addons.gtdsync=GTD Sync addons.gtdsync.Archive=Archive addons.gtdsync.CompletedAction=Complete action addons.gtdsync.ConvertLanguage=Convert GTD mind map to English addons.gtdsync.GTDSync=Synchronise addons.gtdsync.GTDSyncQuickStart=GTD Sync Help: quick start addons.gtdsync.NextAction=Create next action addons.gtdsync.Preferences=Change preferences addons.gtdsync.Project=Create project addons.gtdsync.archive.duplicateBranch=was not archived because the node with the following name and position exists more than once in the archive mind map: addons.gtdsync.archive.duplicateCompletedAction=was not archived because one or more nodes with the same name and position have been archived already: addons.gtdsync.archive.multipleNodesSelected.warning=You have selected multiple nodes. The Archive function only accepts a single selected node. It will now process the node {0} and its descendants, if any. Would you like to continue? addons.gtdsync.archive.multipleNodesSelected.yes=Yes addons.gtdsync.archive.resultMessage.archivedPlural=completed actions are archived. addons.gtdsync.archive.resultMessage.archivedSingular=completed action is archived. addons.gtdsync.archive.resultMessage.notArchivedPlural=completed actions could not be archived.\nThis concerns the following completed actions: addons.gtdsync.archive.resultMessage.notArchivedSingular=completed action could not be archived.\nThis concerns the following completed action: addons.gtdsync.compatibility.compatibility=Compatibility addons.gtdsync.compatibility.compatibilityClose=Close addons.gtdsync.compatibility.compatibilityNo=No addons.gtdsync.compatibility.compatibilityYes=Yes addons.gtdsync.compatibility.convertMindMap=Would you like to convert your GTD mind map translation from {0} to {1}? addons.gtdsync.compatibility.fileTicket=File a support ticket addons.gtdsync.compatibility.invalidAddonVersion=The GTD Sync add-on version {0} seems to be invalid. Download and install GTD Sync and try again. If that doesn't solve the problem, feel free to file a ticket. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.language=en addons.gtdsync.compatibility.languageMismatch=The current GTD Sync translation is {0} while {1} has been used for your GTD mind map. You cannot continue because GTD Sync depends on the proper translation of some keywords in order to process your next actions correctly. You should change the language in the Freeplane settings to {1} and restart Freeplane or convert the GTD mind map to {0}. If these options do not work for you, feel free to file a ticket. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.languageUnknown=an unknown language addons.gtdsync.compatibility.mindMapVersionIncompatible=You have processed your GTD mind map with GTD Sync v{0}.0.0 or higher. The currently installed GTD Sync {1} is not compatible with your GTD mind map. In order to be able to continue, you need to upgrade to GTD Sync v{0}.0.0 or higher. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.neverSaved=This mind map has never been saved. Please save this mind map first and then try again. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.noGTDMindMap=This mind map is not in use as a GTD mind map. Would you like to start using it as a GTD mind map? addons.gtdsync.compatibility.noTranslationAvailable=The translation for {0} (code: {1}) is not available. You cannot continue because GTD Sync depends on the proper translation of some keywords in order to process your next actions correctly. Make sure that you have installed the latest versions of GTD Sync and Freeplane. If that does not solve this problem, feel free to file a ticket. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.nothingToConvert=There is nothing to convert. This GTD mind map is already using the {0} translation. addons.gtdsync.compatibility.upgradeMindMap=You have installed GTD Sync {0}. So far you have been using a GTD Sync version lower than v{1}.0.0. If you continue, your GTD mind map is upgraded to v{1}.0.0 or higher and from then on you only will be able to use your GTD mind map with those versions of GTD Sync. Would you like to continue? addons.gtdsync.datacorrection.delegated=Since this next action is delegated, the value for attribute {0} has been changed from {1} to {2}. addons.gtdsync.datacorrection.invalidDate=Attribute {0} contained invalid date {1}. Enter the correct date in format {2}. addons.gtdsync.datacorrection.noContext=Since this next action is not delegated, the value for attribute {0} has been changed from {2} to {1}. addons.gtdsync.datacorrection.whitespace=The whitespace in value {0} for attribute {1} has been removed. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilterText=Folders addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.cancelButtonText=Cancel addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTipText=Cancel folder selection. This will also abort the synchronisation process. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabelText=Details addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.detailsViewButtonToolTipText=Details addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonText=Open addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTipText=Open selected file folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileAttrHeaderText=Attributes addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileDateHeaderText=Modified addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileNameHeaderText=Name addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileNameLabelText=Archive mind map: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileSizeHeaderText=Size addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.fileTypeHeaderText=Type addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabelText=Files of type: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.folderNameLabelText=Folder for backup files: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.homeFolderToolTipText=Home addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.listViewActionLabelText=List addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.listViewButtonToolTipText=List addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.lookInLabelText=Select in: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.newFolderActionLabelText=New Folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.newFolderErrorText=Error creating new folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistText=Unable to create the folder.\n\nThe system cannot find the path specified. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.newFolderToolTipText=Create New Folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.other.newFolder=NewFolder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=NewFolder.{0} addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.refreshActionLabelText=Refresh addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.renameErrorFileExistsText=Cannot rename {0}: A file or folder with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file or folder name. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.renameErrorText=Cannot rename {0} addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.saveInLabelText=Create in: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.upFolderToolTipText=Up One Level addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.viewMenuButtonToolTipText=View Menu addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.viewMenuLabelText=View addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.win32.newFolder=New Folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=New Folder ({0}) addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonText.create=Create addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonText.selectFolder=Select folder addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonToolTipText.selectArchive=Select an archive mind map addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonToolTipText.selectBackup=Select a location for backup files addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonToolTipText.selectTodoTxt=Select a folder where todo.txt is stored or is going to be stored. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.approveButtonToolTipText.toolTipCreate=Create a new archive mind map addons.gtdsync.filelocation.confirmCreated=created addons.gtdsync.filelocation.confirmPath=\nis {0} for current and future use. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.confirmSelected=selected addons.gtdsync.filelocation.custom.cancelToolTipArchive=Cancel specification of the archive mind map. This will also abort the archiving process. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.custom.folderLabelTodoTxt=Folder for todo.txt: addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.archiveFileMissing=The archive mind map you specified in a previous run is missing. Please specify the new location or name. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.fileSeparatorInName.message=Invalid path - a "{0}" is not allowed in file or folder names. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.fileSeparatorInName.or=or addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.fileToCreateExists=You cannot create a file that already exists. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.insufficientAccessToFolder=You have insufficient read and write access to folder "{0}". addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.insufficientAccessToSelectedFile=You have insufficient read and write access to selected file "{0}". addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.insufficientAccessToStoredFile=You have insufficient read and write access to the archive mind map "{0}" you specified in a previous run. Please change access to the file or select another file. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.invalidCharactersInName=is an invalid path. You should not use the characters <, >, :, ", |, ?, * or any non-printable characters. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.invalidCharactersInStoredName=The stored path for your folder or file name "{0}" is invalid. It contains one of the characters <, >, :, ", |, ?, * or any non-printable characters. In Windows you are not allowed to use those characters in a folder or file name. Please select another folder or file. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.nameEndsWithPeriodOrSpace=You cannot end a file name with a space or period. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.nameIsInvalid=The name "{0}" in path "{1}" is reserved for Windows and an invalid file or folder name. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.nameStartsWithPeriod=You are not allowed to start the name of an archive mind map with a period. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.selectedFileDoesNotExist=You can only select an existing file or folder. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.selectedFileIsNoMindMap=Selected archive "{0}" is not a valid Freeplane mind map. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.selectedFileSameAsSource=You cannot archive your GTD mind map to itself. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.selectedMindMapHasNewerVersion=Selected archive "{0}" was created with later Freeplane version "{1}". It might lead to incorrect results when you open it with your current Freeplane version "{2}". addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.storedFileIsNoMindMap=The archive you specified in a previous run, "{0}", is not a valid Freeplane mind map. Please repair the file or select another one. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.storedFileSameAsSource=The archive mind map you specified in a previous run and your current GTD mind map are the same file. You cannot archive your GTD mind map to itself. Please select another mind map. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.storedMindMapHasNewerVersion=The archive you specified in a previous run, "{0}", was created with later Freeplane version "{1}". It might lead to incorrect results when you open it with your current Freeplane version "{2}". Please upgrade your Freeplane version or select a mind map of version "{2}" or lower. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.exceptions.storedNameIsInvalid=The name "{0}" in the stored path "{1}" is reserved for Windows and an invalid file or folder name. Please select another folder or file. addons.gtdsync.filelocation.fileFilter=Mind maps addons.gtdsync.filelocation.fileLocation=File location addons.gtdsync.filelocation.firstArchiveRun=This is the first time you run the Archive function for this GTD mind map. You need to specify a mind map for archiving. Would you like to create a new mind map or would you like to select an existing mind map? addons.gtdsync.filelocation.noArchiveSpecified=No archive mind map specified. The current archive operation is aborted. addons.gtdsync.mindmap.attribute.done=Done addons.gtdsync.mindmap.attribute.threshold=Threshold addons.gtdsync.mindmap.attribute.when=When addons.gtdsync.mindmap.attribute.where=Where addons.gtdsync.mindmap.attribute.who=Who addons.gtdsync.mindmap.contextValue.anywhere=_anywhere addons.gtdsync.mindmap.contextValue.empty=empty addons.gtdsync.mindmap.contextValue.waitingFor=Waiting-for addons.gtdsync.mindmap.iconSetting.iconDone=Icon: Done addons.gtdsync.mindmap.iconSetting.iconNextAction=Icon: Next action addons.gtdsync.mindmap.iconSetting.iconProject=Icon: Project addons.gtdsync.mindmap.iconSetting.pattern=Icon: Today addons.gtdsync.mindmap.newNode=New addons.gtdsync.preferences.archivePathLabel=Archive mind map location: addons.gtdsync.preferences.noLocationSpecified=No location specified addons.gtdsync.preferences.preferencesClose=Close addons.gtdsync.preferences.update=Update addons.gtdsync.project.attributesQuestion=This node has attributes, possibly because it is a next action. Remove the attributes? addons.gtdsync.project.attributesTitle=Remove attributes addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingAttribute.created=Created addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingAttribute.loggingProject=Project addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingAttribute.priority=Priority addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.dateCreatedMissing=For this next action a date is missing at the beginning of the line. Date {0} has been set to today. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.dateReplace=Value {0} for date {1} is invalid and has been replaced with the current date. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.introductionExport=With the export of next action {0} the following corrections took place: addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.introductionImport=Processing line{1}from file {0} resulted in the following messages: addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.oneDateMissing=For this completed action 1 of the 2 dates at the beginning of the line is missing. Date {0} has been set to the present value {2}, date {1} to today. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingCorrection.twoDatesMissing=For this completed action 2 dates at the beginning of the line are missing. Date {0} and date {1} have been set to today. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingDefaultValue.unknownValue=Unknown addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.exportFault=Node {0} caused an unexpected error in the export process. The export process should proceed as expected for the other nodes. Please submit a defect at

Error message:

addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.invalidLink={0} is not a valid URL and has been removed. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.noHistory=Changes since last sync cannot be determined because the historic record is missing. It is assumed that all attributes have changed. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.noSquareBracket=For attribute {0} the closing bracket {1} cannot be found. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.firstSync=NOT IMPORTED: This todo.txt line contains a node ID, like it has been exported from the GTD mind map during a previous synchronisation. However, this is not possible since this is the first synchronisation. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.nodeChanged=NOT IMPORTED: The corresponding next action in the mind map has also been changed since last synchronisation. Based on the overview below you can change the next action in the mind map manually. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.nodeMissing=NOT IMPORTED: This existing next action could not be found in the GTD mind map and because of that it was not possible to apply the following changes: addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.notUpdatable=NOT IMPORTED: It is not possible to update the mind map for the following changes: addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.notUpdatableCreated=Cause: the date created does not change. Possibly you have changed the date by accident or you have added an invalid priority code or any other information in front of it. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.projectAbsent=Cause: this next action has no project in the GTD mind map, so there is nothing to update. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.projectAddedRemoved=Cause: GTD Sync cannot remove or add a project automatically. You can add or remove the project in your GTD mind map manually. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.notImported.projectOtherName=Cause: the name of this project has been changed to another name, {0}, by another next action in the todo.txt file or by a recent update in the GTD mind map. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingException.unsupportedLink=This next action contains the link {0}. GTD Sync does not support and export this type of link. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingInfo.imported=IMPORTED: addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingInfo.projectUpdated=The name of project {0} has been changed to {1}. The name of the project is changed for all next actions under this project. addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingLabel.labelNo=No addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingLabel.labelYes=Yes addons.gtdsync.sync.loggingLabel.old=Old addons.gtdsync.sync.resultMessage.export.exportNextActions=

{0} next actions were exported to todo.txt addons.gtdsync.sync.resultMessage.export.nextActionsList=, with: