example on "width" and it will find all tagnames with "width" in the name (and there are a lot).
  3. 3rd line: Here you can put your own query like "select taggroup,tagname from Groups,Tags,tagsingroups where tagsingroups.groupid=Groups.id and tagsingroups.tagid=tags.id and Groups.taggroup='EXIF';".
    A database diagram is available for those (expert) users wanting to use this option. abouttitle=About jExifToolGUI for ExifTool by Phil Harvey abouttext=jExifToolGUI

    jExifToolGui is a Java/Swing program that functions as a graphical frontend (GUI) for ExifTool.

    Exiftool is written and maintained by Phil Harvey. Many thanks go to him for this excellent tool, without which, this Graphical frontend for it would never have existed.

    jExifToolGUI is (just) a graphical frontend for ExifTool. It can use a "reference" image to write the tags to a multiple set of photos, like GPS tags for photosthat were taken at the same location but somehow miss or contain the incorrect GPS info.
    jExifToolGUI also contains extensive renaming functionality based on the Exif info in your photos.
    This jExifToolGUI program is free, Open Source software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see www.gnu.org/licenses.

    Author/creator of ExifTool: Phil Harvey.

    Author/creator of jExifToolGUI: Harry van der Wolf. aboutexiftooltitle=About ExifTool by Phil Harvey aboutexiftool=ExifTool

    ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl command-line application and library for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.
    ExifTool is by far the best and most extensive metadata tool available!

    It reads and writes metadata information from/to many files, but primarily focuses on photos/images. It reads/writes Exif, GPS, XMP, maker notes for many cameras, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix and many, many more tags.
    It can use a "reference" image to write the tags to a multiple set of photos or a complete directory containing photos.

    Author/creator/maintainer of ExifTool: Phil Harvey.

    noexiftooltitle=exitool missing noexiftool=I can't find ExifTool in your PATH and it is not specified in the preferences either.
    I can't continue without it.

    You have a few options:
    Use one of the options below. leftcheckboxbartitle=Meaning of the checkboxes leftcheckboxbarhelp=The meaning of the checkboxes

    Disabling both options only displays filenames, with a small preview in the bottom left for the first loaded image. After loading and clicking a filename, it will load the preview image in the bottom left, and the metadata into the right pane. leftcheckboxbartitle=Meaning of the checkboxes leftcheckboxbarhelp=The meaning of the checkboxes

    Disabling both options will only display filenames. After loading and clicking the fiename, it will still load the metadata into the right pane.